Refugees and displacement
Refugees and displacement are dominant issues of our time. The root causes of flight and displacement are often complex: These comprise of violent conflicts, weak statehood, economic crises or natural disasters and environmental change. The public perception of refugees and displacement in Germany and Europe is very much focused on the challenges and consequences for European economies and societies. However, developing countries host considerably more refugees and play a key role in implementing international refugee and migration policy processes. Indeed, more than half of the people being displaced worldwide do not even leave their countries of origin. The affected countries and regions are thus faced with enormous challenges.
Which contribution can development policy make to respond to displacement? Will environmental change further increase future refugee flows? How can refugees be best supported? How can the negative consequences of displacement be mitigated?
In this special, the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) presents its recent works and activities on refugees, displacement and its root causes.
Refugee securitization and the challenges of formal integration: case of Somali refugees in Kenya and Ethiopia
Ikanda, Fred / Abdirahman A Muhumad / Jana Kuhnt (2025)
in: Comparative Migration Studies 13, article 5
Internal displacement, informal local structures and social cohesion in Mozambique
Jaji, Rose (2024)
Policy Brief (32/2024)
Challenging the narrative: How policy choices empower the far-right
Abedtalas, Musallam (2024)
The Current Column of 18 November 2024
Exclusionary refugee protection regime, colonial others and gender dualities
Jaji, Rose / Ulrike Krause (2024)
in: Jane Freedman / Glenda Santana de Andrade (eds.) Research Handbook on Asylum and Refugee Policy, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 280–290
Moderating digital communities in hybrid governance contexts: refugees' digital inclusion and communication in Nairobi
Martin-Shields, Charles (2024)
in: Nicole Stremlau / Clara Voyvodic Casabó (eds.), Technology and governance beyond the state: the rule of non-law, Milton Park: Routledge (forthcoming)
Mobilities in Zimbabwe: colonial echoes and contradictions in the migration/nonmigration binary
Jaji, Rose (2024)
in: Africa Today 71 (1), 47-67
The bidirectional relationship between social contracts and entrepreneurship: Syrian refugee entrepreneurs in Kurdistan Region of Iraq
Abedtalas, Musallam (2024)
in: Mediterranean Politics, first published 18.07.2024
Exploring the influence of power on the governance of climate im/mobility in Accra and Dakar
Ekoh, Susan S. (2024)
Discussion Paper (10/2024)
Conflicting interests and the localisation of international migration governance norms in Ghana
Jaji, Rose (2024)
Policy Brief (21/2024)
Gender and migration: trends, gaps and urgent action
Bauloz, Celine / Margaret Walton-Roberts / Rose Jaji / Taehoon Lee (2024)
in: Marie McAuliffe / Linda Adhiambo Oucho (eds.), World Migration Report 2024, Geneva: International Organisation for Migration, 165-195
Why Zimbabweans choose to migrate or stay
Jaji, Rose (2024)
Current History 123 (853), 194–196
Resume support for the agency for Palestine refugees
Loewe, Markus (2024)
The Current Column of 23 April 2024
Going beyond humanitarian aid in addressing refugee issues
Abedtalas, Musallam (2024)
The Current Column of 15 April 2024
Migration and the Racialisation of Space
Jaji, Rose (2024)
The Current Column of 18 March 2024
Strengthening social cohesion to mitigate human insecurity: Promise and peril
Leininger, Julia / Armin von Schiller / Charlotte Fiedler (2024)
in: Human Development Report 2023-24, Breaking the gridlock: reimagining cooperation in a polarized world, New York: UNDP (United Nations Development Programme), 163-166
Urban refugees and digital technology
Martin-Shields, Charles (2024)
Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press
How refugee participation can improve policy and research
