External publications

Beyond climate neutrality

Bassen, Alexander / Jörg Drewes / Markus Fischer / Sabine Gabrysch / Anna-Katharina Hornidge / Karen Pittel / Hans-Otto Pörtner / Sabine Schlacke / Anke Weidenkaff
External Publications (2021)

Berlin: WBGU - German Advisory Council on Global Change

Dt. Ausg. u.d.T.: Über Klimaneutralität hinausdenken

Open access

The climate crisis and the crises caused by the COVID-19 pandemic must be tackled together. Many countries are working on strategies to implement the Paris Agreement. At the climate conference in Glasgow, therefore, it will be imperative to reconcile short- and long-term goals and measures. German legislators have been obliged by the Federal Constitutional Court to plan climate-change mitigation for the long term. It should also be made mandatory at the international level to formulate and communicate long-term strategies which aim beyond climate neutrality at climate stabilization and strive for multiple benefits with other sustainability dimensions. To this end they should first contain a rapid and complete phase-out of fossil-fuel use. Second, the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of ecosystems should become a priority. Third, strategic preparations should be made for the removal of CO2 from the atmosphere. To generate a strong momentum, countries at COP 26 should commit to using their COVID-19 stimulus programmes in line with long-term strategies.

Further IDOS experts

Aleksandrova, Mariya

Climate risk governance 

Brandi, Clara

Economy and Political Science 

Dippel, Beatrice


Donnelly, Aiveen

Politcal Science 

Ekoh, Susan S.

Environmental Research 

Gitt, Florian


Goedeking, Nicholas

Comparative Political Economy 

Hagenström, Paul

International Relations 

Haug, Sebastian

Political Science 

Kachelmann, Matthias

Political Science 

Lehmann, Ina

Political Science 

Li, Hangwei

Political Science 

Malerba, Daniele


Mathis, Okka Lou

Political Scientist 

Never, Babette

Political Scientist 

Novoselova, Anna

Political Science 

Nowack, Daniel

Political Science 

Olekseyuk, Zoryana


Pegels, Anna


Rodríguez de Francisco, Jean Carlo

Ecological economics 

Srigiri, Srinivasa Reddy

Agricultural Economist 

Stewart, Benjamin

Social Science 

Volz, Ulrich


Wagner, Niklas

Climate & Knowledge Sociology 

Wehrmann, Dorothea


Wingens, Christopher

Political Science 


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