External publications

Human progress within planetary guardrails: a contribution to the SDG debate

Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim / Dirk Messner / Frauke Kraas / Claus Leggewie / Peter Lemke / Ellen Matthies / Nebosja Nakicenovic / Sabine Schlacke / Uwe Schneidewind
External Publications (2014)

Berlin: WBGU (Politikpapier 8)

The year 2015 has special importance for the transformation towards sustainable ¬development. New Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are then supposed to ¬replace the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The aim is to offer a new orientation for political action in the coming decades. The WBGU recommends orienting the new catalogue of goals towards the key message of the 1992 Earth Summit: that development and environmental protection must be considered together and do not contradict each other. The SDGs should not be reduced to poverty eradication, but must address all dimensions of sustainable development. In particular, global environmental change must be incorporated, otherwise even poverty eradication will become ¬impossible. Up to now, too little attention has been paid to this link in the ongoing discourse on SDGs. Although many reports mention the concept of planetary guard rails or planetary boundaries, they do not back this up with specific targets. The WBGU ¬presents recommendations on how guard rails for global environmental problems should be incorporated in the SDG catalogue and operationalized by means of ¬corresponding targets.

Further IDOS experts

Aleksandrova, Mariya

Climate risk governance 

Banerjee, Aparajita

Environmental and Resource Sociology, Public Policy 

Brandi, Clara

Economy and Political Science 

Brüntrup, Michael

Agricultural Economy 

Burchi, Francesco

Development Economy 

Dick, Eva

Sociologist and Spatial Planner 

Dippel, Beatrice


Dombrowsky, Ines


Donnelly, Aiveen

Politcal Science 

Ekoh, Susan S.

Environmental Research 

Faus Onbargi, Alexia

Energy and climate policy 

Goedeking, Nicholas

Comparative Political Economy 

Hagenström, Paul

International Relations 

Hein, Jonas


Hernandez, Ariel


Houdret, Annabelle

Political Scientist 

Lehmann, Ina

Political Science 

Malerba, Daniele


Mathis, Okka Lou

Political Scientist 

Mchowa, Chifundo

Development Economics 

Mudimu, George Tonderai

Agricultural policy economics 

Möschl, Tim


Never, Babette

Political Scientist 

Pegels, Anna


Putz, Lena-Marie

Peace and Conflict Research 

Rodríguez de Francisco, Jean Carlo

Ecological economics 

Schüpf, Dennis


Srigiri, Srinivasa Reddy

Agricultural Economist 

Wagner, Niklas

Climate & Knowledge Sociology 


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