NDC Explorer
In 2013, the parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) decided that every member state should formulate its concrete national contribution to address the challenges of climate change, the (I)NDCs. These proved to be a corner stone for the implementation of the Paris Agreement. However, NDCs vary to a great extend in scope and content as no common method in developing national climate action plans have been developed. Actors of global climate action, whether looking at researchers, policy makers and negotiators, civil society or development agencies, were in need of more transparency and an easier access to the information of all countries` NDCs in order to contribute to the challenge of climate change.
In cooperation with the UNFCCC secretariat, the African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS), the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) led the development of an comprehensive analysis of all submitted intended and final NDCs. At this end, a database was established which made NDCs information accessible and usable online via the interactive tool ‘NDC Explorer’.
Enter the Online Tool and explore the NDCs in 70 subcategories related to mitigation, adaptation, finance and support, planning and process, as well as broader debates like SDGs and fossil fuel subsidy reform.
Beck, Tanja
Pauw, Pieter
Hein, Jonas
Brandi, Clara
Mbeva, Kennedy
Guarin, Alejandro
Dzebo, Adis
Cassanmagnano, Davide
Muhammad, Dilshad
Bock, Thomas
Helms, Joana
Zalewski, Alina
Frommé, Ezra
Lindener, Anika
Beyond ambition: increasing the transparency, coherence and implementability of Nationally Determined Contributions
Pauw, Pieter / Klein, Richard (2020)
Climate Policy Volume 20, 2020 - Issue 4: Special issue: Making climate action more effective: lessons learned from the first Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)
Subtle differentiation of countries’ responsibilities under the Paris Agreement
Pauw, Pieter / Mbeva, Kennedy / van Asselt, Harro (2019)
Palgrave Communications volume 5, Article number: 86 (2019)
Untapped ambition: addressing fossil fuel production through NDCs and LEDS
Verkuijl, C. / Jones, N. / Lazarus, M. (2019)
SEI Working Paper. Stockholm Environment Institute, Stockholm
Comparative analysis of the NDCs of Canada, the European Union, Kenya and South Africa from an equity perspective
Cunliffe, Guy / Christian Holz / Kennedy Mbeva / Pieter Pauw / Harald Winkler (2019)
published on Africa Portal 03 Apr 2019 (Research Report Series, ERC Energy Research Centre)
Deforestation and the Paris climate agreement: an assessment of REDD+ in the national climate action plans
Hein, Jonas / Alejandro Guarin / Ezra Frommé / Pieter Pauw (2018)
in: Forest Policy and Economics 90 (May), 7-11
DOI: 10.1016/j.forpol.2018.01.005
Trade elements in countries’ climate contributions under the Paris agreement
Brandi, Clara (2017)
Geneva: International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD) (Issue Paper March 2017)
Beyond headline mitigation numbers: we need more transparent and comparable NDCs to achieve the Paris Agreement on climate change
Pauw, Pieter / Richard J. T. Klein / Kennedy Mbeva / Adis Dzebo / Davide Cassanmagnago / Anna Rudloff (2017)
in: Climatic Change (online first 19 December 2017), 1-7
Why data access matters: the NDC Explorer reveals new insights on national climate action plans
Pauw, Pieter / Kennedy Mbeva / Adis Dzebo (2017)
The Current Column of 16 January 2017
Private finance for climate-change adaptation: challenges and opportunities for Kenya
Pauw, Pieter / Adis Dzebo (2016)
Briefing Paper 22/2016
Sweet harmony: Why UN climate plans should use the same metrics
Pauw, W.P. & Mbeva, K. (2016)
Blog on Climate Home, 17.03.2016
Self-differentiation of countries’ responsibilities: Addressing climate change through Intended Nationally Determined Contributions
Pauw, Pieter / Mbeva, K. L. (2016)
Discussion Paper 4/2016
INDCs: A silver bullet for the climate negotiations, or empty talk?
Pauw, Pieter / Mbeva, K. L. (2015)
The Current Column of 26 May 2015
Accountability must be at the heart of the Paris climate pact
Pauw, Pieter / H. Van Asselt / H. Sælen (2015)
RTCC, 30.03.15
Accountability must be at the heart of the Paris climate pact
Pauw, Pieter / H. Van Asselt / H. Sælen (2015)
RTCC, 30.03.15
Assessment and Review under a 2015 Climate Change Agreement
Pauw, Pieter / H. Van Asselt / H. Sælen (2015)
Norden, March 2015
Assessment and Review under a 2015 Climate Change Agreement: Lessons Learned and Ways Forward
Pauw, Pieter / H. Van Asselt / H. Sælen (2015)
Nordic Working Papers, March 2015
Voices on NDC Explorer
“This tool is important for Africa because it provides vital information that is essential to inform decisions on climate change. A major challenge for Africa has been the lack of climate information database which details information from national to continental level."
Nicholas Ozor, executive director of the Kenya-based African Technology Policy Studies Network on SciDev.Net
“NDCs are key instruments to achieve the objectives of the Paris Agreement and to move towards a low-emission and climate resilient future. Understanding NDCs and navigating the information that is communicated in NDCs is critical for their implementation and will help to enhance the ambition of global efforts over time. The new NDC explorer provides easy access to all INDCs and NDCs and will allow stakeholders to navigate through the information that has been communicated by governments and to look at it from different perspectives.”
Claudio Forner, Team Lead, Mitigation Implementation Support, UNFCCC Secretariat
“I am pleased to see DIE's NDC Explorer going live. The NDC Explorer contributes to the goal of the NDC Partnership to provide open-access knowledge tools that support the global efforts for effective and ambitious NDC implementation.”
Ingrid Gabriela Hoven, Directorate of Global Issues at the BMZ
"The NDC explorer will be a useful tool for us and our partners in civil society organizations around the world, because it makes the information contained in the NDCs more transparent and comparable. This makes our job easier of holding governments to account, so they implement and improve their NDCs."
Christoph Bals, Policy Director, Germanwatch
"The (I)NDCs have become the central building block for the implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement. Beyond the emission reduction targets, however, the contents of the national climate plans remained unclear - until now."
Pieter Pauw, former senior researcher in the development of the NDC Explorer at IDOS
Research Data
![[Translate to English:] Icon: Daten, ein Symbol für Forschungsdaten](/fileadmin/_processed_/d/6/csm_IDOS_Icon_RGB_Daten_ROT_894c36e31e.png)
NDC Explorer (V 4.0)
Pauw, Pieter / Tanja Beck / María José Valverde
NDC Explorer: Analyse and compare (Intended) National Determined Contributions
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)
In the media
Five big gaps in national climate plans - and how to close them
Pauw, Pieter / Richard Klein / Kennedy Mbeva / Adis Dzebo
Climate Home News, 02.01.2018