Archive 2008

Jan.  Feb.  March   April  May  June  July  Aug.  Sept.  Oct.  Nov.  Dec.


Weathering the American Contagion
DIE-economist Ulrich Volz analyses the impact of the world-wide financial and economic crisis on China and discusses what China might add to solve the international crisis.
Far Eastern Economic Review
28 December 2008
Climate Strategies against poverty
DIE-Director Dirk Messner discussed climate issues and the lack of technology with the “Standard“: “To reduce poverty we need a strategy that includes growth, world markets, the ability to compete and technology“.
09 December 2008
Military responses to deal with the impact of climate change: environmental warriors
DIE-Director Dirk Messner demands the development of climate change geopolitics and warns that environmental damage leads to an intensified migration into Western cities.
Neue Rheinische Zeitung
03 December 2008
Almost there – activists intensify efforts
The industrial countries need to agree on binding reductions on emissions and their implementation, Carmen Richerzhagen and Imme Scholz, climate change experts of DIE, told FOCUS. Otherwise it will be impossible to convince developing countries that a global market to trade emissions can benefit them.
01 December 2008
The “Bonner Aufruf” is being criticised
Thomas Fues characterised the “Bonner Aufruf” in a panel discussion as being too simple. He criticised that only Germans signed the list although it is a global topic.
01 December 2008


The world is just enough
Students usually concentrate on a career in development cooperation early in their studies or working life. The post-graduate programme of DIE is therefore an important contribution to educating qualified young professionals.
zenith – Zeitschrift für den Orient 3/2008
27 November 2008
Climate change – risks, impacts, opportunities
Gerhard Delling discussed risks, impacts and opportunities of climate change with politicians and academics. DIE-Director Dirk Messner commented on the German and European role in international efforts to save the environment.
Dellings Woche, WDR Fernsehen
26 November 2008
A new global order: Bretton Woods II…and San Francisco II
On the background of the first world summit on finance DIE-Director Dirk Messner and Simon Maxwell, Director of the Overseas Development Institute, formulated 5 steps to restructure the global order. They still see Europe as an important player in this context despite other giants rising.
The English version was published on 11 November 2008 under the title: A new global order: Bretton Woods II…and San Francisco II. The German version was published under the Title: Europa, hilf! in DIE ZEIT on 13 November 2008.
World summit on finance: The situation for emerging economies
DIE-financial expert Peter Wolff comments on the impact of the financial crisis on Africa.
Journal Extra; Deutsche Welle
12 November 2008
“We cannot save the small islands anymore“
DIE-Director Dirk Messner talks about cities dying of thirst, disappearing islands and refugees caused by hunger in an interview with tagesspiegel.de.
Der Tagesspiegel
07 November 2008
Financial crisis: Hunger and poverty increase
Financial crisis, bankrupt banks and states on the edge of bankruptcy – the world is sliding towards a grave economic crisis. People in Germany fear for their savings or their job. But what does the financial crisis mean for people in the developing countries? An interview with DIE-Director Dirk Messner.
SOS-Kinderdörfer weltweit
07 November 2008
IMF's policy advice only followed by nations in need of emergency credit
DIE-economist Ulrich Volz comments on proposals for a new global early warning system to prevent future financial crises, which would include a better exchange of information between the IMF, regulatory authorities and central banks to ensure that policymakers get all the necessary information in time so they can take appropriate action. The problem that led to the current crisis, he argues, is not that analysis was missing or that there was a lack of warnings about reckless lending and a lack of regulation in the US financial sector or the problems stemming from global imbalances.
Financial Times, Leaders & Letters
06 November 2008


