Managing Global Governance
Just a few years ago, the prospects for effective global governance looked promising to the international community. In a diplomatic breakthrough, governments worldwide joined hands in adopting the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on climate change. That was in 2015. Today, growing nationalism and populist discontent in many countries have eroded confidence in multilateral problem-solving. As a consequence, transnational cooperation faces unprecedented challenges.
Since its inception more than 10 years ago, the MGG programme has sought to enhance mutual understanding and dialogue between Southern powers on the one hand and Germany and Europe on the other. To achieve this, it builds on its own training platform, the MGG Academy that trains young leaders from the partner countries. These alumni and the respective partner institutions form and shape the MGG Network.
The overarching objective of MGG is to contribute to transformative change at the global and domestic level by training, knowledge cooperation and dialogue. Currently, the programme is aimed towards six partner countries: Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico and South Africa.
MGG Academy
The MGG Academy is based on the premise that young leaders not only need contextual knowledge about their field of expertise, but also profound knowledge about the analysis of complex global interdependencies as well as personal and social skills. In the Academy, we provide the future change makers with these and other skills.
Policy Dialogue
Policy dialogue within the MGG Network takes place in the form of focused consultations regarding strategic and political processes internationally. Partners meet in Germany or the MGG partner countries to discuss topics such as the international aid structure, sustainable transformation and the role of the G20 in global governance.
Partner and Alumni Network
The MGG Programme has created a strong partner network and a growing alumni network after ten years of running the programme.
MGG Secretariat
The MGG Programme is financed by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) that has given the mandate to the IDOS to run the programme. The Training Department (as part of IDOS' research programme "Inter- and transnational cooperation with the Global South") is responsible for the implementation of the Programme. Learn more about the team here.
MGG in a nutshell
Managing Global Governance (MGG) provides an innovative platform for training, knowledge cooperation and policy dialogue of government and non-governmental actors from significant rising powers and Germany / Europe.
Tatjana Reiber
Head of the MGG Academy
E-mail Tatjana.Reiber@idos-research.de
Phone +49 (0)228 94927-235
Find out more about the MGG Academy and the MGG Network here