The Nexus Water - Energy - Land - Climate
The Nexus Water - Energy - Land - Climate
More than one billion people have no access to clean drinking water and safe sanitation, suffer from malnutrition and cannot use modern energy sources. At the same time resources such as water, energy sources and land are becoming increasingly scarce due to climate change ,a growing world population, shifting consumer behavior and underinvestments in infrastructure.
The interdependencies in the use of resources and the safe provision of water and energy as well as the production of food become apparent. The production of agro-fuels, for example, requires precious water and occupies land that could be used to grow food. Intensive agricultural use in upper watersheds of rivers can intensify erosions and affect electricity generation from hydropower plants downstream. Energy subsidies increase the affordability irrigation pumps for farmers but they lower groundwater levels. Not only climate change, but also climate change mitigation measures may enhance the pressure on water and land resources. The Water - Energy - Land - Climate Nexus focuses explicitly on these intersectoral dependencies.
Research at the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) inquires which incentives, governance mechanism and policy instruments could reduce negative effects and stimulate win-win solutions. This topic special presents relevant activities and works - as for example our "Nexus brief"-series.
How phase-out policies strengthen Europe’s automotive industry
Rogge, Karoline / Nicholas Goedeking / Jörn Hoppmann / Hauke Lütkehaus / Adrian Rinscheid / Aline Scherrer / Daniel Rosenbloom / Qi Song (2025)
EMPOCI: Accelerating sustainable energy-mobility transitions, Policy Briefing 1 (February 2025)
Die deutsche Energiewende: Synergien, Zielkonflikte und politische Triebkräfte
Faus Onbargi, Alexia / Ines Dombrowsky
Policy Brief 23/2023
Water crises – water opportunities promoting water cooperation in the Middle East
Houdret, Annabelle / Tobias von Lossow (2023)
Clingendael Report September 2023
Governance towards coordination for water resources management: the effect of governance modes
Lukat Evelyn / Andrea Lenschow / Ines Dombrowsky / Franziska Meergans / Nora Schütze / Ulf Stein / Claudia Pahl-Wostl (2023)
in: Environmental Science & Policy 141, 50-60
What role should the EU Green Deal play in times of conflict?
Faus Onbargi, Alexia / Gabriela Iacobuta / Lukas Hermwille (2022)
The Current Column of 4 April 2022
Krieg in der Ukraine: Auswirkungen auf die europäische und deutsche Importstrategie von Wasserstoff und Syntheseprodukten - Impulspapier
Wietschel, Martin et al. (2022)
Karlsruhe: HYPAT/Fraunhofer ISI
Hintergrundpapier zu nachhaltigem grünen Wasserstoff und Syntheseprodukten
Thomann, Jana / Frank, Marscheider-Weidemann / Andreas Stamm / Ludger Lorych / Christoph Hank / Friedrich Weise / Lucas Edenhofer /Zarah Thiel (2022)
In: Working Paper 01/2022, Karlsruhe: HYPAT/Fraunhofer ISI
Unravelling hidden factors explaining competition for and overuse of groundwater in Azraq, Jordan: Digging deeper into a network of action situations
Oberhauser, Daniel / Ramona Hägele / Ines Dombrowsky (2022)
in: Sustainability Science (forthcoming)
Analysing the Water-Energy-Food Nexus from a polycentric governance perspective: Conceptual and methodological framework
Srigiri, Srinivasa Reddy / Ines Dombrowsky (2022)
in: Frontiers in Environmental Science, 1-13
Water governance and policies
Pahl-Wostl, Claudia / Ines Dombrowsky / Naho Mirumachi (2021)
in: Bogardi / Gupta / Nadalal / Salamé / van Nooijen / Kumar / Tingsanchali / Bhaduri / Kolechkina, Handbook of Water Resources Management: Discourses, Concepts and Examples, Cham: Springer, 253-272
Hydro-social dynamics of miningscapes: obstacles to implementing water protection legislation in Mongolia
Schoderer, Mirja / Daniel Karthe / Ines Dombrowsky / Jampel Dell'Angelo (2021)
in: Journal of Environmental Management (292), article 112767
Mechanisms for governing the Water-Land-Food Nexus in the Lower Awash River Basin, Ethiopia: ensuring policy coherence in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda
Srigiri, Srinivasa Reddy / Anita Breuer / Waltina Scheumann (2021)
Discussion Paper 26/2021
Enhancing the capacity of water governance to deal with complex management challenges: a framework of analysis
Pahl-Wostl, Claudia / Christian Knieper / Evelyn Lukat / Franziska Meergans / Mirja Schoderer / Nora Schütze / Daniel Schweigatz / Ines Dombrowsky / Andrea Lenschow / Ulf Stein / Andreas Thiel / Jenny Tröltzsche / Rodrigo Vidaurre (2020)
in: Environmental Science and Policy 107 (May), 23–35
Coordination beyond the state to solve complex water problems: insights from South Africa
Stuart-Hill, Sabine / Evelyn Lukat / Catherine Pringle / Claudia Pahl-Wostl (2020)
Briefing Paper 21/2020
Quelles répartitions de la terre et de l’eau promouvoir pour l’agriculture irriguée de demain?
