Ocean regions
Ocean regions in inter- and transnational cooperation
Polar bears on melting ice floes, coral bleaching and garbage patches are among the most popular images that visualise the profound anthropogenic changes that oceans and other marine areas are currently experiencing. At the same time, the strategic significance of oceans and their overall relevance is growing locally and globally: They act as climate regulators, source of nutrition and for livelihood security.
Since 1982, oceans are classified “common heritage of humankind” (United Nations Law of the Sea) but particularly the Paris Climate Agreement and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (both 2015) emphasise human effects on the sensitive, unique and complex ecosystems. Both agreements strongly demand the protection and more sustainable use of marine areas for humanity at large. Recent global security issues and geopolitical turmoil resulting from the Russian war against Ukraine complicate global cooperation on the oceans. Also the transformation of energy systems to more renewables affects coastal and ocean communities.
At the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), experts investigate challenges and transformation processes that go along with the implementation of the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda. By considering different perspectives, they identify trade-offs, need for reforms and adaptation, and develop recommendations for political practitioners.
Epistemic oscillation: living with ocean risks
Rafliana, Irina (2025)
in: Ocean and Society 2, article 8885
Navigating coastal dynamics: illegal institutional arrangements, gangs’ activities, and knowledge mobility in the Gulf of Guayaquil
Chávez‐Páez, Wendy / Anna-Katharina Hornidge (2025)
in: Ocean and Society 2, article 8851
Outlook for the new legislature: Energy transition at sea
Ittner, Irit (2025)
The Current Column of 10 February 2025
Sustainable Urban Development in the European Arctic
Wehrmann, Dorothea / Michał Łuszczuk / Katarzyna Radzik-Maruszak / Jacqueline Götze / Arne Riedel (2025)
Abingdon; New York: Routledge
Disrupted sand Flows, artisanal fishers, and the making of coastal protection in Southern India
Schüpf, Dennis / Schipper E. Lisa F. / Kuppusami Nithya (2024)
in: Ocean and Society 2, article 8933
Germany’s new Arctic guidelines: a case for knowledge diversification
Wehrmann, Dorothea / Charlotte Gehrke (2024)
The Current Column of 14 October 2024
Following a deep-sea channel
Hägele, Ramona (2024)
in: Nature and Culture 19 (2), 209-235
Doing marine worlds: marine STSing through Germany and beyond
Bogusz, Tanja / Ramona Hägele / Laura Otto (2024)
EASST Review 43 (1), 56-59
Transnational intersectionality at sea: gender, appearance, ethnicity, age, and marine knowledge production
Hägele, Ramona / Anna-Katharina Hornidge (2024)
in: Ocean and Society 2, article 8737
Küsten schützen
Schüpf, Dennis / Felix Brentrup (2024)
published on 17ziele.de/blog
Five social science intervention areas for ocean sustainability initiatives
Partelow, Stefan / Achim Schlüter / Natalie C. Ban /.../ Anna-Katharina Horndige et al. (2023)
in: Ocean Sustainability 2, article 24
Postcolonial oceans: contradictions, heterogeneities, knowledges, materialities
Chatterjee, Sukla / Joanna Chojnicka / Anna-Katharina Hornidge / Kerstin Knopf (eds.)(2023)
Heidelberg: Heidelberg University Publishing
How digitalisation and technology empower women working on the ocean and along the Amazon River
Hägele,Ramona / Juliana Arcoverde Mansur (2023)
The Current Column of 19 June 2023
From Rovaniemi to Tromsø spirit?