Flaig, Merlin / Abis Getachew (2024)
The Current Column of 5 February 2024
Climate change and coastal megacities: adapting through mobility
Ekoh, Susan S. / Lemir Termon / Idowu Ajibade (2023)
in: Global Environmental Change 80, article 102666
Who wants to leave? Global survey evidence on how individual emigration aspirations differ between peaceful and conflict-affected contexts
Ruhe, Constantin / Jana Kuhnt (2023)
in: International Migration Review, first published 04.07.2023
Improving employment and social cohesion among refugee and host communities through TVET: evidence from an impact assessment in Ethiopia
Getachew, Abis / Lisa Höckel / Jana Kuhnt / Abdirahman A. Muhumad / Armin von Schiller (2023)
Policy Brief 26/2023
Children in refugee camps and their role in refugee-host community integration
Nyambedha, Erick / Rose Jaji / Jana Kuhnt (2023)
Policy Brief (16/2023)
Prioritizing Africa’s Needs: how to strengthen Africa-German cooperation on migration
Ekoh, Susan (2023)
published on, Blog Joint Futures 30, 1.12.2023
Context matters: the implications of the mode of service provision for structural and relational integration of refugees in Ghana and Ethiopia
Agblorti, Samuel K. M. / Abis Getachew / Jana Kuhnt / Abdirahman A. Muhumad (2023)
in: Journal of Refugee Studies, first published 28 October 2023
Somali refugees, informality, and self-initiative at local integration in Ethiopia and Kenya
Muhumad, Abdirahman A. / Rose Jaji (2023)
in: Journal on Migration and Human Security 11 (1), 75-88
Südliches Afrika
Jaji, Rose (2023)
in: Tabea Scharrer / Birgit Glorius / J. Olaf Kleist / Marcel Berlinghoff (Hrsg.), Flucht und Flüchtlingsforschung: Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Studium, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 707-713
Refugee-led organisations and intersectionality: feminist development policy in the lives of refugees
Motalebi, Nasim / Charles Martin-Shields (2023)
Policy Brief 5/2023
Non-migration amidst Zimbabwe's economic meltdown
Jaji, Rose (2023)
Lanham, MA: Lexington Books
Flood risk perceptions and future migration intentions of Lagos residents
Ekoh, Susan S. / LemirTeron / Idowu Ajibade / Silje Kristiansen (2022)
in: International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 83, article 103399
Digitalization and e-government in the lives of urban migrants: evidence from Bogotá
Martin-Shields, Charles / Sonia Camacho / Rodrigo Taborda / Constantin Ruhe (2022)
in: Policy & Internet 14 (2), 450-467
Do information communication technologies (ICTs) support self-reliance among urban refugees? Evidence from Kuala Lumpur and Penang, Malaysia
Martin-Shields, Charles / Katrina Munir-Asen (2022)
in: International Migration Review, first published 25.12.2022
Transnational migration and reconfiguration of the family in Zimbabwe
Jaji, Rose (2022)
in: Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana (REMHU), 30 (66), 227-242
Exklusives Flüchtlingsschutzregime, koloniale „Andere“ und Geschlechterdichotomien
Jaji, Rose / Ulrike Krause (2022)
in: Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, first published 29.12.2022
Host community attitudes towards internally displaced persons: evidence from Al-Bab, Syria
Abedtalas, Musallam / Adnan Rashid Mamo (2022)
in: Journal of Social and Development Sciences 13 (4), 1-10
More than the sum of its parts: donor-sponsored cash-for-work programmes and social cohesion in Jordanian communities hosting Syrian refugees
Zintl, Tina / Markus Loewe (2022)
The European Journal of Development Research, 34 (3), 1320 - 1357
Refugee policy and selective implementation of the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework in Kenya
Jacobi, Milan / Rose Jaji (2022)
Policy Brief 9/2022
Family figurations in displacement: entangled mobilities of refugees towards Germany and beyond
Christ, Simone / Benjamin Etzold (2022)
in: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 28.07.2022
Ride-sharing apps for urban refugees: easing or exacerbating a digital transport disadvantage?
