Externe Publikationen

“Building Back Better” through social protection

Alkesandrova, Mariya / Daniele Malerba / Christoph Strupat
Externe Publikationen (2021)

in: Bündnis Entwicklung hilft, Bochum: Ruhr University Bochum – Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict, 33-37

ISBN: 978-3-946785-12-5
Volltext/Full text

Social protection plays a critical role in responding to the immediate effects of the Covid-19 pandemic and in supporting socio-economic recovery efforts. In parallel, current calls for Building Back Better have emphasized that the climate  crisis  needs  to  be  considered  in  Covid-19  recovery  plans  through enhanced climate change adaptation and mitigation action. In recent years, social  protection  has  gained  importance  in  addressing  climate  change risks  and  facilitating  a  just  transition  to a  green economy.  Therefore,  the momentum for Building Back Better during and after the pandemic offers a unique opportunity to integrate social protection into green and resilient recovery strategies which should not be wasted. Against this background, this article describes the role of social protection in buffering economic and social impacts of the pandemic and emphasizes the importance of linking social protection systems with climate action to address the global climate crisis.

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