Weinlich, Silke

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Photo: Dr. Silke Weinlich is a Political Scientist, Senior Researcher and Project Lead in the Research programme "Inter- and Transnational Cooperation".

Dr. Silke Weinlich

Inter- and Transnational Cooperation

Project Lead & Senior Researcher

Political Science

Work areas

  • Development cooperation beyond aid
  • United Nations
  • Multilateral Negotiations
  • Global Governance / international Organisations


since 1/2018 German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)
(until 6/2022 German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE))
Senior Researcher, Research Department "Inter- and transnational cooperation"
11/2014-12/2017 German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)
Senior Researcher
3/2012 - 10/2014 Universität Duisburg-Essen, Käte Hamburger Kolleg / Centre for Global Cooperation Research
Head of the Research Unit „The (Im)possibility of cooperation“
4/2009 - 2/2012
German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)
2011 University of Bremen
Dr. rer. pol. (Political Sciences)
Dissertation: Der Einfluss des UN -Sekretariats auf die Weiterentwicklung des Peacekeepings
1/2007-3/2009 Institut für Interkulturelle und Internationale Studien (InIIS), Universität Bremen
2006 - 2008 Spokesperson of the Young Researchers Group of the Section International Relations, German Political Science Association (DVPW), together with Klaus Dingwerth
5/2003 - 12/2006 Universität Bremen, Sonderforschungsbereich 597 „Staatlichkeit im Wandel“
10/1999 - 11/2002 Freie Universität Berlin
Studies of political science
10/1998 - 9/1999 Université Laval, Quebec, Canada
Studies of internationale relations, political science, anthropology
4/1996 - 9/1998 Philipps-Universität Marburg
Studies of political science, law & English

Member of

  • Member of the Research Council of the German UN Association (DGVN)
  • Member of the German Political Science Association (DVPW)
  • Member of the International Studies Association (ISA)

Refereed Publications

Non-refereed Publications

Opinion Pieces



E-mail  Silke.Weinlich@idos-research.de
Phone + 49 (0)228 94927-159
Fax +49 (0)228 94927-130




China's expanding engagement with the United Nations development pillar: the selective long-term approach of a programme country superpower
Baumann, Max-Otto / Sebastian Haug/ Silke Weinlich (2022)
Bonn: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung / German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), November 2022



Fixing UN financing: a pandora’s box the World Health Organization should open
Gulrajani, Nilima / Sebastian Haug / Silke Weinlich (2022)

in: ODI Briefing/Policy Paper, published on odi.org, 26.01.2022


Our Common Agenda – Momentum für einen inklusiven und vernetzten Multilateralismus für nachhaltige Entwicklung
Schnappauf, Werner et al. (2022)

Stellungnahme des Rates für Nachhaltige Entwicklung; Berlin, 20.01.2022