El Ouamaari, Samir / Annabelle Houdret (2020)
in: Samir Bouarfa / Francois Brelle / Catherine Coulon (Coord.), Quelles agricultures irriguées demain? Répondre aux enjeux de sécurité alimentaire et du développement durable, Versailles: Editions Quae, 59-75
Public-private partnerships in irrigation: how can smallholders benefit?
Houdret, Annabelle / Michael Brüntrup / Waltina Scheumann (2020)
in: Rural 21 54 (1) (Online)
The ocean as a lifeline for the future of the planet
Hornidge, Anna-Katharina
The Current Column of 8 June 2020
World Water Day 2020. Water plays a key role in the implementation of the Paris climate agreement
Scheumann, Waltina / Annabelle Houdret (2020)
The Current Column of 20 March 2020
Freshwater as a global commons: international governance and the role of Germany
Herrfahrdt-Pähle, Elke / Waltina Scheumann / Annabelle Houdret / Ines Dombrowsky (2019)
Discussion Paper 15/2019
Payment for ecosystem services and the water-energy-food nexus: securing resource flows for the affluent?
Rodríguez-de-Francisco, Jean Carlo / Bibiana Duarte-Abadía / Rutgerd Boelens (2019)
in: Water 11 (6) online
Privatisation Risks Leaving People Behind
Rodríguez de Francisco, Jean Carlo / Mirja Schoderer (2019)
The Current Column of 18 March 2019
Governing the water-energy-food nexus related to hydropower on shared rivers: the role of regional organizations
Ines Dombrowsky / Oliver Hensengerth (2018)
in: Frontiers in Environmental Science 6 (153), 1-16
Coordination: the key to governing the water-land-food nexus in Zambia?
Scheumann, Waltina / George Phiri (2018)
Discussion Paper 20/2018
What priorities does the new Global Commission on Adaptation need to set?
Horstmann, Britta (2018)
The Current Column of 18 October 2018
Comparing urban wastewater systems in India and Brazil: options for energy efficiency and wastewater reuse
Never, Babette / Katharina Stepping (2018)
in: Water Policy 20/2018, 1129–1144
The devil is in the detail: administrative and fiscal challenges in implementing River Basin Management in Mongolia
Dombrowsky, Ines / Jean Carlo Rodríguez de Francisco / Mirja Schoderer / Ariunaa Lkhagvadorj (2018)
Briefing Paper 17/2018
River basin management and fiscal decentralisation: mutually supportive or counterproductive? A case study of Mongolia
Dombrowsky, Ines / Ariunaa Lkhagvadorj / Mirja Schoderer (2018)
Discussion Paper 10/2018
Die Nexus-Perspektive: Für eine integrierte Umsetzung der globalen Nachhaltigkeitsziele
Janetschek, Hannah / Ines Dombrowsky (2018)
The Current Column of 16 April 2018
Water Security and Ecosystem-based Adaptation to Climate Change
Rodríguez de Francisco, Jean Carlo / Mirja Schoderer / Carmen Richerzhagen (2018)
The Current Column of 22 March 2018
GERD and hydro-politics in the Eastern Nile: from water to benefit-sharing?
