Impact Initiative Governance
The importance of impact assessment in international development cooperation has been increasing in the past years. Governance programmes present a particular challenge in that regard since they are usually politically complex, and often their full impact is realized only in the long term. In the context of accompanying research, the project team explores in concrete GIZ programs in Benin and Mozambique how the principles of (rigorous) impact assessment can also be applied to the area of governance.
Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Time frame:
2016 - 2018
Project description
Good governance is one of the core topics in the GIZ portfolio in Sub-Saharan Africa. In the context of the international debate in development cooperation, the importance of verifiable impact of interventions is gaining traction. In the area of governance, the interventions are usually of high political complexity and have a long chain of effects which further complicates measuring an impact. Thus, the accompanying research conducted by the DIE is expected to provide contributions both in terms of methods and content to this debate within the German and international development cooperation community. With this goal in mind, the impact of specific measures in various countries is evaluated as an example. The GDI team employs various evaluation methods in order to do justice to the specific approaches of the programmes and their impact mechanisms. These analyses are also expected to serve as a basis to support cross-country learning.
Specifically, the GDI collaborates with two GIZ programs. The cooperation with the program “Good Financial Governance in Decentralized Administration on the Local Level” in Mozambique focuses on the topic “Increase of Municipal Revenues”. In Benin, the cooperation with the “Program for Support of Decentralization and Local Development (PDDC)” has a focus on the promotion of citizen participation on the local level”.
Co-operation Partner

Impact assessments in the governance sector
Bonn, 21 November 2018
The German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) is an institutional member of Evidence in Governance and Politics (EGAP)