Integrated Water Resources Management in Central Asia – Model Region Mongolia (MoMo III)
The MoMo III project seeks to transfer the extensive research results from MoMo I and II on several water aspects (e.g. water institutions, protection of water resources, drinking water supply and wastewater treatment) to the Mongolian government through practical policy advice and knowledge/know-how transfer. After having examined the changing legal and institutional conditions of water governance and their effects on the implementation of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in Mongolia, the DIE team will focus on advising the newly established Kharaa/Eroo River Basin Administration on developing and implementing the the Kharaa River Basin Management Plan (RBMP). This task will be complemented by further analytical work on the transformation of Mongolia’s water sector and by reflecting on the process of decentralization and its implication for River Basin Management (RBM) in the wider international context.
Project Lead:
Ines Dombrowsky
Dietrich Borchardt, Umweltforschungszentrum Leipzig
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Time frame:
2015 - 2018
Co-operation Partner: