Brüntrup, Michael

Dr. Michael Brüntrup
Transformation of Economic and Social Systems
Senior Researcher
Agricultural Economy
Work areas
- Agricultural (trade) policy
- Supply chains
- Rural development
- Food security
- Drought resilience
Regional expertise
- Sub-Saharan Africa
Responsibilities in education and training
- Agricultural and rural development
since 1/2018 | German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) (until 6/2022 German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)) Senior Researcher, Research Department "Transformation of Economic and Social Systems" |
3/2006-12/2017 | German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) Department "Sustainable Economic and Social Development" Senior Researcher |
2003-2006 | German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) Department "Poverty-oriented development; regional integration; governance" Region: Sub-Sahara Africa Researcher: International and national agricultural policies, world markets for agricultural products |
1997-2003 | Freelance consultant Subjects: Agricultural and resource economics, microfinance in Africa and South Asia |
1997-1998 | University of Hohenheim/ Stuttgart Institute of Agricultural Economics and Social Sciences in the Tropics Research assistant (part-time) in the Special Research Program “Adapted Farming in West Africa” Project: The Role of Local Organisations in the Development and Dissemination of Agricultural Innovations in the Rural Areas of Benin |
1996-1997 | University of Hohenheim/ Stuttgart Institute of Agricultural Economics and Social Sciences in the Tropics Research Coordinator for South East Asia: Conceptualising and preparing a Special Research Program "Sustainable Land Use and Rural Development for Poverty Alleviation in South East Asia" Region: Thailand and Vietnam |
1990-1996 | University of Hohenheim/ Stuttgart Institute of Agricultural Economics and Social Sciences in the Tropics Research assistant in the Special Research Program "Adapted Farming in West Africa" Project: Agricultural Price Policy and its Effect on the Adoption of Innovations, Production, Income, and Employment |
1982-1990 | Technical University of Munich/ Weihenstephan M.Sc. Agronomy, plant production |
Expertise work for
- Science correspondent of United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa (UNCCD)
Member of
- Inter-Governmental Working Group (IWG) on drought der UNCCD
Refereed Publications
- Mudimu, George T. / Michael Brüntrup / Anna-Katharina Hornidge (2025)
Towards a better understanding of growth corridors in Africa: a scientometric approach
in: Futures, first published 07.03.2025 - Follmann, Alexander / [...] / Michael Brüntrup / [...] Anna-Katharina Hornidge et al. (2024)
Conceptualizing sustainability and resilience in value chains in times of multiple crises: notes on agri-food chains
in: Die Erde 155 (1), first published 09.12.2024 - Löhr, Katharina / Bujar Aruqaj / Daniel Baumert / Michelle Bonatti / Michael Brüntrup et al. (2021)
Social cohesion as the missing link between natural resource management and peacebuilding: lessons from cocoa production in Côte d´Ivoire and Colombia
in: Sustainability (13/23), article 13002 - Brüntrup, Michael (2020)
Agricultural growth corridors in sub-Saharan Africa – new hope for agricultural transformation and rural development? The case of the Southern agricultural growth corridor of Tanzania
in: Richard Sikor / Eugene R. Terry / Paul L.G. Vlek / Joyce Chitja (eds.), Transforming agriculture in Southern Africa, New York: Routledge, 258-270 - Mapedza, Everisto / Daniel Tsegai / Michael Brüntrup / Robert McLeman (eds.) (2019)
Drought challenges: policy options for developing countries
Current Directions in Water Scarcity Research 2, Amsterdam: Elsevier Science - Brüntrup, Michael (2019)
Achieving policy coherence for drought resilient food security in SSA: lessons from the Horn of Africa
in: Everisto Mapedza / Daniel Tsegai / Michael Bruntrup / Robert McLeman (eds.), Drought challenges: policy options for developing countries (Current Directions in Water Scarcity Research 2), Amsterdam: Elsevier Science, 295-310 - Tsegai, Daniel / Michael Brüntrup (2019)
Drought challenges and policy options: lessons drawn, and the way forward
in: Everisto Mapedza / Daniel Tsegai / Michael Brüntrup / Robert McLeman (eds.), Drought challenges: policy options for developing countries (Current Directions in Water Scarcity Research 2), Amsterdam: Elsevier Science, 325-336 - Graef, Frieder / Khamaldin Mutabazi / Stefan Sieber / Folkard Asch / Bashir Makoko / Michelle Bonatti / Michael Brüntrup / Christoph Gornott / Ludgar Herrmann / Raoul Herrmann (2019)
Multi-disciplinary north-south collaboration in participatory action research on food value chains: a German-Tanzanian case study on perceptions, experiences and challenges
in: Systemic Practice and Action Research 32 (4), 359–378 - Brüntrup, Michael / Fabian Schwarz / Thomas Absmayr / Jonas Dylla / Franziska Eckhard / Kerstin Remke / Konrad Sternisko (2018)
Nucleus-outgrower schemes as an alternative to traditional smallholder agriculture in Tanzania – strengths, weaknesses and policy requirements
in: Food Security 10 (4), 807-826 - Herrmann, Raoul / Charles Jumbe / Michael Brüntrup / Evans Osabuohien (2018)
