Feminist research perspectives in peace and conflict studies and consultancy work

Ruppel, Samantha / Alena Sander
External Publications (2022)

published on blog.prif.org, 25.05.2022

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Feminist approaches in peace and conflict studies have been neglected for a long time – but they are currently on the rise. Interestingly, a similar trend may be observed in the practice of peacebuilding. While researchers and consultants base their approaches on similar reflections, their challenges with regard to the implementation of feminist approaches are not quite the same. In this discussion, Samantha Ruppel, feminist researcher at the PRIF, and Alena Sander, a feminist freelance consultant, discuss these differences, and emphasize common goals and opportunities of the feminist approach in peace research and practice.

About the author

Ruppel, Samantha

Political Science


Further experts

Christ, Simone

Social Anthropology 

Dippel, Beatrice


Friesen, Ina

Political Science 

Jaji, Rose


Roll, Michael


Sowa, Alina


Zintl, Tina

Political Scientist