Jaji, Rose
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Dr. Rose Jaji
Transformation of Political (Dis-)order
Senior Researcher
Regional expertise
- Africa
since 9/2021 | German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) (until 6/2022 German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)) Senior Researcher, Research Department "Transformation of political (dis-)order: Institutions, values & peace" |
9/2011-9/2021 | University of Zimbabwe Senior lecturer |
9/2019-2/2020 | Katholische Stiftungshochschule München Visiting lecturer |
11/2015-3/2016 | University Duisburg-Essen Visiting lecturer |
10/2003-4/2005 | University of Zimbabwe Lecturer |
8/2003-9/2003 | Department of Social Services, Zimbabwe District Social Welfare Officer |
9/2001-12/2002 | University of Zimbabwe Graduate Teaching Assistant |
1/1998-12/1998 | Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education, Zimbabwe School teacher |
Refereed Publications
- Jaji, Rose / Tanja Kleibl (2024)
Categories, refugee camps, and the governance of de-territorialized bodies
in: Journal of Asian and African Studies 59 (7), 2202–2214 - Jaji, Rose / Ulrike Krause (2024)
Exclusionary refugee protection regime, colonial others and gender dualities
in: Jane Freedman / Glenda Santana de Andrade (eds.) Research Handbook on Asylum and Refugee Policy, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 280–290 - Jaji, Rose (2024)
Mobilities in Zimbabwe: colonial echoes and contradictions in the migration/nonmigration binary
in: Africa Today 71 (1), 47-67 - Jaji, Rose (2024)
Civil society organizations, migrants, and challenges in African contexts
in: Roberto Marinucci (ed.), Life and agency at the borders: advocacy for the right of migrants and refugees to have rights, Brasilia: Centro Scalabriniano de Estudos Migratórios (CSEM), 47-65 - Bauloz, Celine / Margaret Walton-Roberts / Rose Jaji / Taehoon Lee (2024)
Gender and migration: trends, gaps and urgent action
in: Marie McAuliffe / Linda Adhiambo Oucho (eds.), World Migration Report 2024, Geneva: International Organisation for Migration, 165-195 - Jaji, Rose (2024)
Pre-pandemic mobility: uncoupling gendered return migration and COVID-19 in Zimbabwe
in: McAuliffe & Bauloz (eds.), Research Handbook on Migration, Gender, and COVID-19, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 213-224 - Jaji, Rose (2023)
Südliches Afrika
in: Tabea Scharrer / Birgit Glorius / J. Olaf Kleist / Marcel Berlinghoff (Hrsg.), Flucht und Flüchtlingsforschung: Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Studium, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 707-713 - Jaji, Rose (2023)
Migration and mutual articulation with normative masculinity in Zimbabwe
in: Garth Stahl / Yang Zhao (eds.), Migratory Men: Place, Transnationalism and Masculinities, Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 174-187 - Muhumad, Abdirahman A. / Rose Jaji (2023)
Somali refugees, informality, and self-initiative at local integration in Ethiopia and Kenya
in: Journal on Migration and Human Security 11 (1), 75-88 - Jaji, Rose (2023)
Non-migration amidst Zimbabwe's economic meltdown
Lanham, MA: Lexington Books - Jaji, Rose / Ulrike Krause (2022)
Exklusives Flüchtlingsschutzregime, koloniale „Andere“ und Geschlechterdichotomien
in: Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, first published 29.12.2022 - Jaji, Rose (2022)
Transnational migration and reconfiguration of the family in Zimbabwe
in: Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana (REMHU), 30 (66), 227-242 - Jaji, Rose (2022)
Historical complexities and transformations of refugee policies in Kenya and Tanzania
in: Africa Today 69 (1-2), 88-109 - Jaji, Rose (2022)
COVID-19 safety measures and socioeconomic status in urban Zimbabwe
in: Maria dos Santos Gonçalves / Rebecca Gutwald / Tanja Kleibl / Ronald Lutz / Ndangwa Noyoo / Janestic Twikirize (eds.), The coronavirus crisis and challenges to social development, Cham: Springer, 55-65 - Jaji, Rose (2022)
Cultural sensitivity and ethnographic research with migrants
in: Ronaldo Munck / Tanja Kleibl / Maria Do Carmo Dos Santos Gonçalves (eds.), Migration and social transformation: Engaged perspectives, Dublin: Machdohnil Ltd, 37-51 - Jaji, Rose (2021)
Women, social positioning and refugee status
in: ActionAid Association (Hrsg.), Women Refugee Voices from Asia and Africa, New Delhi: Routledge, 127-135 - Jaji, Rose (2021)
Delayed return: consolidation of the Zimbabwean diaspora and transnationalism
in: REMHU Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana 29 (62), 49-61 - Jaji, Rose (2021)
“Aberrant” masculinity: men, violence and forced migration
in: Claudia Mora / Nicole Piper (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Gender and Migration, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 373-386 - Jaji, Rose (2020)