Martin-Shields, Charles (2022)
in: Trialog (140/141), 58-62
‘Nothing is more permanent than the temporary’ – Understanding protracted displacement and people's own responses
Etzold, Benjamin / Elvan Isikozlu / Simone Christ et al. (2022)
in: TRAFIG Synthesis Report 06/2022
Determinants of the economic adaptation of refugees: the case of Midyat Camp
Abedtalas, Musallam / Lokman Toprak / Wissam Aldien Aloklah / Abdulhamid Alawak / Abdulnaser Aljasem / Şehmus Aykol (2021)
in: Journal of Refugee Studies 34 (1), 520–534
Refugees and local power dynamics: the case of Gambella Region of Ethiopia
Hagos, Samuel Zewdie (2021)
Discussion Paper 25/2021
Local governments and the sustainable integration of refugees in Ethiopia
Binkert, Eva / Merlin Flaig / Lukas Frucht et al. (2021)
Discussion Paper 21/2021
Navigating through an external agenda and internal preferences: Ghana’s national migration policy
Segadlo, Nadine (2021)
Discussion Paper 8/2021
A behavioural perspective on the drivers of migration: studying economic and social preferences using the Gallup World Poll
Klöble, Katrin (2021)
Discussion Paper 4/2021
Figurations of displacement in and beyond Germany - Empirical findings and reflections on mobility and translocal connections of refugees living in Germany
Christ, Simone / Benjamin Etzold / Gizem Güzelant / Mara Puers / David Steffens / Philipp Themann / Maarit Thiem (2021)
TRAFIG Working Papers No. 10, Bonn: BICC
Humanitarian admission programmes: how networks enable mobility in contexts of protracted displacement
Etzold, Benjamin / Simone Christ (2021)
in: Forced Migration Review (68), 63-66
Following their lead: Transnational connectivity and mobility along family figurations in displacement
Christ, Simone / Elvan Isikozlu / Benjamin Etzold (2021)
in: TRAFIG practice note no. 10, Bonn: BICC
The asylum hump: why country income level predicts new asylum seekers, but not new refugees
Ruhe, Constantin / Charles Martin-Shields / Lisa Maria Groß (2020)
in: Journal of Refugee Studies 34 (2), 1730–1746
Migration and the 2030 Agenda: making everyone count - migrants and refugees in the Sustainable Development Goals
Koch, Anne / Jana Kuhnt (2020)
Briefing Paper 11/2020
Migration und die Agenda 2030: Es zählt nur, wer gezählt wird - Migrant*innen und Geflüchtete in den Zielen nachhaltiger Entwicklung
Koch, Anna / Jana Kuhnt (2020)
Analysen und Stellungnahmen 8/2020
Information and communication technology in the lives of forcibly displaced persons in Kenya
Eppler, Mirko / Stella Gaetani / Francy Köllner / Jana Kuhnt / Charles Martin-Shields / Nyat Mebrahtu / Antonia Peters / Carlotta Preiß (2020)
Discussion Paper 15/2020
Europe can and must prevent a humanitarian disaster
Houdret, Annabelle / Mark Furness (2020)
The Current Column of 9 March 2020
The implications of the UN’s ruling on 'climate refugees'
Aleksandrova, Mariya / Benjamin Schraven / Diogo Serraglio (2020)
The Current Column of 24 February 2020
Human migration in the era of climate change
Cattaneo, Cristina / Michel Beine / Christiane J. Fröhlich / Dominic Kniveton / Inmaculada Martinez-Zarzoso / Marina Mastrorillo / Katrin Millock / Etienne Piguet / Benjamin Schraven (2019)
in: Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 25 June 2019 (Online)
Trends in African migration to Europe: Drivers beyond economic motivations
José-Manuel Giménez-Gómez / Yabibal M. Walle / Yitagesu Zewdu Zergawu (2019)
in: Journal of Conflict Resolution 63 (8), 1797-1831
Not in my backyard? Welfare gains and social challenges: the impact of refugees on the host population in Uganda
