Current Publications
China’s country status: unpacking the political implications for Global cooperation
Klingebiel, Stephan / Hangwei Li (2025)
Time in and for nature-based solutions: no quick fix solutions for complex ecological and social processes
lehmann, Ina / Julia Grosinger / Steffen Bauer / Jean Carlo Rodriguez de Francisco / Katarzyna Negacz / Jonas Hein (2025)
Securing a development-friendly US trade policy: the urgent need for an AGOA revamp
Britz, Wolfgang / Zoryana Olekseyuk / Tim Vogel (2025)
International development cooperation is in Germany’s national interest
Furness, Mark (2025)
Stories of disaster as sites of mitigation: knowledge production and affective engagement in the narrativization of nuclear incidents in different media
Butler, Martin / Sina Farzin / Michael Fuchs / Anna-Katharina Hornidge / Uwe Schimank (2025)