Lundsgaarde, Erik
Dr. Erik Lundsgaarde
Ehemaliger Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Die Informationen entsprechen dem Stand zum Zeitpunkt der Beschäftigung
2008-2014 | Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter |
2007 | Universität von Washington (Seattle) Dr. Phil in Politikwissenschaft |
2003 | Universität von Washington (Seattle) M.A. in Politikwissenschaft |
2001 | Universität Straßburg Interdisziplinäres Diplom in Europäischen Studien |
2000 | Universität Kansas B.A in Politikwissenschaft und Internationalen Studien |
Referierte Publikationen
- Lundsgaarde, Erik / Niels Keijzer (2018)
Development cooperation in a multilevel and multistakeholder setting: from planning towards enabling coordinated action?
in: European Journal of Development Research 31, 215-234 - Keijzer, Niels / Erik Lundsgaarde (2017)
When ‘unintended effects’ reveal hidden intentions: implications of ‘mutual benefit’ discourses for evaluating development cooperation
published on Evaluation and Program Planning 17 September 2017 - Lundsgaarde, Erik (2013)
The domestic politics of foreign aid
Abingdon: Routledge - Lundsgaarde, Erik (2012)
The future of Africa-EU strategy
in: Jack Mangala (ed.), Africa and the European Union: a strategic partnership, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 225-240 - Lundsgaarde, Erik (2012)
The future of European development aid
in: Futures 44 (7), 704-710 - Lundsgaarde, Erik (2011)
Africa toward 2030: scenarios for the future
in: Erik Lundsgaarde (ed.), Africa toward 2030: challenges for development policy, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 256-75 - Lundsgaarde, Erik (2011)
Implications for European development policy
in: Erik Lundsgaarde (ed.), Africa toward 2030: challenges for development policy, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 276-94 - Lundsgaarde, Erik / Marthe Roch (2011)
Mapping development trends in Africa
in: Erik Lundsgaarde (ed.), Africa toward 2030: challenges for development policy, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 36-62 - Lundsgaarde, Erik (2011)
Studying development futures
in: Erik Lundsgaarde (ed.), Africa toward 2030: challenges for development policy, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 19-35 - Lundsgaarde, Erik (2011)
The global development agenda: 2010 and beyond
in: Erik Lundsgaarde (ed.), Africa toward 2030: challenges for development policy, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 1-18 - Lundsgaarde, Erik / Christian Breunig /Aseem Prakash (2010)
Instrumental philanthropy: trade and the allocation of foreign aid
in: Canadian Journal of Political Science 43 (3), 733-761 - Lundsgaarde, Erik / Christian Breunig / Aseem Prakash (2007)
Trade versus aid: donor generosity in an era of globalization
in: Policy Sciences 40 (2), 157-179 - Gill, Anthony / Erik Lundsgaarde (2004)
State welfare spending and religiosity: a cross-national analysis
in: Rationality and Society 16 (4), 399-436
Nicht-referierte Publikationen
- Lundsgaarde, Erik (2023)
The future of EU blended finance and guarantees: an assessment of cooperation strategies with least developed countries in Africa
(Discussion Paper 2/2023) - Lundsgaarde, Erik (2021)
The EU-UNDP partnership and added value in EU development cooperation
(Discussion Paper 20/2021) - Weinlich, Silke / Max-Otto Baumann / Erik Lundsgaarde (2020)
Deutschlands Finanzierung des UN-Entwicklungssystems: Eine bessere Mischung für einen stärkeren Multilateralismus
(Analysen und Stellungnahmen 14/2020) - Weinlich, Silke / Max-Otto Baumann / Erik Lundsgaarde (2020)
Germany’s funding to the UNDS: towards a better mix for stronger multilateralism
(Briefing Paper 17/2020) - Baumann, Max-Otto / Erik Lundsgaarde / Silke Weinlich (2020)
Earmarked funding for multilateral development cooperation: asset and impediment
(Briefing Paper 16/2020) - Weinlich, Silke / Max-Otto Baumann / Erik Lundsgaarde / Peter Wolff (2020)
Earmarking in the multilateral development system: many shades of grey
(Studies 101) - Baumann, Max-Otto / Erik Lundsgaarde / Silke Weinlich (2019)
Shades of grey: earmarking in the UN development system
in: UN Multipartner Trust Fund Office, Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation (ed.), Financing the UN development system: time for hard choices, Upsala: Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation, 106-109 - Castillejo, Clare / Niels Keijzer / Oscar Chmiel / Mariella Di Ciommo / Juha Jokela / Erik Lundsgaarde / Iliana Olivié / Aitor Perez / Sanne Thijssen / Julie Vaille / Zsuzsanna Vegh / Bernardo Venturi (2018)
