External publications

Positions of established and emerging powers towards climate finance: the cases of Germany and Korea

Baydag, R. Melis
External Publications (2024)

in: Stephan Klingebiel / Thomas Kalinowski / Niels Keijzer (eds.), Emerging trends in International development and climate policy: a focus on Korea and Germany, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 39-52

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-65671-2_4
Open access

Climate finance is an increasingly important issue for international cooperation of established and emerging powers as well as their claims of leadership in the global green energy transition. This chapter explores the underpinnings of the positions of Germany and South Korea towards international climate finance from the perspective of ideational and material interest-driven domestic political dynamics.

About the IDOS author

Further IDOS experts

Aleksandrova, Mariya

Climate risk governance 

Brandi, Clara

Economy and Political Science 

Dippel, Beatrice


Donnelly, Aiveen

Politcal Science 

Ekoh, Susan S.

Environmental Research 

Fasold, Maximilian

Political Economy 

Goedeking, Nicholas

Comparative Political Economy 

Hagenström, Paul

International Relations 

Hilbrich, Sören


Lehmann, Ina

Political Science 

Malerba, Daniele


Mathis, Okka Lou

Political Scientist 

Mchowa, Chifundo

Development Economics 

Never, Babette

Political Scientist 

Pegels, Anna


Rodríguez de Francisco, Jean Carlo

Ecological economics 

Sommer, Christoph


Srigiri, Srinivasa Reddy

Agricultural Economist 

Walle, Yabibal

Development Economics 


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