Tawfik, Rawia / Ines Dombrowsky (2018)
in: Zeray Yihdego / Alistair Rieu-Clarke / Ana Cascao (eds.), The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam and the Nile Basin: implications for transboundary water cooperation, London: Routledge, 113-137
Aligning climate change mitigation and sustainable development under the UNFCCC: a critical assessment of the Clean Development Mechanism, the Green Climate Fund and REDD+
Horstmann, Britta / Jonas Hein (2017)
Studies 96
Is the EU WFD suitable to support IWRM planning in non-European countries? Lessons learnt from the introduction of IWRM and River Basin Management in Mongolia
Heldt, Sonja / Jean Carlo Rodríguez-de-Francisco / Ines Dombrowsky / Christian K. Feld / Daniel Karthe (2017)
in: Environmental Science & Policy 75 (September), 28–37
Sustainability in the water-energy-food nexus
Anik Bhaduri / Claudia Ringler / Ines Dombrowsky / Rabi Mohtar / Waltina Scheumann (eds.) (2017)
Abingdon, UK: Routledge
A new rural social contract for the Maghreb? The political economy of access to water, land and rural development
Houdret, Annabelle / Zakaria Kadiri / Lisa Bossenbroek (2017)
In: Middle East Law and Governance 9 (1), 20-42
Managing coastal ecosystems in the Philippines: what Cash for Work programmes can contribute
Altenburg, Tilman / Cecilia Fischer / Kerstin Huck / Anna Kruip / Sören Müller / Stefanie Sörensen (2017)
Studies 94
Proceeding with River Basin Management: legal, financial and political dimensions in Mongolia
Rodríguez de Francisco, Jean Carlo / Annabelle Houdret / Ines Dombrowsky (2017)
Briefing Paper 6/2017
World Water Day: Why the recycling of treated waste water is no foregone conclusion
Scheumann, Waltina (2017)
The Current Column of 22 March 2017
Ölpalmenanbau in Indonesien verändert Wasserkreisläufe: mehr Dürren und Überflutungen
Merten, Jennifer / Alexander Röll / Surya Tarigan / Dirk Hölscher / Jonas Hein (2017)
Analysen und Stellungnahmen 1/2017
Expanding oil palm cultivation in Indonesia: changing local water cycles raises risks of droughts and floods
Merten, Jennifer / Alexander Röll / Surya Tarigan / Dirk Hölscher / Jonas Hein (2017)
Briefing Paper 1/2017
Sustainability in the water-energy-food nexus
Bhaduri, Anik / Claudia Ringler / Ines Dombrowsky / Rabi Mohtar / Waltina Scheumann (eds.) (2017)
Abingdon, UK: Routledge
Urban sewage in Brazil: drivers of and obstacles to wastewater treatment and reuse; governing the Water-Energy-Food Nexus Series
Stepping, Katharina M. K. (2016)
Discussion Paper 26/2016
Wood energy in sub-Saharan Africa: how to make a shadow business sustainable
Hoffmann, Harry / Michael Brüntrup / Clara Dewes
Briefing Paper 14/2016
Wastewater systems and energy saving in urban India: governing the Water-Energy-Food Nexus series
Never, Babette (2016)
Discussion Paper 12/2016
Rescaling conflictive access and property relations in the context of REDD+ in Jambi, Indonesia
Hein, Jonas (2016)
Universität Göttingen eDISS
Water scarcity and oil palm expansion: social views and environmental processes
Merten, Jennifer / Alexander Röll / Thomas Guillaume / Ana Meijide / Suria Tarigan / Herdhata Agusta / Claudia Dislich / Christoph Dittrich / Heiko Faust / Dodo Gunawan / Jonas Hein / Hendrayanto / Alexander Knohl / Yakov Kuzyakov / Kerstin Wiegand / Dirk Hölscher (2016)
published on Ecology and Society 21 (2), Art. 5
Policies and institutions for assuring pro-poor rural development and food security through bioenergy production: case studies on bush-to-energy and Jatropha in Namibia
Brüntrup, Michael / Katharina Becker / Martina Gaebler / Raoul Herrmann / Silja Ostermann / Jan Prothmann (2016)
Studies 90
Le premier partenariat public-privé pour l’irrigation au Maroc : durable pour tous ?/ The first public-private partnership in irrigation in Morocco: Sustainable for all?
