Others Publications

The political economy of real estate development in Alhaydaryah Neighbourhood - Aleppo

Abedtalas, Musallam
External Publications (2023)

in: Kalamoon (22), 215-228

Volltext/Full text (arabic only)

Using the political economy analysis, we tried to understand the dynamics of the real estate development project in Al-Haidariya neighborhood (Aleppo city). We explored the structural and contextual constants that frame the economic and political developments and the interaction between economic interests and political authority embodied in formal and informal institutions. The study had two concerns: scientific and policy. On the scientific side, the study tried to enrich the political-economy approach by applying it to real estate development in the context of conflict that has not been done previously. On the policy side, the study attempted to explore the possibility of recommending specific interventions by interested parties. The qualitative data was collected through semi-structured interviews with 10 experts. The findings of the study indicated that the basic logic of the political economy of the regime is what governs the project on the ground. The regime sacrifices economic efficiency and healthy reconstruction for the sake of the continuity in power, and promotes the interests of those affiliated with it at the expense of the interests of the majority of the neighborhood’s residents. Accordingly, some suggestions were proposed to help mitigate the negative effects of the project.

Further experts

Erforth, Benedikt

Political Science 

Fiedler, Charlotte

Political Scientist 

Furness, Mark

Political Science 

Kuhnt, Jana

Development Economist 

Lorch, Jasmin

Political Science 

Martin-Shields, Charles

Political Science 

Mross, Karina

Political Science 


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