The political economy of deep decarbonisation pathways
Complementing earlier research on various aspects of green industrial policy, sustainable innovation systems and green technological trajectories, this project will define the necessary conditions for the creation of transformative alliances that can consolidate and speed up decarbonisation. Based on country studies of China, Germany and South Africa as well as a regional study on Sub-Saharan Africa, the project will identify policy measures that have worked effectively in different country contexts. The project will encourage the formation of a cross-country learning space.
Project Lead:
Tilman Altenburg
Wilfried Lütkenhorst
Dirk Messner
Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB)
Time frame:
2014 - 2015
Co-operation Partner:
Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN)
Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung
Energy Research Centre / University of Cape Town
Project Coordination
- Deep Decarbonization – From Technological Pathways to Societal Transformation. Final synthesis report on the results of a project funded by BMUB and implemented by DIE in cooperation with UNSDSN
- Deep Decarbonization in Germany: A Macro-Analysis of Economic and Political Challenges of the ‘Energiewende’ (Energy Transition)
- Low-carbon development in sub-Saharan Africa: 20 cross-sector transitions
- Pathways to deep decarbonization in South Africa
- Pathways to deep decarbonization in China
- The political economy of decarbonisation: Exploring the dynamics of South Africa’s electricity sector