Methi, Kirsti / Dorothea Wehrmann (2023)
The Current Column of 30 May 2023
Ocean governance knowledge: systems, policy foundations and thematic analyses
Partelow, Stefan / Maria Hadjimichael / Anna-Katharina Hornidge (2023)
Cham: Springer Nature
A rights-based approach for implementing the European Green Deal
Nystø Keskitalo Anja Márjá / Jacqueline Götze (2023)
The Current Column of 6 February 2023
Coastal urbanities: mobilities, meanings, manoeuvrings
Siriwardane-de Zoysa, Rapti / Kelvin E.Y. Low / Noorman Abdullah / Anna-Katharina Hornidge (eds.) (2023)
Social Sciences in Asia, Band 42, Leiden: Brill
Transnational cities alliances and their role in policy-making in sustainable urban development in the European Arctic
Wehrmann, Dorothea / Michał Łuszczuk / Katarzyna Radzik-Maruszak / Arne Riedel / Jacqueline Götze (2022)
in: Nikolas Sellheim / Dwayne Ryan Menezes (eds.), Non-state actors in the Arctic region, Cham: Springer Nature, 113-131
Early insights from the first year of the UN Decade for Ocean Science
Schoderer, Mirja / Ramona Hägele (2022)
The Current Column of 19 September 2022
Safeguarding the blue planet: eight recommendations to sustainably use and govern the ocean and its resources
Schoderer, Mirja / Henry Bittig / Françoise Gaill / Kristina Gjerde / Sheila J. Heymans / Birgit Klein / David Obura / Torten Thiele / Sebastian Unger / Martin Visbeck / Anna-Katharina Hornidge (2022)
in: T7 Task Force Climate and Environment, 21.03.2022
Contested estuary ontologies: The conflict over the fairway adaptation of the Elbe River, Germany
Hein, Jonas / Jannes Thomsen (2022)
in: Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, first published 17.05.2022
Governability of regional challenges: the Arctic development paradox
Łuszczuk, Michał / Jacqueline Götze / Katarzyna Radzik‐Maruszak / Arne Riedel / Dorothea Wehrmann (2022)
in: Politics and Governance 10 (3), 29-40
Constructing ocean and polar governance
Wehrmann, Dorothea / Hubert Zimmermann (eds.) (2022)
Special issue of Politics & Governance 10 (3)
Local infrastructures and global crises in the remote Arctic: implications for the EU arctic policy
Götze, Jacqueline (2022)
in: Arctic Winter College 2021 Policy Briefs (1), 18-22
China in the Pacific: economic interests and security cooperation in a contested region
Cissé Daouda (2022)
International Development Blog, 8 June 2022
Breaking down barriers: the identification of actions to promote gender equality in interdisciplinary marine research institutions
Shellock, Rebekka J. / Christopher Cvitanovic / Mary Mackay / [...] / Anna-Katharina Hornidge et al. (2022)
in: One Earth, first published 07.06.2022
Der Podcast zur Ozeandekade - Folge 5
Marie Heidenreich speaking with Anna-Katharina Hornidge and Sebastian Unger about the importance of open access to the ocean (in German)
BMBF, 6 May 2022
What future for cooperation in the Arctic? Scenarios after Putin’s war on Ukraine
Riedel, Arne / Dorothea Wehrmann / Jacqueline Götze / Katarzyna Radzik-Maruszak / Michał Łuszczuk (2022)
published on blogs.die-gdi.de, 16.03.2022
Introduction to the special issue “Climate and marine justice – debates and critical perspectives”
Bercht, Lena / Jonas Hein / Silja Klepp (2021)
in: Geographica Helvetica 76, 305–314
Global fisheries - still a blind spot in international cooperation
Hornidge, Anna-Katharina / Niels Keijzer (2021)
in: RURAL 21 55 (4), 6-9
Towards sustainable ocean governance: a call for blue climate action in international development
Lehmann, Ina / Michael Siebert / Nicola Hanke / Maximilian Högl / Anna-Katharina Hornidge (2021)
Briefing Paper 22/2021
Shared challenges of cities in and beyond the Arctic
Götze, Jacqueline, Dorothea Wehrmann, Michał Łuszczuk, Katarzyna Radzik-Maruszak (2021)
The Current Column of 2 November 2021
Why it matters how we produce knowledge on marine CO2 observations
Hägele, Ramona / Mirja Schoderer (2021)
The Current Colunn of 28 June 2021
The value of transdisciplinary and collaborative ocean research
Wehrmann, Dorothea / Jacqueline Götze / Michał Łuszczuk / Katarzyna Radzik-Maruszak / Arne Riedel (2021)
The Current Column of 17 June 2021
Need for improved governance of marine protected areas
Lehmann, Ina (2021)
The Current Column of 7 June 2021
Developing a framework for the analysis of Arctic indigenous institutions in a rapidly transforming region
Götze, Jacqueline (2020)
in: Arctic Yearbook, 155-174, Online
The Arctic Council as a success case for transnational cooperation in times of rapid global changes?
Wehrmann, Dorothea (2020)
in: Arctic Yearbook, 425-442, Online
The ocean as a lifeline for the future of the planet
Hornidge, Anna-Katharina (2020)
The Current Column of 8 June 2020
Epistemic Mobilities: Following Sea-level Change Adaptation Practices in Southeast Asian Cities
Hornidge, Anna-Katharina / Johannes Herbeck / Rapti Siriwardane-de Zoysa / Michael Flitner (2020)
American Behavioral Scientist, 64(10), 1497-1511
Commentary 12 to the Manifesto for the Marine Social Sciences: theory development
Hornidge, Anna-Katharina / Achim Schlüter (2020)
Maritime Studies, 19, 151–152
Konstruierte Ortsungebundenheit und Körperlichkeit in Orten der Wissenschaft Feldstationen und Forschungsschiffe
Hornidge, Anna-Katharina (2020)
Grenzen der Kommunikation–Kommunikation an den Grenzen (pp 165-181), Velbrück Wissenschaft
Tropical Marine Sciences: Knowledge Production in a Web of Path Dependencies
Partelow, Stefan / Anna-Katharina Hornidge / Paula Senff / Moritz Stäbler / Achim Schlüter (2020)
PLOS ONE 15(2)
Schanze, Jochen / Anna-Katharina Hornidge / Gérard Hutter / Andreas Macke / Daniel Osberghaus (2020)
in: Handbuch Krisenforschung (pp 179-204), Springer VS, Wiesbaden
Land-sea interactions and coastal development: An evolutionary governance perspective
Schlüter, Achim / Kristof van Assche / Anna-Katharina Hornidge / Natasa Vaidianu (eds.) (2020)
in: Marine Policy (Special Issue ), 112 (February)
Transnational Cooperation in Times of Rapid Global Changes: The Arctic Council as a Success Case?
