External publications

Strategic policymaking and Germany’s MENA aid programme

Furness, Mark
External Publications (2018)

in: Orient 59 (4), 23-32


The German government has not publicly identified the political, social and economic processes it wants to support in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), or the role of aid – along with other policy instruments – in pursuing these goals. A German whole-of-government strategy based on the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) would help to Balance Germany’s interests with the MENA region’s development priorities.

About the IDOS author

Further IDOS experts

Baydag, Melis

Political Science 

Bergmann, Julian

Political Science 

Dang, Vy

Political Science 

Erforth, Benedikt

Political Science 

Grimm, Sven

Political Science 

Hackenesch, Christine

Political Science 

Keijzer, Niels

Social Science 

Koch, Svea

Social Science 

Löpelt, Sarah

International relations and Sustainability policy 

von Haaren, Paula

Development Economics 


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