Kuhnt, Jana / Jana Lenze / Ramona Rischke (2019)
Discussion Paper 17/2019
From global refugee norms to local realities: implementing the global compact on refugees in Kenya
Dick, Eva / Markus Rudolf (2019)
Briefing Paper 19/2019
Supporting or thwarting? The influence of EU migration policies on African free movement regimes in West and North-eastern Africa
Castillejo, Clare / Eva Dick / Benjamin Schraven
Briefing Paper 18/2019
Why we need to talk more about “climate migration” in Latin America
Serraglio, Diogo / Benjamin Schraven (2019)
The Current Column 9 September 2019
Digitalisation in the lives of urban migrants: evidence from Bogota
Martin-Shields, Charles P. / Sonia Camacho / Rodrigo Taborda / Constantin Ruhe (2019)
German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)
Human mobility in the context of climate change in Sub-Saharan Africa: trends and basic recommendations for development cooperation
Schraven, Benjamin / Stephen Adaawen / Christina Rademacher-Schulz / Nadine Segadl (2019)
Briefing Paper 12/2019
The challenges of “drought migration”
Adaawen, Stephen / Benjamin Schraven (2019)
The Current Column of 17 June 2019
Migration: solid nations and liquid transnationalism? The EU's struggle to find a shared course on African migration 1999-2019
Schöfberger, Irene (2019)
Discussion Paper 1/2019
Where are the African voices?
Adaawen, Stephen / Benjamin Schraven (2019)
The current Column of 4 February 2019
The neglected role of cities in the Global Compact on Refugeespact on Refugees
Dick, Eva / Jana Kuhnt (2019)
The current Column of 23 January 2019
Towards a borderless Africa? Regional organisations and free movement of persons in West and North-East Africa
Dick, Eva / Benjamin Schraven (2019)
Briefing Paper 1/2019
Wie die EU-Migrationspolitik transnationale Entwicklung fördern kann
Schöfberger, Irene (2019)
Analysen und Stellungnahmen 1/2019
"Thank God, I don't feel like a refugee anymore" : everyday life and integration processes of refugees
Christ, Simone (2019)
BICC Working Paper Series 5/2019
"All day waiting": causes of conflict in refugee shelters in Germany
Christ, Simone / Esther Meininghaus / Tim Röing (2019)
in: BICC Working Paper Series 3/2019
The key to successful integration of refugees in Germany. Language skills, housing, work, social participation
Christ, Simone (2019)
in: BICC Policy Brief 5/2019
Afrika ohne Grenzen? Regionalorganisationen und Personenfreizügigkeit in West- und Nordostafrika
Dick, Eva / Benjamin Schraven (2018)
Analysen und Stellungnahmen 13/2018
What still needs to be said about the migration pact
Schraven, Benjamin / Eva Dick (2018)
The current Column of 10 December 2018
(Re)negotiating refugee protection in Malaysia: implications for future policy in refugee management
Munir-Asen, Katrina (2018)
Discussion Paper 29/2018
How addressing divisions on African migration inside the EU can strengthen transnational development
Schöfberger, Irene (2018)
Briefing Paper 22/2018
Can EU move beyond ‘squabbling over boats’?
Schöfberger, Irene / Niels Keijzer (2018)
The Current Column of 24 September 2018
What the Global Compact for Migration really means
Schraven, Benjamin / Eva Dick (2018)
The Current Column of 23 July 2018
Supporting a place to call home?
Martin-Shields, Charles (2018)
The Current Column of 11 July 2018
Is migration the better form of development aid?
Schraven, Benjamin (2018)
The Current Column of 11 June 2018
Regional migration governance in Africa and beyond: a framework of analysis
Dick, Eva / Benjamin Schraven (2018)
Discussion Paper 9/2018
Dare to be more complex!
