Green economy
The structural change required to make economies compatible with ecological boundaries is an enormous challenge. This project identifies policy options for developing and emerging countries to make the transformation towards a green economy compatible with socio-economic aims, thereby supporting societal and political buy-in.
Project Lead:
Anna Pegels
Project description
The transformation towards a green economy requires a deep restructuring of the real economy and financial markets. The structural change required to make economies compatible with ecological boundaries is an enormous challenge. It involves reforming and re-defining incentive systems on the national and international levels, partly against the resistance of vested interests. At DIE, we identify policy options for developing and emerging countries to make the transformation compatible with socio-economic aims, thereby supporting societal and political buy-in. In particular, we assess how instruments of green industrial policy can create economic co-benefits of ‚greening‘, how sustainable consumption can be supported by insights on behaviour, and how instruments to mobilise green finance can be adapted to developing and emerging country contexts. We base our work on a combination of economics, political science, and behavioural insights.
Using behavioral science to increase recycling in Argentina
Castaneda, Jorge Luis / Mario Negre / Anna Pegels
Externe Publikationen (2019)