Climate change turns people into refugees
Climate change has not only an impact on our environment but also threatens international stability warns DIE-Director Dirk Messner. He pleads for an enormous international effort.
Westfälische Rundschau
31 October 2008
At the end of the Metropolis conference in Bonn, Dirk Messner, DIE-Director, explains the future influence of climate change on migration.
31 October 2008
No security, nowhere
DIE-economist Ulrich Volz is discussing the financial crisis and its implications for developing countries with other researchers at the SWR2 Forum.
SWR2 Forum
29 October 2008
The crisis hits Latin America
The financial crisis has now reached Latin American countries. Christian von Haldenwang, Latin America expert of DIE, comments on the impact of the crisis.
Deutsche Welle, Fokus Amerika
29 October 2008
Poverty and hunger will increase
Dirk Messner warns the international community not to neglect the fight against poverty and climate change in face of the financial crisis. The crisis now hits the developing countries severely he said.
Deutschlandradio Kultur, dradio.de
28 October 2008
Impact of the crisis
Interview with DIE-economist Ulrich Volz on the implications of the financial crisis for developing and emerging countries.
radio eins rbb, Die radioeins Morgenshow
24 October 2008
Exercising for a world government
Countries like China and India will increase their interest spheres as a result of the financial crisis. Dirk Messner, DIE-Director, talks about “blocked multi-polarity” in light of the reserved attitude of these countries towards negotiating a global common good with the West - due to the limited credibility of the latter.
23 October 2008
Development assistance: Which roles for states and civil society?
Dirk Messner discusses development policy with Winfried Pinger who demands a change of policy as one of the initiators of the “Bonner Aufruf”. Pinger explained why assistance should mainly be given to civil society while Prof. Messner stated that cooperation with the state is needed for development.
welt-sichten 10-2008
October 2008
Financial crisis plunges emerging countries into disaster
The emerging nations, affected by the financial crisis without fault on their own, have so far dealt quite stalwartly with the situation but the impact of the crisis is visible in many countries and will worsen, DIE-economist Ulrich Volz told Spiegel Online.
Spiegel Online
21 October 2008
UN Day: Viewing the world from Bonn
Markus Loewe talks about environmental protection and the fight against poverty in light of the food crisis and the stock market crash on UN day.
Radio Bonn/Rhein-Sieg, Radiomagazin Kreuz&Quer
19 October 2008
China could become an anchor for stability
“The Chinese need to be involved when talking about reorganizing the financial markets” Dirk Messner, DIE-Director, told the FAZ. But Europe needs to push for a UN conference now he said.
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
18 October 2008
Africa, Asia and Latin America
DIE-economist Ulrich Volz assesses the impact of the financial crisis on developing and emerging countries.
Deutschlandfunk, Informationen am Morgen
18 October 2008
China has to learn to be a leader
Dirk Messner, DIE-Director, demands a higher profile of Europe in the discussion for a new world order. “I believe the current world order is in crisis. We need internationally coordinated action to solve the problems” he told the Stuttgarter Zeitung.
Stuttgarter Zeitung
17 October 2008
Interviews (on the world food day on 16th October 2008)
DIE-agricultural expert Michael Brüntrup states that higher food prices will lead to difficulties in developing countries in the short term but could provide an opportunity for the fight against poverty in a long term perspective as farmers need to invest in order to produce more efficiently.
Deutsche Welle Radio, Wirtschaft
Domradio, Bericht: Die Nuss, das Öl, der Hunger
Bayern2, radioWissen
Dirk Messner, DIE-Director, talks about the impact of the financial crisis on developing countries and predicts that poverty and hunger will increase as a result.
16 October 2008
Three crises with one stone
In an article for the weekly „DIE ZEIT“ DIE-Director Dirk Messner, is highlighting the importance of global governance for solving the three big issues at the beginning of the century: financial crisis, climate change and hunger. The EU is an important player in the current crisis and should organize a global conference to discuss a new world order for the 21st century.
16 October 2008
China Announces Sweeping Agricultural Reforms
China's ruling Communist Party leadership approved a major economic reform plan on 13 October, which it says will boost farmers' incomes and reduce the gap between rural and urban China. DIE-China expert Doris Fischer talks about the significance of the new policy.
Deutsche Welle, "Asia Compact"
13 October 2008
Article (In German only)
Afrika fürchtet einen Wachstumseinbruch
Dirk Messner, Director of the German Development Institute, comments on the effects of the finance crisis on the economic growth of Africa, which is based mainly on the export of its natural resources.
08 October 2008
Europe Needs A United Approach To the Credit Crunch
Ulrich Volz analyses the impact of the finance crisis on Europe.
Wall Street Journal
07 October 2008
Article (In German only)
Zwischen Wettbewerb und Partnerschaft
While the EU is still the largest cooperation partner to Sub-Sahara Africa, China has geared up its presence in Africa with booming direct investments and an active official cooperation policy. The EU-Africa-China Conference, organised by the German Development Institute, continued a dialogue between Chinese and German/European officials and academics as well as African research partners and policy-makers.
General-Anzeiger, Bonn
06 October 2008
Interview (In German only)
DIE-Department Head Peter Wolff talks about the implications of the finance crisis on Africa.
Deutschen Welle, "Fokus Afrika“
02 October 2008


