Research data
Digital research data
Digital research data are both the basis of scientific knowledge and the result of research, and thus central material for subsequent scientific text publications. The publication of research data promotes the transparency and reproducibility of research results in the sense of Open Science. At the same time, it enables the reuse of data in new research contexts. IDOS scientists publish research data in various, acknowledged and publicly accessible research data repositories. Detailed metadata, permanent identifiers (DOI) and open licences allow for research data that is comprehensible, citable and reusable.
Latest datasets
Data repository: climate futures are political futures: integrating political development into the shared socioeconomic pathways (SSPs)
Leininger, Julia / Buhaug, Halvard / Gilmore, Elisabeth / [...] / Christoph Wingens / [...] / Constantin Ruhe et al. (2024)
Survey data on climate policy in three countries (Peru, Ghana, Philippines) within the project "Sustainable Middle Classes in Middle Income Countries: Transforming Carbon Consumption Patterns (SMMICC)"
Malerba, Daniele / Babette Never / Hanna Fuhrmann-Riebel / Sascha Kuhn (2024)
NDC-SDG Connections: Data on updated NDC submissions (V2)
Dzebo, Adis / Aparajita Banerjee / Gabriela Iacobuţă / Raphaelle Beaussart (2024)
Waste separation in Indonesia (Dataset)
Pegels, Anna / Saka Dwi Hanggara / Florian Kutzner (2024)