Rising Powers

Rising Powers

Rising Powers from the developing world change global and national development paths. In an increasingly interconnected world, states like China, India, Brazil, but also Indonesia, Mexico, South Africa or Vietnam impact on the development prospects of other countries. Beyond the traditional perception as middle-income countries, these rising powers are regionally and globally important actors. Thus, they are crucial elements in political problem-solving in a poly-centric world.

The German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) conducts research on the flexible and dynamic group of rising powers on various aspects of international cooperation. Effects of rising powers can be direct or indirect, positive or negative, regionally limited or global. DIE is working on the diverse ‘new’ actors from rising powers and their norms and goals. Furthermore, of interest are effects on competitiveness and sustainable poverty reduction; activities in and effects on security and governance in developing countries; effects and national policies on ecological sustainability; and structural changes in the world economy.

In knowledge cooperation, DIE is closely connected with institutions from rising powers through its programme “Managing Global Governance”. Thereby, the Institute is also directly in dialogue with differing perspectives on global change.


Altenburg, Tilman
Baumann, Max-Otto
Berensmann, Kathrin
Berger, Axel
Brandi, Clara
Grimm, Sven
Janus, Heiner
Weinlich, Silke


China's new silk road: financing opportunities and risks
Berensmann, Kathrin (2019)
in: Diplomatisches Magazin 2/2019, 32-35

South Africa’s changing role in global development structures: being in them but not always of them
Sidiropoulos, Elizabeth (2019)
Discussion Paper 4/2019

Is China's Silk Road initiative at a dead end?
Wolff, Peter (2017)
The Current Column of 15 May 2017

Rising Powers: Germany needs to deepen its engagement!
Grimm, Sven (2017)
Published on: International Development Blog, 17 February 2017

Rising powers and the provision of transnational public goods: conceptual considerations and features of South Africa as a case study
Klingebiel, Stephan (2017)
Discussion Paper 3/2017

Rising Powers in the Global Trading System – China and Mega-Regional Trade Negotiations
Brandi, Clara (2016)
Rising Powers Quarterly, Volume 1, Issue 1, September 2016, pp. 71-83

Global Problem-Solving Approaches: The Crucial Role of China and the Group of Rising Powers
Klingebiel, Stephan (2016)
Rising Powers Quarterly, Volume 1, Issue 1, September 2016, pp. 35-20

Regional financial integration in East Asia against the backdrop of recent European experiences
Volz, Ulrich (2016)
in: International Economic Journal 30 (2), 272-293

Toward the development of a global financial safety net or a segmentation of the global financial architecture?
Volz, Ulrich (2016)
published on Emerging Markets Finance and Trade

Revision of the EU consensus on development: towards a new consensus for fair and sustainable global common good policies
Henökl, Thomas / Niels Keijzer / Christine Hackenesch / Imme Scholz / Clara Brandi / Pieter Pauw (2016)
Contribution of the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) to the EU public consultation on the “UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and revising the European Consensus on Development”, Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)

South-South co-operation: Words, just words?!
Grimm, Sven / Alexandra Rudolph (2016)
The Current Column of 1 August 2016

South-South Cooperation: Global force, uncertain identity
Fues, Thomas (2016)
The Current Column of 11 April 2016

Chinese investments in Africa: corporate responsibility and sustainability norms
Grimm, Sven / Daouda Cissé (2015)

in: International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 10 (3/4), 285–304

What can the G20 contribute to international development cooperation?
Fues, Thomas / Maike Saltzmann (2015)
The Current Column of 7 December 2015

China and Africa: the new normal
Grimm, Sven / Christine Hackenesch (2015)
The Current Column of 30 November 2015

Orchestrating multilateralism: cases of EU and East-Asian interregional engagement
Henökl, Thomas / Michael Reiterer (2015)
in: Regions and Cohesion, Special Issue, forthcoming Oct./Nov. 2015

Converging practices and institutional diversity: how southern providers and traditional donors are transforming the international system of development cooperation
Fues, Thomas (2015)
in: Elizabeth Sidiropoulos / Jorge A. Pérez Pineda / Sachin Chaturvedi / Thomas Fues (eds.), Institutional architecture and development: responses from emerging powers, Johannesburg: South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA), 24-42

