External publications

Financing the United Nations: status quo, challenges and reform options

Baumann, Max-Otto / Haug, Sebastian
External Publications (2024)

New York: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung

ISBN: 978-3-98628-560-9
Volltext/Full text

The study provides an accessible analysis of how the United Nations, the world’s foremost international organization, is financed. It starts with an overview of the three main funding modalities: assessed contributions, voluntary contributions (core and earmarked), and the umbrella category of “other resources”. The study then explores how financing challenges affect the United Nations as a multilateral system, identifying four areas of concern: the inadequacy of resources across the system, the complexity and fragmentation of financing arrangements, the (mis)fit between financing modalities and the United Nation’s mandated functions, and questions of power and burden-sharing. Based on that, the study advances a set of ideas for improving the financing of the United Nations and its multilateralism.

Further IDOS experts

Baydag, Melis

Political Science 

Bergmann, Julian

Political Science 

Dang, Vy

Political Science 

Erforth, Benedikt

Political Science 

Fasold, Maximilian

Political Economy 

Furness, Mark

Political Science 

Grimm, Sven

Political Science 

Hackenesch, Christine

Political Science 

Hilbrich, Sören


Keijzer, Niels

Social Science 

Koch, Svea

Social Science 

Löpelt, Sarah

International relations and Sustainability policy 

Mchowa, Chifundo

Development Economics 

Sommer, Christoph


von Haaren, Paula

Development Economics 

Walle, Yabibal

Development Economics 


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