By Roland Steinmann on Pixabay

Russia's war against Ukraine

Russia's invasion of Ukraine in violation of international law marks a turning point. While the outcome of the military conflict is highly uncertain and the number of casualties is rising daily, the consequences of the war are already becoming clear beyond the region: millions of people are forced to leave their homes, civilians arm themselves, the authoritarian Russian regime is resorting to increasingly repressive measures even in its own country and is waging an information war for the sovereignty of interpretation. The foreign policy of many Western states is in crisis mode and ever more far-reaching sanctions are being imposed. The German government is also adapting its foreign and defence policy against this background.

There is much talk of a turning point, marking the culmination so far of the smouldering systemic conflict between the democratic model and a "counter-model" represented by authoritarian regimes. It requires a remeasurement of the international order that emerged after the end of the Cold War. At the same time, the consequences of the war are likely to affect partner countries of development cooperation worldwide. A world food situation already strained by the Corona pandemic, an increasing securitisation of conflicts and macro-financial impacts are only some of the consequences that will challenge societies worldwide.

This Special compiles contributions from the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) from different perspectives on the Russian war against Ukraine and its consequences. It is updated continuously.


Amid US fallout, time for the EU to step up assistance to Ukraine
Bergmann, Julian (2025)
in: devex, 21.02.2025

Supporting Ukraine’s recovery: shrewd geopolitics in times of war
Bergmann, Julian (2024)

The Current Column of 10 June 2024

Multiple missions in the midst of war: integrating Ukraine's recovery and EU accession
Bergmann, Julian / Miriam Kosmehl / Julia Langbein / Gwendolyn Sasse (2024)

Policy Brief 11/2024

The European Union's new Ukraine facility: an important though insufficient step?
Bergmann, Julian (2024)

published on, 02.04.2024

Support for Ukraine: Europe must step up its efforts
Bergmann, Julian (2024)

The Current Column of 26 February 2024

Security policy is not development policy
Leininger, Julia / Anna-Katharina Hornidge (2024)

Bonn: German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), The Current Column of 21 February 2024

Rebuilding Ukraine: what the international community now needs to consider
Grävingholt, Jörn / Jörg Faust / Alexander Libman / Solveig Richter / Gwendolyn Sasse / Susan Stewart (2023)
Policy Brief 4/2023

Wiederaufbau in der Ukraine: Was die internationale Gemeinschaft jetzt beachten muss
Grävingholt, Jörn / Jörg Faust / Alexander Libman / Solveig Richter / Gwendolyn Sasse / Susan Stewart (2023)

Policy Brief 2/2023

More inspiration on the sustainability front, please!
Berger, Axel (2023)

The Current Column of 16 January 2023

Ein Wiederaufbau im Schatten des Krieges ist möglich
Grävingholt, Jörn / Gwendolyn Sasse / Jörg Faust / Alexander Libman / Solveig Richter / Susan Stewart (2022)

in: Zeit Online, 29.10.2022

Rebuilding Ukraine: how the EU should support Ukraine’s reconstruction and recovery
Bergmann, Julian / Iulian Romanyshyn (2022)

Policy Brief 6/2022

"Soziales nicht außer Acht lassen"
Grävingholt, Jörn (2022)

Interview mit Jörn Grävingholt zum Wiederaufbau in der Ukraine, published on

Rebuilding Ukraine: how the EU should support Ukraine’s reconstruction and recovery
Bergmann, Julian / Iulian Romanyshyn (2022)

Policy Brief 6/2022

The European Green Deal and the war in Ukraine: Addressing crises in the short and long term
Iacobuta, Gabriela Ileana/ Alexia Faus Onbargi / Nathalie Bolduc / Adis Dzebo / Niels Keijzer / Daniele Malerba / Damien Barchiche / Nicolas Berghmans / Mauricio Böhl / Fabrizio Botti / Michael Brüntrup / Koen Dekeyser / Ines Dombrowsky / Élise Dufief / Elisabeth Hege / Nicolas Heger / Jonas Hein / Alfonso Medinilla / Jean-Carlo Rodríguez de Francisco / Florian Schierhorn / Zoha Shawoo (2022)

ETTG-Paper, July 2022

Bold steps are needed to tackle the emerging food crisis
Brüntrup, Michael (2022)
The Current Column of 25 April 2022

