Online Platform Presents Policy Proposals to G20

Online Platform Presents Policy Proposals to G20

Press Release, 2 May 2017

How can the G20 ensure sustained progress on climate protection? How can governments leverage the opportunities of digitalization and mitigate the risks? How can migration and asylum policy challenges be overcome? Leading think tanks from the G20 countries have been grappling with these and other key poli­cy issues facing the 20 largest industrialized and emerging economies (G20) and are now presenting their recommendations to the G20 via the internet platform.

The platform is operated by Think 20 (T20), a network of prestigious think tanks that supports the G20 by providing policy proposals. More than 40 specific policy proposals have already been published on The platform was created in connection with Germany's presidency of the G20 this year, but the intention is that it should become the main hub of policy recommendations for the G20.

The T20 proposals include setting standards for online courses in order to promote training and continuing education, thereby reducing inequalities in a period of increasing digitalization (Digitalization). Another recommendation is to expand emissions trading systems and reduce subsidies for fossil fuels, which would enable climate protection to be combined with a more equitable distribution of income (Global Inequality). With respect to financial stability, the T20 think tanks are proposing to remove inconsistencies across regulatory rules, to discourage the use of financial regulatory standards as means of international competition, and to give more weight to pedagogically explaining the established regulatory standards in public. (Financial Resilience).

Prof. Dennis J. Snower, co-chair of the T20 and President of the Kiel Institute for the World Economy: "The T20 seeks to deliver concrete ideas that can be implemented by the G20 countries. The G20 Insights platform demonstrates how the G20 countries can contribute to a better world."

Prof. Dirk Messner, co-chair of the T20 and Director of the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Bonn: "The G20 Insights platform is a cornerstone of our T20 engagement and showcases the outstanding work being done by our think tank network."

A video introduction to the G20 Insights platform is available here.

About Think 20: The T20 Group is a network of research institutes and think tanks from the G20 countries. The German government has mandated the Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW) and the Bonn-based German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) with coordinating and overseeing the Think 20 Dialogue during Germany's 2017 presidency of the G20. The goal is to develop recommendations for the G20 and make them available for discussion. For more information, visit

The T20 will present their proposals at the T20 Summit GLOBAL SOLUTIONS on May 29 and 30 in Berlin and discuss them with representatives from academia, politics, business, international organizations, and civil society groups. More information is available at

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