Policy Dialogue

Policy Dialogue

Policy dialogue within the MGG Network takes place in the form of focused consultations regarding strategic and political processes internationally. Partners meet in Germany or the MGG partner countries to discuss topics such as the international aid structure, sustainable transformation and the role of the G20 in global governance.

T20 is a broad-based network of think-tanks which provides evidence-based policy advice to the G20. As co-host under the German presidency in 2017, DIE was instrumental in raising the T20 to a new level. An outstanding achievement of DIE’s leadership in the T20 has been the unprecedented degree of inclusivity which has come about through broad participation of MGG partners from Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico and South Africa. Moreover they have been actively engaged in the processes. For example: MGG-partners participated in the task force on trade and investment and co-authored policy briefs addressed to Sherpas. The efforts were greatly rewarded. At the Hamburg Summit, leaders adopted a far-reaching statement on VSS: “In order to achieve sustainable and inclusive supply chains, we commit to fostering the implementation of labour, social and environmental standards and human rights” (G20 Leaders’ Declaration).

MGG’s strong presence in the T20 process also broke new ground in terms of outreach to Africa. Following an MGG-T20 conference in Johannesburg, South Africa, in early 2017, the T20 Africa Standing Group was constituted at the T20 Berlin Summit, in May 2017. The knowledge alliance of MGG and African partners will provide the ground for a new partnership between the G20 and the continent. This new partnership is crucial to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and create new opportunities for research on global cooperation.


HLPF Side Event
Capacity-Building for the 2030 Agenda: The Role of Civil Servants in a Multi-Stakeholder Environment
New York, 11 July 2018 until 13 July 2018

Annual Meeting
<link veranstaltungen t20-africa-standing-group> T20 Africa Standing Group
Addis Abeba, 14-15 April 2018

Think 20 Summit
Global Solutions
Berlin, 29-31 May 2017

T20 Afrika-Konferenz
Africa and the G20: Building alliances for sustainable development

Johannesburg, 1-3 February 2017

<link veranstaltungen t20-kick-off> T20 Kick-Off
Berlin, 1-2 December 2016

Implementation of the 2030 Agenda and pathways to sustainable development: The contribution of international cooperation Consequences for China’s and Germany’s G20 presidencies
Berlin, 12 - 13 May2016

Think 20-Prozess im Rahmen der deutschen G20-Präsidentschaft
Berlin, 30 March 2016


Belt and Road Initiative: Emergence of a parallel international order?
Fues, Thomas (2017)
Report on the Forum “The Belt and Road Initiative: Risks and Responses” on 6 – 7 April 2017 in Bejing


Tatjana Reiber
Head of the MGG Academy
E-mail  Tatjana.Reiber@idos-research.de
Phone +49 (0)228 94927-235


#MGGNetwork Tweets


Find out more about the MGG Academy and the MGG Network here