Schraven, Benjamin / Charles Martin-Shields (2018)
The Current Column of 19 February 2018
Regional migration governance: contributions to a sustainable international migration architecture
Dick, Eva / Anne Koch / Benjamin Schraven / Benjamin Etzold (2018)
Briefing Paper 1/2018
State fragility as a cause of forced displacement: identifying theoretical channels for empirical research
Martin-Shields, Charles (2017)
Discussion Paper 30/2017
The EU Migration Partnership Framework: time for a rethink?
Castillejo, Clare (2017)
Discussion Paper 28/2017
More development - more migration? The "migration hump" and its significance for development policy co-operation with sub-Saharan Africa
Schraven, Benjamin / Steffen Angenendt / Charles Martin-Shields (2017)
Briefing Paper 20/2017
Digitalisation and flight: how can donors leverage digital technologies to support refugees?
Martin-Shields, Charles (2017)
Briefing Paper 18/2017
Good Governance, Good Jobs, and a Good Global Compact on Migration
Martin-Shields, Charles (2017)
The Current Column of 3 July 2017
Climate change is not everything – The causes of flight and migration are manifold
Schraven, Benjamin (2017)
The Current Column of 6 June 2017
The European Union Trust Fund for Africa: what implications for future EU development policy?
Castillejo, Clare (2017)
Briefing Paper 5/2017
Build towns instead of camps: Uganda as an example of integrative refugee policy
Kreibaum, Merle
Briefing Paper 19/2016
The EU's response to the "refugees crisis": one year after the Valletta Summit
Castillejo, Clare (2016)
The Current Column, 14 November 2016
Baut Städte statt Lager: Uganda als Beispiel einer integrativen Flüchtlingspolitik
Kreibaum, Merle
Analysen und Stellungnahmen 8/2016
Migration, risk management and climate change: evidence and policy responses (Global Migration Issues)
Milan, Andrea / Benjamin Schraven / Koko Warner / Noemi Cascone (eds.) (2016)
Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer
Migration dynamics in sub-Saharan Africa – myths, facts and challenges
Schraven, Benjamin (2016)
in: Rural 21 50 (2), 27-29
Die Schutzlücke schließen: Klimaflüchtlinge als Herausforderung für das Recht
Bauer, Steffen / Benjamin Schraven (2016)
published on Umwelt - Mitwelt - Zukunft 73/2016, 6
A long-term, painstaking undertaking with no guarantee of success – and yet necessary: the development policy "tackling" of causes of flight
Schraven, Benjamin / Jörn Grävingholt (2016)
The Current Column, 20 June 2016
Krisenregion Naher Osten: Fluchtursachen und die Rolle der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
Trautner, Bernhard (2016)
in: Resultate 2/2016, 1,3-4
Beeinflussen Freihandelsabkommen Migration?
Brandi, Clara (2016)
in: Welt-Sichten 5/2016, 6-7
Wars, refugees and a 'systemic crisis': international emergency assistance requires reform
Grävingholt, Jörn / Benjamin Schraven (2016)
The Current Column of 23 May 2016
Refugees and international trade: are we ready to talk about the day after?
Ragoussis, Alexandros (2016)
The Current Column of 11 May 2016
The global refugee crisis: The key role of cities
Dick, Eva / Benjamin Schraven(2016)
The Current Column of 2 May 2016
Ein Marshallplan für Syrien
Bernhard Trautner (2016), 03.02.2016
Their suffering, our burden? How Congolese refugees affect the Ugandan population
Kreibaum, Merle (2016)
in: World Development 78 (February) 262–287
How can development policy help to tackle the causes of flight?
Schraven, Benjamin / Bernhard Trautner / Julia Leininger / Markus Loewe / Jörn Grävingholt
Briefing Paper 2/2016
Europe must send global cooperation signals – Four proposals
Messner, Dirk (2016)
The Current Column of 11 January 2016
Was kann Entwicklungspolitik zur Bekämpfung von Fluchtursachen beitragen?
