Innovations for ecologically sustainable development

The project analysed concepts and incentive schemes for sustainable technology development in three emerging countries.

Project Lead:
Tilman Altenburg

Project Team:
Shikha Bhasin
Anna Pegels
Andreas Stamm
Georgeta Auktor

Doris Fischer, University of Würzburg

Time frame:
2010 - 2012 / completed

Project description

If global warming is to stay below the internationally recognised ceiling of 2°C, the world’s economies have to decarbonise at unprecedented pace. Decoupling economic growth from greenhouse gas emissions requires technology changes and technological leapfrogging in virtually all sectors of the economy. New technologies must be invented; existing technologies must be deployed and disseminated. This requires targeted incentives.

The cases of China, India and South Africa were selected for their relevance for global greenhouse gas emissions in absolute or relative terms. The framework conditions for the decarbonisation of these economies differ widely from those in developed countries: in view of widespread poverty and income inequalities, high and sustained economic growth is a political imperative. Growth rates are often fuelled by abundant and cheap domestic coal reserves. Therefore, the dual challenge of economic growth and decarbonisation is particularly severe.