Houdret, Annabelle (2016)
In: Cahiers Agricultures, 25: 25001
What does the Paris climate agreement mean for water policy?
Dombrowsky, Ines / Steffen Bauer / Waltina Scheumann (2016)
The Current Column, 22 March 2016
Eight hours a day without electricity - catastrophic consequences for Zambia
Scheumann, Waltina (2016)
The Current Column, 18 January 2016
Land and soil governance, towards a transformational post-2015 development agenda: an overview
Weigelt, Jes / Alexander Müller / Hannah Janetschek (2015)
in: Current Opinion for Sustainable Development 15/2015, 57-65
Towards a governance heuristic of sustainable development
Müller, Alexander / Hannah Janetschek / Jes Weigelt (2015)
in: Current Opinion for Sustainable Development 15/2015, 49-56
Editorial overview: soils in the nexus
Weigelt, Jes / Hannah Janetschek / Alexander Müller / Klaus Töpfer (2015)
in: Current Opinion for Sustainable Development (Special Issue), v-viii
Sustainability in the water-energy-food nexus
Bhaduri, Anik / Claudia Ringler / Ines Dombrowsky / Rabi Mohtar / Waltina Scheumann (eds.) (2015)
Water International: Sustainability in the water-energy-food nexus (Special Issue)
Rescaling of access and property relations in a frontier landscape: insights from Jambi, Indonesia
Hein, Jonas / Soeryo Adiwibowo / Christoph Dittrich / Rosyani / Endriatmo Soetarto / Heiko Faust (2015)
published on The Professional Geographer DOI:10.1080/00330124.2015.1089105
Revisiting hydro-hegemony from a benefit sharing perspective: the case of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam
Tawfik, Rawia (2015)
Discussion Paper 5/2015
Environmental impact assessments and hydropower: constraints and opportunities for sustainable hydropower
Meijer, Karen / Waltina Scheumann (2015)
in: UVP Report 29 (1), 2-5
Die Proliferation von Wasserkraft im Globalen Süden: wie kann Deutschland zu einer sozial- und umweltverträglichen Agenda beitragen?
Scheumann, Waltina / Ines Dombrowsky (2015)
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)
The Declaration of Principles on Ethiopia’s Renaissance Dam: A breakthrough or another unfair deal?
Tawfik, Rawia (2015)
Die aktuelle Kolumne, 25.03.2015
Wasser und Entwicklung an grenzüberschreitenden Flüssen: Nachhaltige Entwicklung für alle Länder
Tawfik, Rawia (2015)
Die aktuelle Kolumne, 19.03.2015
New climate investments must strengthen sustainable development and minimize trade-offs
Hoch, Stephan / Britta Horstmann / Axel Michaelowa / Jonas Hein (2015)
Briefing Paper 22/2015
Rubber vs. oil palm: an analysis of factors influencing smallholders’ crop choice in Jambi, Indonesia
Schwarze, Stefan / Michael Euler / Marcel Gatto / Jonas Hein / Elisabeth Hettig / Anna Maria Holtkamp / Lufti Izhar / Yvonne Kunz / Jan Lay / Jennifer Merten / Stefan Moser / Oliver Mußhoff / Fenna Otten / Martin Qaim / Endriatmo Soetarto / Stefanie Steinebach / Katharina Trapp / Miriam Vorlaufer / Heiko Faust (2015)
Göttingen: Georg-August-Univ. (EFForTS Discussion Paper Series 11)
Assessing the use of forest ecosystem services analyses as a national policy-making tool in Peru
Guarín, Alejandro / Hotz, Hannes (2015)
Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) / The Nature Conservancy (TNC)
Post-2015: why is the water-energy-land nexus important for the future development agenda?