Schraven, Benjamin / Bernhard Trautner / Julia Leininger / Markus Loewe / Jörn Grävingholt
Analysen und Stellungnahmen 14/2015
Beyond adaptation? The changing nature of seasonal migration in Northern Ghana in the context of climate change, agricultural decline and food insecurity
Schraven, Benjamin / Christina Rademacher-Schulz (2015)
in: Felicitas Hillmann / Marie Pahl / Birte Rafflenbeul / Harald Sterly (eds.), Environmental change, adaptation and migration: bringing in the region, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 267-282
Human mobility in response to rainfall variability: opportunities for migration as a successful adaptation strategy in eight case studies
Schraven, Benjamin / T. Afifi / A. Milan / B. Etzold / C. Rademacher-Schulz / P. Sakdapolrak / A. Reif / K.van der Geest / K.Warner (2015)
published on Migration and Development DOI:10.1080/21632324.2015.1022974
Europa sollte sich nicht beschweren
Keijzer, Niels/ Benjamin Schraven (2015)
Zeit online, 3 November 2015
Mit oder ohne Assad, das ist nicht die Frage
Bernhard Trautner (2015)
Zeit online, 3 October 2015
Tackling the real reasons causing people to flee Syria
Trautner, Bernhard (2015)
The Current Column of 8 October 2015
A five-point plan for dealing with the refugee crisis: there are no small solutions to big problems
Messner, Dirk
The Current Column of 11 September 2015
What should (and what should not) be done to ease the Syrian refugee crisis?
Furness, Mark / Annabelle Houdret (2015)
The Current Column of 8 September 2015
Talk instead of tanks: coming to terms with the past in Iraq as a stabilising factor
Crncic, Zeljko (2015)
The Current Column of 31 August 2015
Migration to Europe – is North Africa Europe's boarder guard?
Schäfer, Isabel (2015)
The Current Column of 8 June 2015
Finanzmarktregulierung könnte auch Flüchtlingshilfe sein – mehr Verantwortung bitte!
Schmitz, Birgit / Benjamin Schraven (2015)
in: Diplomatisches Magazin 4/2015, 38-39
The role of development policy in European refugee policy
Hackenesch, Christine / Julia Leininger (2015)
The Current Column of 5 May 2015
Theory and practice? A comparative analysis of migration and development policies in eleven European countries and the European Commission
Keijzer, Niels / Julia Héraud / Malin Frankenhaeuser (2015)
in: International Migration DOI: 10.1111/imig.12191
Europe, a continent of immigration
Schäfer, Isabel (2015)
in: Culture Report (EUNIC Yearbook 2014/2015), 153-159
Konflikte, Krisen, Klimawandel: Deutschlands globale Verantwortung für eine zukunftsfähige Migrationspolitik
Bauer, Steffen / Benjamin Schraven (2014)
in: Diplomatisches Magazin 10/2014, 40-43
Water and electricity – weapons in the Syrian conflict
Scheumann, Waltina (2014)
The Current Column of 30 June 2014
Die globale Flüchtlingskrise erfordert mehr als nur humanitäre Hilfe
Schraven, Benjamin / Niels Keijzer (2014)
The Current Column of 23 June 2014
Umweltbedingte Migration: Anpassung an den Klimawandel
Bauer, Steffen (2014)
Goethe Institut online
Post 2015: Migration im Sinne einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung gestalten
Schraven, Benjamin / Niels Keijzer / Anna Knoll (2014)
Briefing Paper 1/2014
Will a post-2015 development framework acknowledge migration?