The United Nations convened a High-level Event on the Millennium Development Goals at UN Headquarters in New York on 25 September. At the halfway point towards the target date, Dirk Messner discussed and explained the Millennium Development Goals in a “special” of the 3sat science programme “nano”.
nano spezial, 3sat
25 September 2008
Es hängt vieles am Geld – aber Reformen im Welthandel sind genauso wichtig (In German only)
DIE-Department Head Peter Wolff talks about the development aid policies of the industrial countries, Scandinavia as a role-model and new financial resources for development aid from the European Union’s Emission Trading System (EU ETS).
Frankfurter Rundschau
25 September 2008
Press Release (in German only)
Privatwirtschaft in Entwicklungsländern muss gestärkt werden
Andreas Stamm, urged the experts of the Committee on Economic Cooperation and Development of the German Parliament to not only talk about “obstacles” when it comes to the build-up of functioning private enterprise sectors in developing countries but also about the “positive changes”.
Deutscher Bundestag
24 September 2008
No More Safe Havens
DIE-economist Ulrich Volz and guest researcher Sony Kapoor analyse the current developments in the financial sector and the implications for Asia.
Far Eastern Economic Review
22 September 2008
Kampagne gegen deutsche Medien (in German only)
Spiegel Online reports: A Chinese journalist of the Deutsche Welle has been taken off the air because she sympathised with the communist Chinese regime. Doris Fischer, China-Expert of the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik, about paid online party praise.
Spiegel Online
19 September 2008
Dividing the labour, sharing the work
The European Union is working to improve the joint development aid policy it first established fifteen years ago. Sven Grimm analyses the current situation and depicts the political situation in the EU member states.
10 September 2008
Russlands neue Kampfeslust (In German only)
Jörn Grävingholt comments the foreign policy situation of Russia after the war in the Caucasus region in August 2008.
10 September 2008
Resource Water (In German only)
Dirk Messner talks about water as a trigger for future conflicts and the dangers of accelerating climate change.
03 September 2008
Qualität statt Quantität gefordert (In German only)
The "Analysen und Stellungnahmen" (Briefing Paper) of the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik on the implementation of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness is quoted.
die tageszeitung
02 September 2008

Jagd auf weiße Elefanten (In German only)
Guido Ashoff comments the implementation of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness.
By Joachim Heinz, KNA Katholische Nachrichten-Agentur
01 September 2008

with Stefan Leiderer on the subject of the effectiveness of development cooperation and budget support. (In German only)
Radiokolleg - Für "Eine Welt", Ö1-ORF
01 - 04 September 2008