Developing country views on Russia’s invasion
Klingebiel, Stephan (2022)

published on, 12 April 2021

Krieg in der Ukraine: Auswirkungen auf die europäische und deutsche Importstrategie von Wasserstoff und Syntheseprodukten - Impulspapier
Wietschel, Martin et al. (2022)

Karlsruhe: HYPAT/Fraunhofer ISI

What role should the EU Green Deal play in times of conflict?
Faus Onbargi, Alexia / Gabriela Iacobuta / Lukas Hermwille (2022)
The Current Column of 4 April 2022

The G7 and multilateralism in times of aggression: Maintaining and strenghtening cooperative and inclusive approaches for the global common good
Beisheim, Marianne / Axel Berger / Lars Brozus / Adolf Kloke-Lesch / Ronja Scheler / Silke Weinlich (2022)
in: T7 Task Force International cooperation for the global common good (March 2022)

What Putin’s war means for international cooperation
Grävingholt, Jörn (2022)
The Current Column of 23 March 2022

The war in Ukraine: financial, political and credibility challenges for EU-Africa cooperation on peace and security
Bergmann, Julian / Niels Keijzer (2022)
International Development Blog, 23 March 2022

Der Krieg und die Südhalbkugel
Klingebiel, Stephan (2022)
in: Tagesspiegel, 20 March 2022

What future for cooperation in the Arctic? Scenarios after Putin’s war on Ukraine
Wehrmann, Dorothea / Arne Riedel/ Jacqueline Götze / Katarzyna Radzik-Maruszak / Michał Łuszczuk (2022)
International Development Blog, 16 March 2022

Putins Krieg und die Sünden des Westens
Klingebiel, Stephan (2022)
Internationale, 16 March 2022

Krieg in der Ukraine: Auswirkungen auf die europäische und deutsche Importstrategie von Wasserstoff und Syntheseprodukten - Impulspapier
Wietschel, Martin et al. (2022)
Karlsruhe: HYPAT/Fraunhofer ISI

UN General Assembly voting on Ukraine – What does it tell us about African states’ relations with external partners?
Keijzer, Niels / Silke Weinlich / Sven Grimm (2022)
International Development Blog, 4 March 2022

Russia in Africa: is great power competition returning to the continent?
Paczyńska, Agnieszka (2020)
Briefing Paper 15/2020

Ukraine's unconsidered losses from the annexation of Crimea: what should we account for in the DCFTA forecasts?
Olekseyuk, Zoryana / Hannah Schürenberg-Frosch (2018)
in: Review of Development Economics 23 (2), 877-901

Modeling of FDI in business services: additional effects in case of Ukraine’s European integration
Olekseyuk, Zoryana (2016)
in: The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development 25 (7), 1010-1043

The impact of Russia on governance structures in Ukraine
Sushko, Oleksandr (2008)
Discussion Paper 24/2008


Virtual Seminar
Ukraine’s Reconstruction and European Integration
Online, 27.04.2023

Public Lecture
Violence: a critical issue for development?

Bonn, 8 February 2023

Expert discussion with dinner reception
Prospects for peace in times of change: A comprehensive approach and key requirements for a future German peace policy

Berlin, 19 October 2022

The European Green Deal and the war in Ukraine: Addressing short and long-term crises

Bruxelles, 11 October 2022

MGG Conference
Ukraine Conflict: Global Implications for International Cooperation and Sustainable Development
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Ciudad de México, 6 May 2022

Roundtable Discussion
War in Ukraine: Implications for international cooperation
Online, 10 March 2022


Amid US fallout, time for the EU to step up assistance to Ukraine
Bergmann, Julian (2025)
in: devex, 21.02.2025

In the Media

Wiederaufbau im Ukrainekrieg: Was sollte getan werden?
Noch während des Krieges gegen die Ukraine wird der Wiederaufbau des teils massiv zerstörten Landes geplant. Wie kann das funktionieren? Was ist besonders dringend? Ein Interview mit Julian Bergmann, German Institute of Development and Sustainability.
WDR 5 Morgenecho, 12.06.2024


Supporting Ukraine’s recovery: shrewd geopolitics in times of war
Bergmann, Julian (2024)

The Current Column of 10 June 2024

Video: Ukraine recovery conference


Multiple missions in the midst of war: integrating Ukraine's recovery and EU accession
Bergmann, Julian / Miriam Kosmehl / Julia Langbein / Gwendolyn Sasse (2024)

Policy Brief (11/2024)