Knoll, Anna / Niels Keijzer (2013)
in: Frank Laczko / Lars Johan Lönnback (eds.), Migration and the United Nations Post-2015 Development Agenda, Geneva: International Organisation for Migration, 53-66
New initiative to protect “environmental refugees”: good but not yet sufficient
Schraven, Benjamin / Steffen Bauer (2013)
The Current Column of 2 April 2013
„Klimamigration“ in Subsahara-Afrika: Trends und grundlegende Empfehlungen für die Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
Schraven, Benjamin / Stephen Adaawen / Christina Rademacher-Schulz / Nadine Segadlo (2019)
Analysen und Stellungnahmen 10/2019
7th IDOS International Migration and Displacement Workshop
Social Cohesion in Displacement Contexts
Bonn, 23.09.2025 bis 25.09.2025
The Externalisation of Migration: Perspectives of the Global North and South
Brussels, 17.02.2025
Policy dialogue
Forced migration and social cohesion: What can we learn from societal dynamics in Ghana and Mozambique?
Bonn and Online, 23 October 2024
Launch Event
Gleichberechtigte Wissenschaftskooperation weltweit
Bonn & online, 19.08.2024
5th Conference of the German Network for Forced Migration Studies
Bonn and Online, 16.09.2024 until 18.09.2024
Kick off workshop
Social Cohesion in Displacement Contexts
Berlin, 24.01.2024
Linked Event
Promoting evidence-based implementation of the Global Compact on Refugees through teaching, research and solidarity
Geneva & Online, 12.12.2023
Evidence-based implementation of the GCR: What role for academia?
Geneva & Online, 11.12.2023
Equitable International Research Cooperation
Bonn, 23.10.2023 bis 24.10.2023
IDOS International Workshop on Displacement and Migration
“Contested Mobility: Between Local Needs, National Interests, and Global Trends”
Bonn, 24. - 25 May 2023
Expert Roundtable (hybrid)
Meaningful Involvement of Regional and District Governments
Bonn & Online, 27.02.2023
Promoting New Ways of Knowledge Production and Policy Transfer
Online, 15 September 2022
Parlamentarischer Abend
Deutschlands Umgang mit weltweiter Flucht und Vertreibung
Berlin, 12 May 2022
Panel discussion
The situation of forced migration and durable solutions in Ethiopia
Online, 7 March 2022
Contested Categories: Issues at the Intersection of Development and Forced Migration Studies
Online, 4-5 October 2021
5th Annual DIE International Workshop of the ‘Contested Mobility’ Research Team
Online, 27-28 September 2021
(Im)mobility in international research cooperation: knowledge and partnerships between the South and North, East and West
Online, 22 June 2021
Local integration of refugees in light of the 2030 Agenda: CRRF and beyond
Online, 5-6 November 2020
Podiumsdiskussion (hybrid)
Die lokale Integration Geflüchteter - Erfahrungen aus NRW
Düsseldorf and Online, 29 October 2020
Contested mobility
Online, 23 September 2020
Online Panel
The COVID-19 crisis: Nail in the coffin or shot in the arm for a sustainable global migration regime?
Online, 23 September 2020
Linking Policies and People: New Insights on Migration and Development
Bonn, 30 - 31 October 2019
The Effects of Remedial Education in Refugee Settings
Bonn, 09 May 2019
Public Discussion
Flucht, Migration, Integration – Herausforderungen und Chancen aus Sicht der Forschung
Düsseldorf, 17 June 2016
Public Discussion
Kann Entwicklungspolitik zur Bewältigung von Flüchtlingskrisen beitragen?
Bonn, 3 December 2015
Panel Discussion
Studierfähige Flüchtlinge und Asylsuchende - Herausforderungen und Lösungswege
Moderator: Benjamin Schraven
Bonn, 1 December 2015
Video on a publicationHighlight
Resume support for the agency for Palestine refugees
Loewe, Markus (2024)
The Current Column of 23 April 2024
Urban refugees and digital technology
Martin-Shields, Charles (2024)
Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press
Going beyond humanitarian aid in addressing refugee issues
Abedtalas, Musallam (2024)
The Current Column of 15 April 2024