REDD carbon markets: Proposals compared
The ‘Briefing Paper 6’ on ‘Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries’ by Imme Scholz and Lars Schmidt is being quoted at length.
’Carbon News and Info’ by carbonpositive
22 August 2008
with Doris Fischer on the subject of environmental problems in China.
PHOENIX, "China und die Spiele"
17 August 2008
with Peter Wolff on the subject "Development Aid for China?". (In German only)
"Funkjournal" of Deutschen Welle
01 August 2008


with Markus Loewe on the subject "The Millenium Goals and the powerlessness of the aid organisations".
"Themen der Zeit" WDR 3
20 July 2008
Wasser ein starker Faktor der Entwicklung.
The German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik has analysed ten Swiss development programmes in the water sector. (In German only)
Neue Zürcher Zeitung
11 July 2008
with Doris Fischer on the subject of “Investments of the German medium-sised businesses in China“
hr2 Der Tag. Available online as podcast Pekinger Spiele: Olympia süß-sauer. (In German only)
08 July 2008


Asian Monetary Fund, Take Two
by Ulrich Volz
Far Eastern Economic Review
18 June 2008


with Sven Grimm about the Japanese Africa policy on the occasion of the TICAD IV Conference in Yokohama. (In German only)
Deutsche Welle
30 May 2008


Helfen - aber wie? Beim Kampf gegen den Hunger fehlt es an gemeinsamen Strategie. (In German only)
by Joachim Heinz, KNA Katholische Nachrichten-Agentur
23 April 2008
with Dirk Messner on the subject of food prices in Haiti. (In German only)
Deutschlandfunk, (podcast.de)
10 April 2008
Historischer Umbruch. Wer den Klimawandel international bekämpfen will, muss dafür sorgen, dass alle das Ausmaß des Problems kennen.
by Dirk Messner. (In German only)
In: Kulturaustausch online. Zeitschrift für internationale Perspektiven II/2008
with Julia Leininger on the subject that help from the outside is necessary for Zimbabwe. (In German only)
Frankfurter Rundschau
03 April 2008


Life improving for Bangladeshi women
by Petra Dannecker
19 March 2008
with Imme Scholz on the subject of continuous logging in the Amazon forest. (In German only)
die tageszeitung
18 March 2008
Welt im Wandel. Sicherheitsrisiko Klimawandel
Dossier on the Report World in Transition – Climate Change as a Security Risk of the German Advisory Council on Global Change (Wissenschaftlicher Beirat der Bundesregierung Globale Umweltveränderungen WBGU).
Co-Author Dirk Messner
on the subject of the the implementation of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness by the United Nations
In: Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit 3/2008. (In German only)
about the study of Martina Vatterodt (Studies 35)
with Dirk Messner on the subject of climate change. (In German only)
Deutschlandradio Kultur
12 March 2008
"Falsche Strategie. Die Entwicklungspolitik ist an der Krise nicht ganz unbeteiligt". A talk with the Institute's researchers Sven Grimm and Susanne Neubert about the current situation in Kenya. (In German only)
General-Anzeiger, Bonn
03 March 2008
Sorge um China-Forschung an deutschen Hochschulen
about a presentation by the Institute’s researcher Doris Fischer. (In German only)
Gießener Anzeiger/Oberhessissche Presse
01 March 2008


with Sven Grimm at the occasion of President Bush’s visit to Africa. (In German only)
WDR 5, "Morgenecho"
15 February 2008
Time to Delink from the Dollar
by Ulrich Volz
Far Eastern Economic Review
February 2008
Welt am Abgrund? Der Erde geht die Puste aus

A Discussion round, among others with Dirk Messner. (In German only)
12 February 2008


with Dirk Messner
A European Strategy for Development Policy is needed. (In German only)
Deutschlandradio Kultur
24 January 2008
The Future of Development Policy. (In German only)
by Dirk Messner
Frankfurter Rundschau
19 January 2008

Press contacts

Tanja Vogel
Head of Communications
E-mail  presse@idos-research.de
Phone +49 (0)228 94927-264

Sabrina Heuwinkel
Press Relations Radio & TV
E-mail  presse@idos-research.de
Phone +49 228 94927-150

Wendpanga Eric Segueda
Communications Officer
E-mail  presse@idos-research.de
Phone +49 (0)228 94927-344