Interlinking sustainability science in a Global North-South dialogue

With this project, we elaborate on the question how sustainability science is conceptualized in countries of the ‘Global South’ and how to strengthen the interdisciplinary field of sustainability science on a global scale.

Project Lead:
Jonas Hein

Prof. Dr. Kristina Großmann

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Lisa Biber-Freudenberger

TRA 4 ‘Individuals, Institutions and Societies’ (University of Bonn) as part of the Excellence Strategy of the Federal and State Governments

Time frame:
2024 - 2026 / ongoing

Co-operation Partner:

Institute of Oriental and Asian Studies and Center for Development Research (ZEF), University of Bonn

Project description

Sustainability science (Nachhaltigkeitsforschung) aims to provide solutions to the current complex socio-ecological problems by working beyond ‘modern’ disciplinary boundaries. However, it focuses mainly on the Global North. With this project, we elaborate on the question how sustainability science is conceptualized in countries of the ‘Global South’ and how to strengthen the interdisciplinary field of sustainability science on a global scale.


Interlinking sustainability science in a Global North-South dialogue