Agriculture-sector aspects of international trade policy, in particular WTO and EPAs

Time frame:
2005 - 2008 / completed

Project description

Research Question:
In recent years agricultural trade policy has increasingly captured the attention of the international media. One important reason for this is that, in connection with the Uruguay Round and the founding of the WTO, national agricultural policies, and in particular those of the large industrialized countries, have, for the very first time, been made subject to multinationally negotiated rules. At the same time, though, the developing countries are themselves increasingly subject to these rules, and they now see their scopes of action dwindling and competition growing in their own markets. Moreover, we can observe a proliferation of bilateral trade agreements, and increasingly frequently these have major impacts on agriculture. The most prominent development-related examples here are the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) between the EU and the countries of Africa, the Caribbean, and the Pacific.

In view of the crucial role the agricultural sector plays for developing countries, we are now faced with a multitude of highly controversial issues bearing on a formulation of trade agreements that is optimal or realistic as well as on efforts to come up with national reforms and international support designed to accompany and complement them. A number of different projects are concerned with this issue complex, all focusing on Subsahara Africa.


Relevant publications:
Brüntrup, Michael / Ursula Hönich / Christian Kaps / Thao Nguyen / Leontine von Richthofen / Andreas Wille (2008): Politique commerciale et développement agricole au Sénégal: les enjeux de la politique d'importation pour certains secteurs agricoles face aux accords sur le commerce international, Studies 36
Brüntrup, Michael (2007): EBA and the EU-sugar market: development gift or trojan horse , Externe Publikationen
Brüntrup, Michael / Thao Nguyen / Christian Kaps (2006): Food-importing countries in liberalized world trade: the rice market in Senegal, Externe Publikationen
Brüntrup, Michael / Kerstin Lanje (2006): Präferenzerosion in multilateralen Verhandlungen: das Beispiel des Europäischen Zuckersektors, Externe Publikationen
Brüntrup, Michael (2006): Rethinking protection for agricultural markets in Sub-Sahara Africa, Externe Publikationen
Brüntrup, Michael (2006): Die WTO-Konferenz in Hongkong und die Landwirtschaft in Entwicklungsländern, Externe Publikationen
Brüntrup, Michael (2006): Agricultural trade, food security and poverty issues in virtual water trade, Externe Publikationen
Brüntrup, Michael (2005): Between protectionism, poverty orientation, and market efficiency: reform of the EU sugar market organization, Briefing Paper 8/2005
Brüntrup, Michael (2005): Agrarwirtschaftliche Interessenlage und agrarpolitischer Handlungsbedarf subsaharischer Länder aufgrund der Agrarverhandlungen in der Doha-Runde am Beispiel Tansanias und Senegals, Studies 3
Brandt, Hartmut (2004): Probleme und Tendenzen der Agrarpolitik in Subsahara-Afrika, Berichte und Gutachten 8/2004