Relaunch of the Research Network External Democracy Promotion with Leibniz Funding

Forschungsnetzwerk „Externe Demokratisierungspolitik“ künftig mit Förderung durch die Leibniz-Gemeinschaft

Press Release of 9 May 2015

The Research Network has entered a new thematic and organisational phase under funding from the Leibniz Competition for the time period of 2015-2018. A kick-off meeting with all network members on May 7-8, 2015, at the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt consolidated the new research agenda, which focuses on the matter of interaction in democracy promotion.

The EDP network is a collaborative project of six partner institutions: the two Leibniz institutes Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF) and the WZB Berlin Social Science Center, the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), as well as three universities (Erfurt, Konstanz, Lüneburg).

Network members at these institutes are Julia Leininger, acting head of DIE’s department “Goverance, Statehood, Security”, Annika Elena Poppe, Solveig Richter, Vera van Hüllen, und Jonas Wolff. Tina Freyburg at St. Gallen University is an associated member.  The network builds and expands upon an already existing structure – the “Discussion Forum External Democratization Policy”. Coordination of the network is based at PRIF.

The Leibniz Competition (formerly SAW Procedure) is a competitive tool for allocating research funding within the Leibniz Association in which Leibniz institutions directly compete with one another.

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