Sudermann, Yannick

Dr. Yannick Sudermann
Former Associate Researcher
Human Geography and Political Science
Work areas
- Urban Inequalities
- Urban Governance
- G7 Accountability Process
Regional expertise
- The Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
5/2022-3/2023 | German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) (until 6/2022 German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)) Senior Researcher, Research programme “Transformation of Economic and Social Systems” |
8/2021-12/2021 | German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) Senior Researcher, Research programme “Transformation of Economic and Social Systems” |
10/2017 – 06/2019 | Eberhard-Karls-University of Tübingen, Tübingen School of Education Postdoc Researcher |
09/2016 - 10/2017 | Eberhard-Karls-University of Tübingen, Office for Refugee Coordination Lecturer |
10/2009 - 11/2014 | The University of Edinburgh (Scotland), School of Geosciences PhD in Human Geography, „Gentrification and urban heritage under authoritarian rule: the case of pre-war Damascus, Syria“ |
09/2007 - 06/2008 | Bayerische Staatsforsten (Baysf), Pegnitz Project assistant |
10/2002 - 07/2007 | Friedrich-Alexander-University, Erlangen-Nuremberg Magister Artium (MA) in Geography and Political Science |
03/2005 - 04/2005 | Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Islamabad (Pakistan) Intern |
04/2004 - 10/2004 | University of Damascus (Syria) Semester abroad |
10/2000 - 09/2002 | University of Passau Magister Artium (MA) in Geography, Political Science and French |
08/2001 - 09/2001 | Bündnis90/ Die Grünen, Federal Office, Berlin Intern |
Refereed Publications
- Sudermann, Yannick / Tina Zintl (2024)
Towards an exclusionary social contract: Narratives of a revanchist city in (post)war Syria
in: Mediterranean Politics, first published 18.07.2024 - Sudermann, Yannick (2015)
Preserving the Old City of Damascus, by Faedah M. Totah (book review)
in: Urban Geography 36 (4), 624-625
Non-refereed Publications
- Berger, Axel / Sören Hilbrich / Gabriele Köhler / Yannik Sudermann (2023)
The implementation of the G7 and G20 gender equality goals in Germany. Update 2023
Berlin: Deutscher Frauenrat - Gronen, Maria Elisabeth / Yannick Sudermann (2023)
Towards a seat at the table: how an initiative of cities got their voices heard during Germany’s 2022 G7 presidency
(Discussion Paper 4/2023) - Emmerich, Marcus / Yannick Sudermann / Lena Brinkmann (2020)
Flucht/Migration und Local School Governance: eine vergleichende Fallstudie in Baden-Württembergischen
in: Nina Beck / Thorsten Bohl / Sibylle Meissner (Hrsg.), Forschungs- und Entwicklungsfelder der Lehrerbildung auf dem Prüfstand, Tübingen: Tübingen University Press, 117-133 - Sudermann, Yannick (2015)
When authoritarianism embraces gentrification – the case of Old Damascus, Syria
in: Loretta Lees / Hyun Bang Shin / Ernesto López-Morales, Global gentrifications: uneven development and displacement, Bristol: Policy Press - Sudermann, Yannick (2012)
Contested Heritage? Gentrification and Authoritarian Resilience in Damascus
in: Balsam Ahmad, Yannick Sudermann (eds.), Syria’s contrasting neighbourhoods: gentrification and informal settlements juxtaposed, Boulder: Lyne Rienner Publishers, 31-62
Opinion Pieces
- Zintl,Tina / Yannick Sudermann (2021)
Reconstruction in Assad’s Syria despite an exclusive social contract?
German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), The Current Column of 15 March 2021
Towards an exclusionary social contract: Narratives of a revanchist city in (post)war Syria
Sudermann, Yannick / Tina Zintl (2024)
in: Mediterranean Politics, first published 18.07.2024
Die Gleichstellungsziele von G7 und G20: Umsetzung in Deutschland bis 2023
Sudermann, Yannick (2024)
Policy Brief, February 2024, Deutscher Frauenrat e.V.
Towards a seat at the table: how an initiative of cities got their voices heard during Germany’s 2022 G7 presidency
Gronen, Maria Elisabeth / Yannick Sudermann (2023)
Discussion Paper 4/2023