Mitarbeiter sonstige

Migration policy: crises, partnerships and people

Keijzer, Niels
Mitarbeiter sonstige (2024)

in: Christine Hackenesch / Niels Keijzer / Svea Koch (eds.), The European Union’s global role in a changing world: challenges and opportunities for the new leadership, Bonn: German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), 24-27

Open access

Migration has been a key issue for the European Union (EU)’s external action, and its development policy more specifically, for at least three decades. While the basis of the EU’s external migration policy is its 2005 Global Approach to Migration and Mobility (GAMM), after 2015 a perceived migration and asylum crisis shifted the external dimension to the centre of the Union’s migration policy, strengthening its scope and profile – including through a host of bilateral cooperation frameworks. In recent years, the EU has concluded various agreements with third countries on return and readmission, both binding and non-binding, while some member states have also concluded their own bilateral agreements to this end (Niemann & Zaun, 2023).

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