Role and Efficiency of Development Cooperation for achieving the 2030 Agenda
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development sets high demands for global collective actions that concerns the global partnership for sustainable development. The project contributes to the field of global governance research. It establishes connections between the global and the local scales and always considers the perspective of partner countries. The project further outlines challenges that arise from the application of so-called global solutions approaches and identifies options to improve such approaches.
Project Lead:
Christine Hackenesch
Project description
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development sets high demands for global collective actions that concerns the global partnership for sustainable development. Development cooperation, as an important policy field of the Agenda, faces profound structural changes and the purpose, role, catalytic potential and contribution as well as activity patterns and coherent collaboration with other policy fields partly need to be redefined. Important contributing factors for these pending changes are especially the influence of rising powers as well as non-state and private actors. Simultaneously, there are rising demands for impact measurement and results orientation of partnerships and other multilateral constellations in development cooperation.
Against this background, the project is centered on the role and effectiveness of development cooperation for achieving the 2030 Agenda and contributes to all clusters in Programme A (trans- and international cooperation), especially to cluster A “Contributions of development policy to the global common good”. The project addresses research gaps particularly in the following three partitions:
- Global platforms for development cooperation and rising powers: How does functional, global development cooperation architecture that is coproduced by all relevant stakeholders look like?
- Transnational cooperation in partnerships and networks: How can cooperation in multi-stakeholder-partnerships be strengthened and the contributions of non-state actors be better integrated into existing platforms for development cooperation?
- Monitoring, results orientation and result-based development cooperation: How could an effective monitoring system for development cooperation, which meets the transformative demands of the 2030 Agenda and the transparency demand of the public, look like?
The project contributes to the field of global governance research. It establishes connections between the global and the local scales and always considers the perspective of partner countries. The project further outlines challenges that arise from the application of so-called global solutions approaches and identifies options to improve such approaches.
To influence the academic and political debate on the future of development cooperation, the project team conducts research that is characterized by joint knowledge production with partners from the Global South. For the presentation of results of joint studies, new formats are chosen, in which different, international stakeholders are brought together to encourage new dialogues.