Gendered subjectivities:the nexus between femininity and peacebuilding in Zimbabwe
in: African Conflict & Peacebuilding Review 10 (1), 1-27 - Jaji, Rose (2020)
Youth masculinities in Zimbabwe’s congested gerontocratic political space
in: Africa Development, Volume 45(3) 77-96 - Jaji, Rose / Tanja Kleibl (2019)
Women’s empowerment: unravelling the cultural incompatibility myth in Zimbabwe
in: Tanja Kleibl / Ronald Lutz / Ndangwa Noyoo / Benjamin Bunk / Annika Dittmann / Boitumelo Seepamore (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Postcolonial Social Work, London: Routledge - Jaji, Rose (2019)
Gendering cultural violence, victimhood, and peacebuilding in Zimbabwean media
in: Admire Mare, Conflict-Sensitive Journalism: A Practical Handbook for Journalists in Southern Africa, Windhoek, Namibia: Namibia University of Science and Technology - Jaji, Rose (2019)
Deviant destinations Zimbabwe and north to south migration
Lanham, USA: Rowmann & Littlefield - Jaji, Rose (2018)
Refugee Law, Agency and Credibility in Refugee Status Determination in Nairobi, Kenya
in: Z'Flucht. Zeitschrift für Flucht- und Flüchtlingsforschung 2 (1), 32 - 56 - Jaji, Rose (2018)
Reflexive ethnography in refugee research
in: Sage Research Methods Cases Part 2 - Jaji, Rose (2017)
Under the shadow of genocide: Rwandans, ethnicity and refugee status
in: Ethnicities, 17 (1), 47-65 - Jaji, Rose (2016)
The Patriarchal Logic, “Encroaching” Femininity and Migrant Zimbabwean Women
in: Kabbo ka Muwala (The Girl’s Basket): Migration and mobility in contemporary art. Berlin: Revolver Publishing, 18–32 - Jaji, Rose (2015)
Normative, agitated, and rebellious femininities among East and Central African refugees
in: Gender, Place & Culture 22 (4), 494-509 - Jaji, Rose / Rudo B. Gaidzanwa (2014)
Gender in the political arena: a training manual
Addis Ababa: OSSREA - Jaji, Rose (2014)
Religious and ethnic politics in refugee hosting: Somalis in Nairobi, Kenya
in: Ethnicities 14 (5), 634-649 - Jaji, Rose (2013)
Somali asylum seekers and refoulement at the Kenya-Somalia border
in: Journal of Borderlands Studies 28 (3), 355-368 - Jaji, Rose (2011)
Social technology and refugee encampment in Kenya
in: Journal of Refugee Studies 25 (2), 221–238 - Jaji, Rose (2009)
Masculinity on unstable ground: young refugee men in Nairobi, Kenya
in: Journal of Refugee Studies 22 (2), 177–194
Non-refereed Publications
- Jaji, Rose (2024)
Internal displacement, informal local structures and social cohesion in Mozambique
(Policy Brief 32/2024) - Jaji, Rose (2024)
Conflicting interests and the localisation of international migration governance norms in Ghana
(Policy Brief 21/2024) - Jaji, Rose (2024)
Externalization, the commodification of asylum, and implications for International refugee law
in: Ulrike Krause / Christiane Fröhlich (eds.), Externalizing Asylum: A compendium of scientific knowledge, published online on externalizingasylum.info - Jaji, Rose (2024)
Why Zimbabweans choose to migrate or stay
in: Current History 123 (853), 194–196 - Nyambedha, Erick / Rose Jaji / Jana Kuhnt (2023)
Children in refugee camps and their role in refugee-host community integration
(Policy Brief 16/2023) - Dimé, Mamadou / Rose Jaji (2023)
Co-operation or mutual co-option? The Senegal–EU partnership on migration
(Policy Brief 10/23) - Jacobi, Milan / Rose Jaji (2022)
Refugee policy and selective implementation of the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework in Kenya
(Policy Brief 9/2022) - Jaji, Rose (2021)
Eroding the Gains of Mobility: COVID-19 and the Impact on Low-income Migrant Zimbabwean Women
in: Christopher Zambakari / Steve Des Georges / Matthew Edwards / Giada Mannino / Gina M. Santangelo / Jessica Petney (eds.), Living in an Era of Emerging Pandemics, Phoenix: The Zambakari Advisory, 133–146 - Jaji, Rose (2020)
Covid-19: Public Health and Lessons for Africa
in: Christopher Zambakari / Steve Des Georges / Giada Mannino (eds.), The Great Disruption: Covid-19 and the Global Health Crisis, Phoenix: The Zambakari Advisory, 63–70 - Jaji, Rose (2018)
Reflexive ethnography in refugee research
in: Sage Research Methods Cases Part 2 - Jaji, Rose (2018)
Men’s participation in combating sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) in Zimbabwe
in: The Zambakari Advisory policy Brief, published on papers.ssrn.com, 23.05.2018 - Jaji, Rose (2018)
Integrating women’s normative roles into peacebuilding in Zimbabwe
in: APN Briefing Note 18 (Social Science Research Council/African Peacebuilding Network)
Opinion Pieces
- Jaji, Rose (2024)
Why Zimbabweans choose to migrate or stay
in: Current History 123 (853), 194–196 - Jaji, Rose (2024)
Migration and the Racialisation of Space
Bonn: German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), The Current Column of 18 March 2024