The Current Column

Can the EU help developing countries fight inequality?

Furness, Mark / Mario Negre
The Current Column (2012)

Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) (The Current Column of 8 October 2012 )

Bonn, 8 October 2012. ‘Sustainable’ and ‘inclusive’ are adjectives that have for quite some time now been used in conjunction with growth. Current approaches to inclusive and sustainable growth focus heavily on the sustainability aspect, both in terms of economic growth and environmental sustainability through greening the economy. Inclusive growth is now commonly used to refer to a development strategy that goes beyond increasing GDP - which by itself may not be sustainable – and that also considers its process and outcomes.

Evidence suggests that growth is unlikely to be either sustainable or inclusive unless the tendency to rising inequality can be arrested and reversed. The distribution of global income is extremely unequal. In 2011, the richest 20% of the world's population controlled 80% of the world's income, compared to just 2% for the poorest 20%. Studies by the <link http: external pubs ft sdn sdn1108.pdf _blank>IMF, the <link http: wbsite external topics extpoverty extpgi _blank>World Bank and <link http: socialpolicy files global_inequality_revised_-_5_july.pdf _blank>UNICEF have all found that longer growth spells are robustly associated with more equality in income distribution. The 2011 UNDP <link http: en reports global hdr2011 _blank>Human Development Report found that achieving sustainable development globally will require bolder action on internal inequalities and environmental risks. As shown both historically (by the East Asian ‘miracle’) and empirically (by the <link http: p wbk wbrwps _blank>World Bank’s Development Research Group), growth and equity are positively linked: economic growth is greater and growth cycles last longer when accompanied by a simultaneous reduction in inequality.

Development policy has come to embrace approaches that are called 'pro-poor' or 'inclusive'. At the policy level, this has meant adopting programmes that aim to foster broad-based growth, especially through the private sector. This avoids the trickle-down assumptions underpinning policies focusing on growth alone — many of which have failed to alleviate poverty or improve general wellbeing. In Latin America, programmes like <link http: global-development poverty-matters nov brazil-cash-transfer-scheme _blank>Bolsa Famila in Brazil have led to large reductions in income inequality. The <link http: sites default files pub adb-wp14-inclusive-growth-criteria.pdf _blank>Asian Development Bank has started to develop indicators for measuring inclusive growth which include several dimensions of socio-economic inequality, including gender equity. The International Labour Organisation recently adopted a <link http: global about-the-ilo newsroom news wcms_183286 lang--en index.htm _blank>recommendation from an advisory group headed by former Chilean President Michelle Bachalet on social protection floors including healthcare and basic income security for children, working people and retired people.

Within this general consensus there remain, however, deep disagreements, over what the scope of public policies and private investment should be to target distributional issues. These disagreements are particularly pertinent in the EU. When it comes to internal EU affairs, the European Commission is committed to social cohesion — which means, among other things, reducing economic inequality. However, that same commitment has not materialised to any great extent beyond Europe, in EU international development cooperation.

The question of how to deal with inequality is starting to inform debates about the future of EU development policy. The October 2011 <link http: fileadmin redaktion documents post-busan_03_2012 _blank>Agenda for Change stresses inclusiveness and sustainability and emphasises the importance of the private sector. However it mentions ‘inequality’ only once, and this is in reference to equality of opportunity, not of income. On 20 August 2012 the Commission started filling in this gap with the release of a <link http: europeaid what social-protection documents com_2012_446_en.pdf _blank>Communication on social protection in EU development cooperation. This document makes some welcome suggestions for advancing social protection in middle income countries (MICs) and in poor countries, including placing social protection at the heart of dialogue with developing country governments and supporting domestic initiatives to reform tax systems. Its publication indicates that at least some EU development policymakers are interested in mainstreaming the inequality issue, an impression also conveyed by the focus of the upcoming <link http: _blank>European Development Days.

Momentum appears to be building, but the question still remains as to whether the EU can turn some of these expressions of intent into concrete action. There are at least three reasons to doubt this:
First, although the Commission earmarks around 20% of its development aid for social cohesion programmes, most is actually spent on activities to promote economic growth and tackle governance issues like police and judicial reform. These are undoubtedly helpful, but do not address inequality directly. One specific social cohesion programme, the <link http: europeaid where latin-america regional-cooperation eurosocial index_en.htm _blank>EUROsociAL programme for Latin America, is very promising, but it is small and marginalised. There are much bigger steps that the EU could take to prove that it is serious about inequality and inclusive development, such as cracking down on tax havens which enable some developing country elites to siphon off wealth that could be invested in social protection and domestic enterprises creating decent, sustainable jobs.

Second, The EU is seriously thinking of disengaging from country-level development cooperation with MICs. Poverty remains a massive problem for many MICs, and even though they have increasing national wealth there are major obstacles to ensuring that most of the people benefit. Addressing inequality could become a central topic for political dialogue and technical cooperation with those MICs that are interested. The EU has lots to offer on both dimensions from its own social and regional cohesion experiences. However dialogue and cooperation need to take place at the national level, not only through regional and thematic programmes as currently proposed.

Third, the EU must set an example. Developing country elites will not take EU policy prescriptions targeting inequality seriously while <link http: berlin _blank>inequality is rising in Europe. As Europe wrestles with self-doubt about its future and its place in the world, this is a good time to reflect on what the European project has been about: providing for the long-term peace, prosperity and well-being of the citizens of its member states. Social cohesion, achieved by ensuring that as many people as possible have a decent standard of living, is a core element of this strategy. It should not be forgotten that although the EU’s social model varies from country to country, it contains core features – such as low inequality – that make it one of Europe’s greatest success stories.

The European Think-Tanks Group will debate Europe's approaches to inequality in developing countries at the high-level Panel “<link http: _blank>Confronting Inequality“ at the European Development Days (EDD) on 17 October 2012.

The European Think-Tanks Group was founded by the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), the European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM), and the Fundación para las Relaciones Internacionales y el Diálogo Exterior (FRIDE). 

Further IDOS experts

Balasubramanian, Pooja

Social Economics 

Baydag, Melis

Political Science 

Bergmann, Julian

Political Science 

Brüntrup, Michael

Agricultural Economy 

Burchi, Francesco

Development Economy 

Dang, Vy

Political Science 

Dick, Eva

Sociologist and Spatial Planner 

Erforth, Benedikt

Political Science 

Faus Onbargi, Alexia

Energy and climate policy 

Friesen, Ina

Political Science 

Grimm, Sven

Political Science 

Hackenesch, Christine

Political Science 

Keijzer, Niels

Social Science 

Koch, Svea

Social Science 

Loewe, Markus


Löpelt, Sarah

International relations and Sustainability policy 

Mchowa, Chifundo

Development Economics 

Mudimu, George Tonderai

Agricultural policy economics 

von Haaren, Paula

Development Economics