South Asia
Although parts of South Asia have seen robust economic growth over the past two decades, South Asia continues to be the region with the largest concentration of poor people in the world. Besides poverty eradication and achieving equitable and sustainable development, the region faces enormous challenges ranging from climate change mitigation and adaption to improving governance and addressing problems of limited statehood and security.
The German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) conducts research on South Asia with a focus on the following issues:
- Sustainable and equitable development
- Climate change mitigation and adaption
- Low carbon transformation
- Green urbanisation
- Financing of green investments and sustainable development
- Challenges for good governance, human rights, democracy and conflict transformation
Altenburg, Tilman
Bambe, Bao-We-Wal
Banerjee, Aparajita
Furness, Mark
Grimm, Sven
Kornher, Lukas
Lorch, Jasmin
Molitor, Katharina
Mross, Karina
Never, Babette
Reiners, Wulf
Schüpf, Dennis
Srigiri, Srinivasa Reddy
Strupat, Christoph
Subramanian, Saravanan
von Haaren, Paula
Disrupted sand Flows, artisanal fishers, and the making of coastal protection in Southern India
Schüpf, Dennis / Schipper E. Lisa F. / Kuppusami Nithya (2024)
in: Ocean and Society 2, article 8933
The dichotomous world of sanitation management: ‘Matter out of place’ in urban India
Subramanian, Saravanan (2024)
in: Applied Geography 165, article 103228
Synergising digital public infrastructure and digital commons for sustainable development: the governance of digital resources in India and the EU
Dang, Vy / Aliasger Bootwalla / Eva Maria Lynders / Wulf Reiners (2024)
published on gatewayhouse, 28.03.2024
2024 – Asia’s bumper election year
Lorch, Jasmin
The Current Column of 4 March 2024
Effects of the Indian National Health Insurance Scheme (PM-JAY) on hospitalizations, out- of-pocket expenditures and catastrophic expenditures
Strupat, Christoph / Divya Parmar / Swati Srivastava / Stephan Brenner / Diletta Parisi / Susanne Ziegler / Rupak Neogi / Caitlin Walsh / Manuela De Allegri (2023)
in: Health Systems & Reforms 9 (1), article 2227430
RIS - a very much needed think and do tank
Klingebiel, Stephan (2023)
in: RIS - Research and Information System for Developing Countries (Hrsg.), Four Decades of RIS Vision and Evolution, New Delhi, India: RIS - Research and Information System for Developing Countries, 166 - 171
Civil society between repression and cooptation: adjusting to shrinking space in Cambodia
Lorch, Jasmin (2023)
in: Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs 42 (3), 395-420
Circular business models: policy enablers for plastic packaging alternatives in India
To, Jenny (2023)
Discussion Paper 8/2023
Civilizational exceptionalism in international affairs: making sense of Indian and Turkish claims
Haug, Sebastian / Supriya Roychoudhury (2023)
International Affairs 99 (2), 531–549
How does urban rail development in China and India enable technological upgrading?
Asimeng, Emmanuel Theodore / Tilman Altenburg (2022)
Discussion Paper 14/2022
Monitoring and evaluation in South-South Cooperation: the case of CPEC in Pakistan
Ali, Murad (2018)
Discussion Paper 1/2018
Proceeding with River Basin Management: legal, financial and political dimensions in Mongolia
Rodriguez de Francisco, Jean Carlo / Annabelle Houdret / Ines Dombrowsky (2017)
Briefing Paper 6/2017
Is China's Silk Road initiative at a dead end?
Wolff, Peter (2017)
The Current Column of 15 May 2017
Diversity and implications of food safety and quality standards in Thailand and India
Hampel-Milagrosa, Aimée / Sarah Holzapfel (2016)
Briefing Paper 17/2016
Revamping the OECD’s Five Rural Worlds model for poverty-oriented inter-sectoral analysis, communication and planning
Brüntrup, Michael (2016)
Briefing Paper 16/2016
Wastewater systems and energy saving in urban India: governing the Water-Energy-Food Nexus series
Never, Babette (2016)
Discussion Paper 12/2016
Fostering Green Finance in Asia
Volz, Ulrich (2016)
Report prepared for the 2016 Annual meeting of the Asian Development Bank
Sustainability-oriented Innovation Systems in China and India
Altenburg, Tilman (ed.) (2016)
London: Routledge
Can public works infrastructure affect employment outcomes? Evidence from the NREGS in India
Gehrke, Esther (2015)
Discussion Paper 9/2015
The innovation path of the Chinese wind power industry
Dai, Yixin / Yuan Zhou / Di Xia / Mengyu Ding / Lan Xue (2014)
Discussion Paper 32/2014
Enhancing international technology cooperation for climate change mitigation: lessons from an electromobility case study
Bhasin, Shikha (2014)
Discussion Paper 26/2014
Linking results-based aid and capacity development support: conceptual and practical challenges
Keijzer, Niels / Heiner Janus (2014)
Discussion Paper 25/2014
Knowledge systems and change in climate governance: comparing India and South Africa (forthcoming)
Never, Babette (2014)
London: Routledge
Promoting democracy: what role for the democratic emerging powers?