Financing EU external action: understanding member state priorities
Brussels: European Think Tanks Group (ETTG), December 2018 - Lundsgaarde, Erik (2017)
The European Fund for Sustainable Development: changing the game?
(Discussion Paper 29/2017) - Keijzer, Niels / Erik Lundsgaarde (2016)
Sustaining the development effectiveness agenda: the global partnership for effective development cooperation
Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS Policy Brief Juliy 2016) - Lundsgaarde, Erik (2014)
Bureaucratic pluralism in global development: challenges for Germany and the United States
(Discussion Paper 16/2014) - Lundsgaarde, Erik (2013)
Komplementarität in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit: wie lassen sich private Stiftungen einbinden?
(Analysen und Stellungnahmen 6/2013) - Lundsgaarde, Erik (2013)
Wohltäter mit Vermögen
in: Welt-Sichten 3/2013, 28-31 - Lundsgaarde, Erik (ed.) (2011)
Africa toward 2030: challenges for development policy
London: Palgrave MacMillan - Lundsgaarde, Erik (2011)
New' actors and global development cooperation
EDC 2020, Policy Brief 19 - Lundsgaarde, Erik (2011)
Global philanthropists and European development cooperation
EDC2020, Policy Brief 8 - Lundsgaarde, Erik (2011)
The challenge from within: new EU donors and European development cooperation
EDC2020, Policy Brief 10 - Lundsgaarde, Erik (2011)
Afrikanische Entwicklungen: traditionelle bilaterale Geber am Scheideweg
(Analysen und Stellungnahmen 2/2011) - Lundsgaarde, Erik (2010)
African Developments: traditional bilateral donors at a crossroads
(Briefing Paper 14/2010) - Lundsgaarde, Erik (2010)
Emerging non-state actors in global development: challenges for Europe
Working Paper EDC 2020 7/2010 - Grimm, Sven / Erik Lundsgaarde (2009)
Det europæiske udviklingssamarbejdes fremtid: frem mod globale løsninger eller tilbage til en nicherolle i 2020?
in: Den Ny Verden: tidsskrift for internationale studier 3/2008, 99-108 - Grimm, Sven / Erik Lundsgaarde (2009)
The future of European Development Cooperation: seeking global solutions or retracing a niche by 2020?
DIIS Working Paper 20/2009 - Lundsgaarde, Erik (2008)
Building long-term scenarios for development: the methodological state of the art with an application to foreign direct investment in Africa
(Studies 40) - Kubny, Julia / Erik Lundsgaarde / Raja Fügner Patel (2008)
Financing for development series: Foreign direct investment - a means to foster sustainable development?
(Briefing Paper 12/2008) - Kubny, Julia / Erik Lundsgaarde / Raja Fügner Patel (2008)
Serie Entwicklungsfinanzierung: Wundermittel FDI? Der Entwicklungsbeitrag ausländischer Direktinvestitionen
(Analysen und Stellungnahmen 12/2008) - Lundsgaarde, Erik (2008)
Book review: 'William R. Easterly: Reinventing foreign aid'
in: European Journal of Development Research 20 (4), 737-739
- Keijzer, Niels / Erik Lundsgaarde (2014)
Das hochrangige Treffen für wirksame Entwicklungskooperation in Mexiko – Ouvertüre oder Abgesang?
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) (Die aktuelle Kolumne, 14.04.2014) - Lundsgaarde, Erik / Svea Koch / Julia Leininger (2014)
Africa-EU Summit: Stronger Political Orientation and Sharper Focus Needed
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) (The Current Column, 31 March 2014) - Lundsgaarde, Erik / Svea Koch / Julia Leininger (2014)
Die EU-Afrika-Partnerschaft: überdiversifiziert und unpolitisch?
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) (Die aktuelle Kolumne, 31.03.2014)
Im Fokus

The Domestic Politics of Foreign Aid
Erik Lundsgaarde
London: Routledge, 2012, 256 pages
Series: Routledge Explorations in Development Studies
Im Fokus

Private foundations and development cooperation: insights from Tanzania
Lundsgaarde, Erik / Evelyn Funk / Anja Kopyra / Jennifer Richter / Hannah Steinfeldt (2012)
Studies 69
Im Fokus

Bureaucratic pluralism in global development: challenges for Germany and the United States
Lundsgaarde, Erik
Discussion Paper 16/2014
Im Fokus

Complementarity in development: bringing private foundations on board
Lundsgaarde, Erik
Briefing Paper 10/2013
In den Medien
Milliarden für Afrika - Fluch oder Segen?
Ö 1 Mittagsjournal
In den Medien
Blickpunkt - Großer Afrika-Gipfel in Washington: Stechen die USA China aus?
In den Medien
Die EU-Afrika-Partnerschaft: überdiversifiziert und unpolitisch?