Sewage systems and energy: focus on urban India

Never, Babette
Two Pager (2/2016)

Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwickluingspolitik (DIE)

Investment in energy efficiency and electricity production can also prove worthwhile with sewage treatment plants in developing countries. Resource and cost efficiency vary depending on the plant. India’s sewage system is largely still stuck in a lock-in situation.

About the author

Never, Babette

Political Scientist


Further experts

Aleksandrova, Mariya

Climate risk governance 

Banerjee, Aparajita

Environmental and Resource Sociology, Public Policy 

Dombrowsky, Ines


Hein, Jonas


Houdret, Annabelle

Political Scientist 

Lehmann, Ina

Political Science 

Pegels, Anna


Schoderer, Mirja

Environmental Research 

Schüpf, Dennis