Brandi, Clara / Carmen Richerzhagen / Katharina M.K. Stepping (2014)
in: Thomas Fues / Jiang Ye (eds.), United Nations Post-2015 Agenda for global development: perspectives from China and Europe, Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), 297-310
Konkurrenz ums blaue Gold: nur durch nachhaltiges Management kann Marokko der Wasserkrise begegnen
Houdret, Annabelle (2014)
in: Bilatral: das bilaterale Kammer- und Wirtschaftsmagazin der AHK Marokko 54/2014, 28-34
Innerstaatliche Konflikte um Wasser: Ursachen und Präventionsmöglichkeiten
Houdret, Annabelle (2014)
in: Jahresheft Geopolitik 2014, 14-19
Soziale Unruhen in Nordafrika: die Rolle von Wasser- und Landpolitik
Houdret, Annabelle (2014)
in: Ulrich Schneckener / Arnulf von Scheliha / Andreas Lienkamp / Britta Klagge (Hrsg.), Wettstreit um Ressourcen: Konflikte um Klima, Wasser und Boden, München: Oekom Verl., 209-222
IWRM in a country under rapid transition: lessons learnt from the Kharaa River Basin, Mongolia
Karthe, Daniel / Sonja Heldt / Annabelle Houdret / Dietrich Borchardt (2014)
in: Environmental Earth Sciences DOI: 10.1007/s12665-014-3435-y
(Re)configuration of water resources management in Mongolia: a critical geopolitical analysis
Withanachchi, Sisira S. / Annabelle Houdret / Nergui Soninkhishig / Elisabet Ejarque Gonzalez / Ankhbold Tsogtbayar / Angelika Ploeger (2014)
In: The International Center for Development and Decent Work (ICDD Working Papers 13)
Regional energy trading—a new avenue for resolving a regional water dispute?
Scheumann, Waltina / Sahnaz Tigrek (2014)
in: International Journal of Water Governance DOI: 10.7564/14-IJWG46
Evolution of dam policies: evidence from the big hydropower states
Scheumann, Waltina / Oliver Hensengerth (eds. 2014)
Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer
Dams on Shared Rivers: The Concept of Benefit Sharing
Scheumann, Waltina / Ines Dombrowsky / Oliver Hensengerth (2014)
in: Bhaduri, Anik, Janos Bogardi, Jan Leentvaar, Sina Marx (eds.): The Global Water System in the Anthropocene: Challenges for Science and Governance
Grün und sauber? Wasserkraft zwischen niedrigen Treibhausgasemissionen und hohen sozialen und ökologischen Kosten
Meijer, Karen / Waltina Scheumann / Daniel Däschle / Ines Dombrowsky (2014)
Analysen und Stellungnahmen 9/2014
Why power matters in Payments for Environmental Services (PES)
Rodríguez de Francisco, Jean Carlo / Rutgerd Boelens (2014)
(Briefing Paper 9/2014)
International and local benefit sharing in hydropower projects on shared rivers: the Ruzizi III and Rusumo Falls cases
Dombrowsky, Ines / Julia Bastian / Daniel Däschle / Simon Heisig / Johannes Peters / Christian Vosseler
in: Water Policy 16 (6): 1087–1103, doi: 10.2166/wp.2014.104
Conservation, REDD+ and the struggle for land in Jambi, Indonesia
Hein, Jonas / Heiko Faust (2014)
in: Pacific Geograhies 41/2014, 20-25
Uganda: electricity or tourism?
