External publications

Heteroskedasticity robust panel unit root testing under variance breaks in pooled regressions
Herwartz, Helmut / Florian Siedenburg / Yabibal M. WalleExternal Publications (2016)
in: Econometric Reviews 35 (5), 727-750
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/07474938.2014.966638
Noting that many economic variables display occasional shifts in their second order moments, we investigate the performance of homogenous panel unit root tests in the presence of permanent volatility shifts. It is shown that in this case the test statistic proposed by Herwartz and Siedenburg is asymptotically standard Gaussian. By means of a simulation study we illustrate the performance of first and second generation panel unit root tests and undertake a more detailed comparison of the test in Herwartz and Siedenburg (2008) and its heteroskedasticity consistent Cauchy counterpart introduced in Demetrescu and Hanck. As an empirical illustration, we reassess evidence on the Fisher hypothesis with data from nine countries over the period 1961Q2-2011Q2. Empirical evidence supports panel stationarity of the real interest rate for the entire subperiod. With regard to the most recent two decades, the test results cast doubts on market integration, since the real interest rate is diagnosed nonstationary.
Cornelia Hornschild
Publication Coordinator
E-mail Cornelia.Hornschild@idos-research.de
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Librarian/ Open Access Coordinator
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