Wehrmann, Dorothea (2020)
Discussion Paper 12/2020
Ecosystem-based adaptation projects: more than just adaptation: analysis of social benefits and costs in Colombia
Richerzhagen, Carmen / Jean Carlo Rodríguez de Francisco / Felix Weinsheimer / Alessandro Döhnert / Lukas Kleiner / Marjam Mayer / Julia Morawietz / Eric Philipp (2019)
in: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16 (21), 4248
Global commission calls for urgent action on climate adaptation
Bauer, Steffen / Mariya Aleksandrova (2019)
The Current Column of 11 September 2019
Freshwater as a Global Commons: International Governance and the Role of Germany
Herrfahrdt-Pähle, Elke / Waltina Scheumann / Annabelle Houdret / Ines Dombrowsky (2019)
Discussion Paper 15/2019
Entwicklungspolitisch sensible Umweltpolitik
Richerzagen, Carmen / Steffen Bauer / Crisitna Espinosa / Michael Pregernig (2019)
Dessau-Roßlau: Umweltbundesamt (Texte 83/2019) (Online)
Projects at IDOS
Towards Marine Carbon Observations 2.0: Socializing, COnnecting, Perfecting and Expanding (C-SCOPE)
Implementing the 2030 Agenda: Integrating Growth, Environment, Equality and Governance
External projects with IDOS participation
Epistemic Mobilities and the Governance of Environmental Risks in Island Southeast Asia
Ocean Governance for Sustainability
Informal expert workshop
(Critical) Geopolitics, sustainability, and “global” spaces
Bonn, 12.11.2024
Workshop (by invitation only)
Legitimacy deficits and tensions and their impact on cooperation
Bodø, Norway, 29.05.2024
IDOS at Arctic Circle Berlin Forum
Session: Local Actors in Environmental Governance?
Berlin, 08.05.2024
“Oceans, Poles, North and South” – Joint Conference of the German Institute of Development and Sustainability with the thematic group “Polar and Ocean Politics” of the German Political Studies Association (DVPW)
Bonn, 23 until 24 February 2023
Virtual workshop
Exploring the maritime dimensions of EU-Africa migration
Online, 4 November 2022
Hybrid expert workshop
Advancing Sustainable Urban Development in Remote Regions
Online and Bonn, 25 May 2022
Virtual panel discussion
Accessible according to whom? Diverging notions of access and their consequences for ocean science
Online, 11 May 2022
Virtual Conference
Ocean Governance: Action insights and foreshadowing challenges
Online, 19-20 November 2020
Conference Panel
Potenziale und Herausforderungen transnationaler Kooperation in der Polar- und Meerespolitik
7 October 2020
PhD theses
The Meaning of Mangroves
Broocks, Anne-Katrin
University of Bremen & Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences
Financed by: Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT)
Narrating Science as a World-Making Activity: Sea Level Change in Singapore
Dippel, Beatrice
Financed by: Volkswagen Stiftung
Sámi-EU relations: Sámi participation in the EU as an example of Indigenous peoples' participation in transnational policy-making?
Götze, Jacqueline
University of Bonn
Financed by: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Time to turn the tide in marine sciences? Praxeological investigation of interdisciplinary and transcultural knowledge production in marine carbon observations
Hägele, Ramona
Financed by: BMBF
Traveling Waves of Knowledge and Technologies - The Indonesian Tsunami Warning System Indonesia
Rafliana, Irina
Financed by: DAAD, Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, 2019-2023
Undermining Adaptation Effectiveness? Coastal Adaptation and the Impact of Non-climate Drivers for local Communities in India and beyond
Schüpf, Dennis
Financed by: Klimalog, BMZ
Video: Meet the team behind C-SCOPE in Action
Watch the video and learn more about CSCOPE: An UN Ocean Decade Project led by GEOMAR in collaboration with international research institutions, including the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS).Video: Transnational Intersectionality at Sea
Ocean governance knowledge: systems, policy foundations and thematic analyses
Partelow, Stefan / Maria Hadjimichael / Anna-Katharina Hornidge (2023)
Cham: Springer Nature
Outlook for the new legislature: Energy transition at sea
Ittner, Irit (2025)
The Current Column of 10 February 2025
Transnational intersectionality at sea: gender, appearance, ethnicity, age, and marine knowledge production
Hägele, Ramona / Anna-Katharina Hornidge (2024)
in: Ocean and Society 2, article 8737