Placing FOCAC in its South-South co-operation narrative
Grimm, Sven (2015)
published on The Chinese Monitor (Special Edition: FOCAC VI: African initiatives toward a sustainable Chinese relationshiop), 32-41

The EU and China in a Sustainable Development Goals Framework: Comparing means and ends of cooperation in Sri Lanka and Myanmar
Henökl, T. and C. Webersik (2015)
paper presented at the 45th UACES Annual Conference, Bilbao (Spain), 6-9 September 2015

Not as bad as it seems? EU and US democracy promotion strategies faces China in Africa
Hackenesch, Christine(2015)
published on Democratization 18 March 2015

China-Africa cooperation: promises, practice and prospects
Grimm, Sven (2015)
in: Suisheng Zhao (ed.), China in Africa: strategic motives and economic interests, London: Routledge 

United Nations Post-2015 Agenda for global development: perspectives from China and Europe
Fues, Thomas / Jiang Ye (eds.) (2014)
(Studies 84)

Green industrial policy in emerging countries
Pegels, Anna (2014)
London: Routldege

Different perspectives on differentiated responsibilities: a state-of-the-art review of the notion of common but differentiated responsibilities in international negotiations
Pauw, Pieter / Steffen Bauer / Carmen Richerzhagen / Clara Brandi / Hanna Schmole (2014)
Discussion Paper 6/2014

South Africa’s middle power ambitions: riding the dragon or being its pet?
Van der Westhuizen, Janis / Sven Grimm (2014)
in: Bruce Gilley / Andrew O'Neil (eds.), Middle powers and the rise of China, Washington, D.C.: Georgetown Univ. Pr., 171-191

Chinas Kooperation mit Afrika und Lateinamerika
Grimm, Sven / Christine Hackenesch (2014)
in: Doris Fischer / Christoph Müller-Hofstede (Hrsg.), Länderbericht China, Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, 889-914

Emerging powers at the UN: ducking for cover?
Weinlich, Silke (2014)
in: Third World Quarterly 35 (10), 1829-1844

Humanitäre Interventionen: struktureller Wandel in der internationalen Politik durch Staateninteraktion
Baumann, Max-Otto (2014)
(Internationale Beziehungen 21), Baden-Baden: Nomos Verl.- Ges. 

China’s impact on the global wind power industry
Lema, Rasmus / Axel Berger / Hubert Schmitz (2013)
in: Journal of Current Chinese Affairs 42 (1), 37–69

Aufstrebende Schwellenmächte bei den Vereinten Nationen
Weinlich, Silke / Thomas Fues (2013)
in: Andreas Nölke / Christian May / Simone Claar (Hrsg.), Die großen Schwellenländer: Ursachen und Folgen ihres Aufstiegs in der Weltwirtschaft, Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 299-318

Investment rules in Chinese preferential trade and investment agreements: is China following the global trend towards comprehensive agreements?
Berger, Axel (2013)
Discussion Paper 7/2013

Sustainability-oriented innovation systems in China and India
Altenburg, Tilman (ed.) (2012)
Innovation and Development 2 (1), Special Issue


Latin American Economic Outlook 2016: Towards a new Partnership with China
Berlin, 25 January 2016

Focus Session
South-South Cooperation and the Post-2015 Agenda for Global Development: Innovative Modalities and Institutional Evolution

Mexico City, 16 April 2014

International cooperation after 2015: Perspectives from Europe and emerging economies

Shanghai, 12 January 2013 until 13 January 2013

In the Media

Everything you need to know about FOCAC: Rising Powers
Interview with Sven Grimm
Cowries and Rice, Episode 59
30 November 2015


Besuchen Sie auch das themenverwandte Website Special "G20"

In the media

What to Expect at this Year’s Mega China-Africa Summit
A China in Africa Podcast

Sven Grimm / Eric Olander / Cobus van Staden
The China Africa Project, 3 November 2015


Sustainability-oriented Innovation Systems in China and India
Altenburg, Tilman (ed.) (2016)
London: Routledge


Institutional architecture and development: responses from emerging powers
Elizabeth Sidiropoulos / Jorge A. Pérez Pineda / Sachin Chaturvedi / Thomas Fues (eds.)(2015)
Johannesburg: South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA)


Emerging powers at the UN: ducking for cover?
Weinlich, Silke (2014)
in: Third World Quarterly 35 (10), 1829-1844