External publications

Poverty and shared prosperity 2018: piecing together the poverty puzzle

Jolliffe, Dean / María Ana Lugo / Bénédicte Leroy de la Brière / Jed Friedman / Isis Gaddis / Roy Katayama / Daniel Gerszon Mahler / Mario Negre / David Newhouse / Minh Cong Nguyen / Espen Beer Prydz / Maika Schmidt / Dhiraj Sharma / Judy Yang
External Publications (2018)

Washington, DC: World Bank

ISBN: 978-1-4648-1330-6

The Poverty and Shared Prosperity series provides a global audience with the latest and most accurate estimates on trends in global poverty and shared prosperity. The 2018 edition — Piecing Together the Poverty Puzzle —broadens the ways we define and measure poverty. It presents a new measure of societal poverty, integrating the absolute concept of extreme poverty and a notion of relative poverty reflecting differences in needs across countries. It introduces a multi-dimensional poverty measure that is anchored on household consumption and the international poverty line of $1.90 per person per day but broadens the measure by including information on access to education and basic infrastructure. Finally, it investigates differences in poverty within households, including by age and gender. 

About the IDOS author

Further IDOS experts

Brüntrup, Michael

Agricultural Economy 

Burchi, Francesco

Development Economy 

Christ, Simone

Social Anthropology 

Dick, Eva

Sociologist and Spatial Planner 

Dippel, Beatrice


Faus Onbargi, Alexia

Energy and climate policy 

Jaji, Rose


Malerba, Daniele


Mchowa, Chifundo

Development Economics 

Mudimu, George Tonderai

Agricultural policy economics 

Roll, Michael


Sowa, Alina


Stöcker, Alexander


Zintl, Tina

Political Scientist 


Cornelia Hornschild
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