Schönwälder, Gerd (2014)
Discussion Paper 2/2014
Governing the energy transition: the reform of fossil-fuel subsidy regimes in developing countries
Vidican, Georgeta (2014)
Conference proceedings: „The dynamics of transformational environmental policies“
RMB internationalisation and currency co-operation in East Asia
Volz, Ulrich (2014)
in: Hanns Günther Hilpert / Frank Rövekamp (eds.), Currency cooperation in East Asia, Heidelberg, New York: Springer, 57-81
Conservation, REDD+ and the struggle for land in Jambi, Indonesia
Hein, Jonas / Heiko Faust (2014)
in: Pacific Geograhies 41/2014, 20-25
Boosting solar investment with limited subsidies: rent management and policy learning in India
Altenburg, Tilman / Tobias Engelmeier (2013)
In: Energy Policy 59 (8), 866–874
Struggling for stability: international support for peace and democracy in post-civil war Nepal
Grävingholt, Jörn / Lennart Bendfeldt / Linda Berk / Yvonne Blos / Charlotte Fiedler / Karina Mroß (2013)
Discussion Paper 27/2013
Which factors determine the upgrading of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises? Evidence from Egypt, India and the Philippines
Hampel-Milagrosa, Aimée / Markus Loewe / Caroline Reeg (2013)
Who drives change? Comparing the evolution of domestic climate governance in India and South Africa
Never, Babette (2012)
In: Journal of Environment and Development 21 (3), 362-387
Rent management and policy learning in green technology development: the case of solar energy in India
Altenburg, Tilman / Tobias Engelmeier (2012)
Discussion Paper 12/2012
Sustainability-oriented innovation in the auto industry: advancing electromobility in China, France, Germany and India
Altenburg, Tilman / Doris Fischer / Shikha Bhasin (2012)
In: Innovation and Development 2 (1), (Special Issue: Sustainability-oriented innovation systems in China and India)
Sustainability-oriented innovation systems in China and India
Altenburg, Tilman (ed.) (2012)
Innovation and Development 2 (1), Special Issue
Interest groups, power relations, and the configuration of value chains: the case of biodiesel in India
Altenburg, Tilman (2011)
In: Food Policy 36 (6), 742-748
Biodiesel policies for India: achieving optimal socio-economic and environmental impact
Altenburg, Tilman (2010)
In: Journal of Biofuels 1 (1), 163-171
Biodiesel in India: value chain organisation and policy options for rural development
Altenburg, Tilman / Hildegard Dietz / Matthias Hahl / Nikos Nikolidakis / Christ (2009)
Studies 43
Introduction: The impact of Asian drivers on the developing world
Messner, Dirk / Raphael Kaplinsky (2008)
In: World Development Special Issue 36 (2), 197-209
China and India in the global governance arena
Messner, Dirk / John Humphrey (2008)
In: R. Schmitt-Beck et al. (eds.), Governance and legitimacy in a globalized world, Baden Baden: Nomos Verl.-Ges., 187-206
MDGs in India
Jha, Praveen / Mario Negre (2007)
Background paper for the United Nations Development Millennium Campain
How to increase the uptake of development interventions? Considering the Theory of Planned Behaviour
Kaplan, Lennart C. / Jana Kuhnt / Katharina Richert / Sebastian Vollmer (2019)
Discussion Paper 10/2019
Local feminist perspectives as transformation levers for greater gender equality
Managing Global Governance - MGG Academy
Fostering resilience through Health and Social Protection policies in times of multiple crises
Technological trajectories for climate change mitigation in China, Europe and India
Micro and Small Enterprise Upgrading in Egypt, India and the Philippines
Transformation and development in fragile states
APMC Act Reform and FDI Liberalisation in Food Retail in India: Process, Enforcement and Impact
Pro-poor Growth in India and Brazil
International Support for Peace and Democracy in Nepal
"Anchor Countries" and “Asian Drivers of Global Change“
Biodiesel in India: Value chain organisation and policy options for rural development in India
Water and state governance: India, Kenya, Germany
ZEF and Online, 19.07.2024
Regional Coordinator
Dr. Heiner Janus
Phone +49 (0)228 94927-259
Effects of the Indian National Health Insurance Scheme (PM-JAY) on hospitalizations, out- of-pocket expenditures and catastrophic expenditures
Strupat, Christoph / Divya Parmar / Swati Srivastava / Stephan Brenner / Diletta Parisi / Susanne Ziegler / Rupak Neogi / Caitlin Walsh / Manuela De Allegri (2023)
in: Health Systems & Reforms 9 (1), article 2227430
Civil society between repression and cooptation: adjusting to shrinking space in Cambodia
Lorch, Jasmin (2023)
in: Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs 42 (3), 395-420