Externe Publikationen

Africa-EU Relations: strengthening the continent-to-continent dialogue on sustainable development

Keijzer, Niels / Kathleen van Hove / Freda Yawson
Externe Publikationen (2021)

Brussels: European Think Tanks Group (October 2021)

In the period 2020-2021, a series of virtual expert meetings on Africa-EU relations was convened by the European Centre for Development (ECDPM), the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) and the African Center for Economic Transformation (ACET). The seminars brought together a broad range of experts representing policy, investment, research and civil society communities. The ‘closed-door’ meetings focused on key themes of the partnership between Europe and Africa, namely trade, investment, environment, health and digital.This synthesis note presents one-page overviews of the main findings and recommendations in relation to the five themes, which are discussed in greater detail in the policy briefs that have been published during the past months. A link to the full policy brief is included at the end of each one-pager. These thematic overviews are preceded by a short analysis of the relationship between Africa and Europe and five proposals for strengthening the continent-to-continent dialogue on sustainable development.

Weitere IDOS-Expert*innen zu diesem Thema

Baydag, Melis


Bergmann, Julian


Dang, Vy


Erforth, Benedikt


Furness, Mark


Grimm, Sven


Hackenesch, Christine


Koch, Svea


Löpelt, Sarah

Internationale Beziehungen und Nachhaltigkeitspolitik 

von Haaren, Paula



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