Never, Babette
The Current Column, 7 July 2014
Water and electricity - weapons in the Syrian conflict
Scheumann, Waltina
The Current Column, 30 June 2014
Energy and water for MENA: From risks to opportunities
Vidican, Georgeta / Annabelle Houdret
The Current Column, 5 May 2014
Water and electricity for the "bottom billion"
Scheumann, Waltina / Ines Dombrowsky
The Current Column, 24 March 2014
Evolution of Dam Policies. Evidence from the Big Hydropower States
Scheumann, Waltina / Oliver Hensengerth (2014)
Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer
Evolving river basin management in Mongolia?
Houdret, Annabelle / Ines Dombrowsky / Lena Horlemann (2014)
in: Dave Huitema / Sander Meijerink (eds.), The politics of river basin organisations: coalitions, institutional design choices and consequences, Cheltenham: Elgar, 265-297
The river basin as a new scale for water governance in transition countries? A comparative study of Mongolia and Ukraine
Dombrowsky, Ines / Nina Hagemann / Annabelle Houdret (2014)
in: Environmental Earth Sciences 72 (12), 4705-4726
The institutionalization of river basin management as politics of scale: insights from Mongolia
Houdret, Annabelle / Ines Dombrowsky / Lena Horlemann (2014)
in: Journal of Hydrology 519, Part C, 2392-2404
Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+), transnational conservation and access to land in Jambi, Indonesia
Hein, Jonas (2013)
published on Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (EFForTS Discussion Paper Series 2)
Post 2015: why is the water-energy-land nexus important for the future development agenda?
Brandi, Clara / Carmen Richerzhagen / Katharina M.K. Stepping (2013)
Briefing Paper 3/2013
European report on development 2012: confronting scarcity; managing water, energy and land for inclusive and sustainable growth
Te Velde, Dirk Wilhelm / James Mackie / Imme Scholz (eds.) (2012)
Brussels: European Commission
European report on development 2012: confronting scarcity; managing water, energy and land for inclusive and sustainable growth
Te Velde, Dirk Wilhelm / James Mackie / Imme Scholz (eds.) (2012)
Brussels: European Commission
Benefit-sharing in dam projects on shared rivers
Hensengerth, Oliver / Ines Dombrowsky / Waltina Scheumann (2012)
Discussion Paper 6/2012
Nachhaltiges Wassermanagement durch Green Economy?
Houdret, Annabelle / Elke Herrfahrdt-Pähle Waltina Scheumann / Ines Dombrowsky (2012)
Analysen und Stellungnahmen 4/2012
Institutionalising IWRM in developing and transition countries: the case of Mongolia
Horlemann, Lena / Ines Dombrowsky (2012)
in: Environmental Earth Sciences 65 (5), 1547–1559
Wasser-Energie-Ernährung: brauchen wir eine Nexus-Perspektive? Die Bonner Nexus-Konferenz
Dombrowsky, Ines (2011)
Die aktuelle Kolumne vom 14.11.2011
Water-energy-food: do we need a nexus perspective? The Bonn Nexus Conference
Dombrowsky, Ines (2011)
The Current Column of 14 November 2011
Turkey’s water policy: national frameworks and international cooperation
Kibaroglu, Aysegül / Waltina Scheumann / Annika Kramer (eds.) (2011)
Heidelberg: Springer
Ongoing Projects
Implementing the 2030 Agenda using the example of the water-energy-food nexus in Jordan
Implementing the Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Incentive structures and policy instruments
Stability and Development in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)>Promoting food security in rural Sub-Saharan Africa: The role of agricultural intensification, social security and results-oriented approaches
Integrated Water Resources Management in Central Asia – Model Region Mongolia (MoMo III)
Klimalog: Research for a climate-smart and just transformation
Finished Projects
Anwendung von Umwelt- und Sozialstandards bei Wasser- und Wasserkraftprojekten in der Türkei
Integrated Water Resources Management in Central Asia – Model Region Mongolia (MoMo)
Virtual Event
The Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem Nexus: how to improve governance and accountability
Online, 4 November 2022
Launch event
Launch of the Bonn Water Network: connecting competences for sustainable water futures
Online, 17 November 2020
Tenth International Dialogue on Water in Agriculture
Governing water sustainably in mining and post-mining landscapes
Bonn Water Lecture
Building Better Dams: the Past, Present and Future of Dams
Bonn, 4 February 2020
Nexus-Forschung trifft Nexus-Praxis
Bonn, 21 November 2016
Ninth International Dialogue on Water in Agriculture 2016
Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) in irrigation: models, experiences, benefits and risks
Workshop dates: 1-2 June 2016
Eighth Dialogue on Water and Land 2015
The Water-Land Nexus
Seventh Dialogue on Water 2012
Do we need a global water regime?
