International think tanks respond to German G7 priorities

International think tanks respond to German G7 priorities

G7 Sherpa Jörg Kukies reveals German G7 priorities to international experts / Meeting of scientists from major industrialized countries launches Think7 process

Berlin/Bonn, 20. January 2022 - Leading global economists and social scientists will meet next week to develop policy impulses for the German G7 presidency. The three-day meeting, which will be held digitally due to the pandemic, will begin on Monday (January 24 th) with a discussion with Jörg Kukies, State Secretary at the German Chancellery. The Chancellor's G7 sherpa will kick off by presenting what plans the German G7 presidency has for 2022 and will take questions and comments from the experts. The discussion will be shown as a live video on the website www. between 11 a.m. and 12 p.m. German time on January 24th; the conference itself is not open to the public.

The Think7 Inception Conference is the launch of the Think7 process. In this process, think tanks from the G7 countries will work on policy proposals to address major global issues. This year, working groups will be formed on "Climate Change", "Global Health Protection", "Social Cohesion", "Economic Recovery" and "International Cooperation." Over the course of the approximately four-month process, the researchers will meet several times to work on their policy recommendations and discuss them with business, civil society and the German government. The finalized recommendations will be handed over to the German G7 presidency. They are to be included in the final communiqué that the G7 heads of state and government are expected to adopt at Schloss Elmau from June 26th to 28th.

The Think7 process is jointly led by the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) and the Global Solutions Initiative (GSI). The Federal Chancellery has commissioned the two non-profit organizations to carry it out. Anna-Katharina Hornidge, Director at DIE, and Dennis Snower, President of GSI will serve as co-chairs of the Think7 group.  The Hamburg-based THE NEW INSTITUTE is hosting the kick-off conference together with GSI and DIE.

The Think7 group works alongside other G7 engagement groups such as Women7, Business7 or Labour7 to support and feed into the G7 process. "The Think7 is a unique platform because it enables G7 think tanks and other research organizations to propose new ways of international cooperation. The interconnections between business, society and the environment are becoming increasingly clear. Considering this, the Think7 can draw out linkages between policy initiatives and recommend new policy directions," says Dennis Snower, president of the Global Solutions Initiative.

"At a time when serious differences in values and systems are also helping to shape geopolitics, Germany's G7 presidency is making an important contribution by ensuring a transregional dialogue between the G7 countries on how to deal with the pandemic and for a socially just, climate-stabilizing transformation of economies and societies," says Anna-Katharina Hornidge, director at the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE). "As Think7, we are contributing to addressing these challenges and building bridges with the G20 countries by making recommendations to the G7," Hornidge continued.

The Think7 conference is held in partnership with THE NEW INSTITUTE in Hamburg. "The world is facing enormous challenges. With our engagement, we want to contribute to the G7 shaping an economic order that puts social needs and ecological sustainability at the center," says Wilhelm Krull, founding director of THE NEW INSTITUTE. An international collaboration platform like Think7 is central to developing and implementing transformative ideas.

The composition and results of the working groups will be published on the website in the coming period. Further information on the Think7 process is also available here.

Press Contact Global Solutions Initiative
Christoph Podewils, Head of Communications and Spokesperson
 +49 (0) 172 449 7959

Press contact German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)
Tanja Vogel, Head of Communications
+49 (0)228 94927-264

About Think7
In the Think7 group, leading think tanks from the G7 countries work together with civil society and business to develop proposals for forward-looking agreements between the G7 member states. Besides short-term responses such as providing vaccines or financial support programs in the G7 countries and beyond, this also implies stewardship for longer-term systemic transformations that generate an environmentally sustainable, socially just and resilient recovery in a multilateral system.

The Global Solutions Initiative (GSI) and the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) are chairing the Think7 Group during Germany’s G7 Presidency in 2022. The German Federal Chancellery has mandated the two organizations to carry out the Think7 process.

About the Global Solutions Initiative
The Global Solutions Initiative is a global collaborative enterprise that proposes policy responses to major global problems, addressed by the G20, the G7 and other global governance fora. The policy recommendations and strategic visions are generated through a disciplined research program by leading research organizations, elaborated in policy dialogues between researchers, policymakers, business leaders and civil society representatives.


THE NEW INSTITUTE is a mission-driven Institute of Advanced Study and a platform for change. It was founded in response to the urgent ecological, economic and political challenges of our time. THE NEW INSTITUTE is located in Hamburg and will bring together a community of globally concerned thinkers and practitioners from academia, the arts, activism, media, business, and politics to develop powerful visions to fundamentally reshape society.



Tanja Vogel

Head of Communications