External publications

Economic transformation and job creation in Mozambique

Balchin, Neil / Peter Coughlin / Phyllis Papadavid / Dirk Willem te Velde / Kasper Vrolijk
External Publications (2017)

Synthesis Paper, London: Overseas Development Institute


With its considerable mineral reserves, vast arable land, extensive coastline and harbours, transport corridors to inland countries,and the promise of future revenues from megaprojects in coal and gas, Mozambique has good prospects for diversifying production, advancing industrialisation andpromoting economic transformation. However, whileMozambique’s gross domestic product (GDP)has grown annually by 5-7% in real termsover the past decade, this has not been accompanied by structural change or sufficient job creation. Mozambique urgently requires a different focus towards economic transformation to address short-termmacroeconomic challenges and create much-needed jobs in a sustainable way.

About the IDOS author

Further IDOS experts

Altenburg, Tilman

Economic Geography 

Asimeng, Emmanuel Theodore

Urban Planning, Sustainability 

El-Haddad, Amirah


Loewe, Markus


Sommer, Christoph


Sowa, Alina


Strohmaier, Rita


Stöcker, Alexander


Vogel, Tim


Zintl, Tina

Political Scientist 


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