SPLASH – Era Net (European Research Area Network)

SPLASH, the European Water Initiative European Research Area Network, focused on improving water research for poverty reduction.

Project description

Research Question:
SPLASH is the name of the European Water Initiative European Research Area Network. The Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik / German Development Institute (DIE) is on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development partner in this consortium of 16 ministries, funding agencies and national research and technological development authorities.

Objectives of SPLASH
The overall aim of SPLASH is to improve water research for poverty reduction and thus contribute to achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
In order to achieve this, SPLASH focuses on the following objectives:

  • To coordinate existing national and regional research programmes to minimise duplication and identify gaps
  • To design collaborative research programmes which address identified needs
  • To speed up knowledge sharing between researchers and practitioners
  • To map good research management to maximise use of resources
  • To support the transfer of research into practice

Activities of SPLASH

  • SPLASH mapped existing nationally funded programmes in water research in Developing Countries. On the basis of this SPLASH plans to develop links between existing programmes which will potentially benefit from coordinated efforts.
  • SPLASH has analysed research management practices. Building on the results the project is currently developing research management guidelines and training material to support EU and Developing Countries institutional research management capacity. It is through this activities that we hope to enhance effectiveness of our programmes.
  • An important objective of SPLASH is to increase the use of research findings in policy and practice. DIE has been leading this part of the work within SPLASH. By examining successful examples of where this occurs, it was found that research is more likely to be used if relevant stakeholders are involved through the research cycle. Guidelines on improved dialogue practices have been developed in line with this. Our work has shown that the uptake of research by decision-makers and practitioners depend on effective communication of research findings in the right way and at the right time. DIE has been leading the development of key lessons and actions to consider when designing a research programmes and maximise its use by policy makers and practitioners. These lessons inform the design of all future SPLASH activities and collaborative programmes.
  • SPLASH agreed with other development partners on a number of thematic research priorities which will be taken forward in jointly funded programmes.