Sixth Dialogue on Water 2009
Evolution of dam policies: evidence from the big hydropower states
Scheumann, W. / O. Hensengerth (eds.) (2014)
Springer Berlin
Fifth Dialogue on Water 2005
Water politics and development cooperation. Local power plays and global governance
Scheumann W. / S. Neubert / M. Kipping (eds.) (2008)
Springer Berlin
Fourth Dialogue on Water 2003
Integriertes Wasserressourcen-Management – ein Konzept in die Praxis überführen
Neubert, S. / W. Scheumann / A. van Edig / W. Huppert (Hrsg.) (2005)
Nomos Baden-Baden
Third Dialogue on Water 2001
Reforming institutions for sustainable water management
Neubert, S. / W. Scheumann / A. van Edig (eds.) (2002)
Reports and Working Papers No. 6, Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik Bonn
Second Dialogue on Water 1996
Water in the Middle East – Potential for conflict and prospects for cooperation
Scheumann, W. / M. Schiffler (eds.) (1998)
Springer Berlin
First Dialogue on Water 1995
Wasserkonflikte und Wassermanagement im Jordanbecken
Libiszewki, S. / M. Schiffler (Hrsg.) (1996)
Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik Berlin
Bonn Water Lecture
Wasser als Waffe des IS
Bonn, 02.03.2016
Guest: Tobias von Lossow, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik
Privatising water services? Pros and Cons from the real world
Bonn, 03.12.2015
Guest: Manuel Schiffler, Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau
Changing water politics in the Nile basin
Bonn, 17.06.2015
Guests: Rawia Tafik, Guest researcher DIE, Tobias von Lossow, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik
Privatization of Turkey’s rivers? The rise of water struggles and AKP government’s responses
Bonn, 12.03.2014
Guest: Mine Islar, Lund University, Sweden
Averting Water Wars in Asia
Bonn, 25.06.2014
Guest: Brahma Chellaney, Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi
Benefit, cost and risk sharing in hydropower projects on international rivers
Bonn, 25.09.2013
Guest: Ines Dombrowsky, DIE
Grabbing water? Large-scale investments in agriculture and perspectives for regulation
Bonn, 21.11.2012
Guests: Franziska Hollmann, DEG; Waltina Scheumann / Michael Brüntrup, DIE
Green hydrogen production in Costa Rica
Video: World Water Day 2019
In the media

Zwei Milliarden ohne sauberes Wasser: Wer steht auf der Leitung? (in German)
Ten years ago, the UN declared access to clean water a human right. Annabelle Houdret observes that there is no longer enough political pressure. "Between 2010 and 2016, German pledges have decreased by a quarter".
taz, 17 September 2020
Die deutsche Energiewende: Synergien, Zielkonflikte und politische Triebkräfte
Faus Onbargi, Alexia / Ines Dombrowsky
Policy Brief 23/2023
Water crises – water opportunities promoting water cooperation in the Middle East
Houdret, Annabelle / Tobias von Lossow (2023)
Clingendael Report September 2023
Nexus Brief

1/2016: Governing the Nexus between Water, Energy and Food: Instruments, Incentives and Mechanisms
2/2016: Sewage Systems and Energy: Focus on Urban India
3/2016: Cooperative Agreements between the Water and the Agricultural Sector
4/2016: Payments for Ecosystem Services and the Water-Energy-Food Nexus
5/2016: Coordinating Planning in the Agricultural and Water Sectors
6/2016: Regional Organisations Promote Nexus Governance for Hydropower Along International Rivers