Trans-SEC - Innovating pro-poor Strategies to safeguard Food Security
The project aims at improving the performance of traditional food value chains in Tanzania by identifying and further developing upgrading strategies along different food chains. The work hereby focuses on analysing policies and institutions which influence food value chain development, innovation processes and up-scaling of the developed strategies.
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
Time frame:
2013 - 2018
Co-operation Partner:
ZALF (Leibniz Zentrum für Agrarlandwirtschaftsforschung)
Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), Morogoro, Tanzania
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Institut für Umweltökonomik und Welthandel, Leibniz Universität Hannover / Institute for Environmental Economics and World Trade, Leibniz Universität Hannover
Project description
Promising upgrading strategies along different food value chains in Tanzania will be identified and further developed in a participatory manner and further adoption and up-scaling potentials and obstacles analysed.
The project involves about 60 researchers from German and Tanzanian academic institutions, national research and extension services, NGOs and the Private Sector incorporating various disciplines (agricultural engineering, soil, crop and livestock sciences, nutritional sciences, sociology and socio-economics).
The German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) work focuses on analysing policies and institutions that influence food value chain development, innovation processes and up-scaling of the developed strategies. The research project will focus on two regions in Tanzania, the semi-humid Morogoro and semi-arid Dodomo region.
Multi-disciplinary north-south collaboration in participatory action research on food value chains: a German-Tanzanian case study on perceptions, experiences and challenges
Graef, Frieder / Khamaldin Mutabazi / Stefan Sieber / Folkard Asch / Bashir Makoko / Michelle Bonatti / Michael Brüntrup / Christoph Gornott / Ludgar Herrmann / Raoul Herrmann (2019)
in: Systemic Practice and Action Research 32 (4), 359–378 -
Food value chain linkages and household food security in Tanzania
Herrmann, Raoul / Ephraim Nkonya / Anja Faße (2018)
in: Food Security 10 (4), 827-839 -
Framework for participatory food security research in rural food value chains
Graef, Frieder / Stefan Sieber / Khamaldin Mutabazi / Folkard Asch / Hans Konrad Biesalski / Janet Bitegeko / Wolfgang Bokelmann / Michael Brüntrup / Ottfried Dietrich / Nickson Elly / Aanja Fasse / Jörn Germer / Ulrike Grote / Ludgar Herrmann / Raoul Her (2014)
in: Global Food Security 3 (1), 8–15