Competition between biofuel feedstock and food production: empirical evidence from sugarcane outgrower settings in Malawi
in: Biomass and Bioenergy 114 (July), 100-111 - Hoffmann, Harry K. / Klas Sander / Michael Brüntrup / Stefan Sieber (2017)
Applying the water-energy-food nexus to the charcoal value chain
published on Frontiers in Environmental Science 20 December 2017 - Brüntrup, Michael / Christoph Kessler
Landwirtschaft als Motor des Wachstums in Subsahara-Afrika
in: Salua Nour / Ekkehard Münzing (Hrsg.), Wirtschaftsmacht Afrika: Wachstumspole, Potenziale und Perspektiven, Frankfurt a.M.: Lang, 81-120 - Lamers, John P. A. / Michael Brüntrup / Andreas Buerkert (2015)
Financial performance of fertilization strategies for sustainable soil fertility management in Sudano–Sahelian West Africa 2: profitability of long-term capital investments in rockphosphate
published on Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems February 2015 - Lamers, John P. A. / Michael Brüntrup / Andreas Buerkert
Financial performance of fertilisation strategies for sustainable soil fertility management in Sudano-Sahelian West Africa 1: profitability of annual fertilisation strategies
published on Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems February 2015 - Osabuohien, Evans S. / Ciliaka M. W. Gitau / Uchenna R Efobi / Michael Brüntrup (2015)
Agents and implications of foreign land deals in East African community
in: Evans S. Osabuohien (ed.), Handbook of research on in-country determinants and implications of foreign land acquisitions, Hershey: IGI Global, 263-286 - Bruentrup, Michael (2014)
Large scale land acquisitions - challenges, conflicts and partial solutions in an agro-investment lifecycle perspective
in: Ian Christoplos / Adam Pain (eds), New challenges to food security: from climate change to fragile states, Abingdon: Routledge, 85-108 - Brüntrup, Michael / Waltina Scheumann / Axel Berger / Lidija Christmann / Clara Brandi
What can be expected from international frameworks to regulate large-scale land and water acquisitions in sub-Sahara Africa?
in: Law and Development Review 7 (2), 433-471 - Graef, Frieder / Stefan Sieber / Khamaldin Mutabazi / Folkard Asch / Hans Konrad Biesalski / Janet Bitegeko / Wolfgang Bokelmann / Michael Brüntrup / Ottfried Dietrich / Nickson Elly / Aanja Fasse / Jörn Germer / Ulrike Grote / Ludgar Herrmann / Raoul Her (2014)
Framework for participatory food security research in rural food value chains
in: Global Food Security 3 (1), 8–15 - Brüntrup, Michael / Raoul Herrmann (2012)
Bush-to-energy value chains in Namibia: institutional challenges for pro-poor rural development
in: Meine Pieter van Dijk / Jackes Trienekens (eds.), Global value chains: linking local producers from developing countries to international markets, Amsterdam: Amsterdam Univ. Pr., 89-115 - Brüntrup, Michael (2011)
Detrimental land grabbing or growth poles? Determinants and potential development effects of foreign direct land investments
in: Technikfolgenabschätzung: Theorie und Praxis 20 (1), 3-12 - Brüntrup, Michael / Raoul Herrmann (2010)
Bioenergy value chains in Namibia: opportunities and challenges for rural development and food security
in: Proceedings of the 9th Wageningen International Conference on Chain and Network Management, Wageningen, 26. bis 28. Mai 2010, CD-ROM - Brüntrup, Michael / Franz Heidhues (2010)
"Editorial": Agricultural policy processes, a challenge for Africa’s development
in: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture 50 (1), Special Issue, 1-7 - Brüntrup, Michael / Franz Heidhues (eds.) (2010)
Agricultural policy processes, a challenge for Africa’s development
Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture 50 (1), Special Issue - Brüntrup, Michael (2010)
The comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Porgramme (CAADP): an assessment of a Pan-African attempt to revitalise agriculture
in: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture 50 (1), Special Issue, 79-106
Non-refereed Publications
- Sagbo, N. Sheila / Lacina Traoré / Youssouf Fofana / Michael Brüntrup (2024)
Impact du crédit agricole direct de la Banque Nationale de Développement Agricole du Mali: rapport d’étude
(Discussion Paper 15/2024) - Aleksandrova, Mariya / Aparajita Banerjee / Marcelo Inacio da Cunha / Jean Carlo Rodríguez de Francisco / Michael Brüntrup / Daniele Malerba (2024)
Fostering justice across the Rio Conventions: emerging levers for cooperation and coordination
(Policy Brief 31/2024) - Mockshell, Jonathan / Godfrey Omulo / Frank Place / Marcela Quintero / Michael Brüntrup (2024)
Solving the agricultural intensification paradox: a blended sustainable agriculture pathway
published on SSRN, 19.06.2024 - Brüntrup, Michael (2023)
Einführung in das Welternährungssystem
in: APuZ Aus Politik und Zeitgeschehen 73 (30-32), 4-12 - Brüntrup, Michael (2023)
Long-term fertilisation strategies for blended agricultural sustainability are needed
in: Rural21 57 (2), 18-21 - Kareem, Olayinka Idowu / Bettina Rudloff / Fabrizio Botti / Lakshmi Lyer / Michael Brüntrup / Jagadish Timsina / David Laborde / Raja Rajendra Timilsina (2023)
Food security in times of crisis: an action plan for the G7
in: T7 Task Force Development and Economic Prosperity Policy Brief (May 2023) - Peltzer, Roger / Michael Brüntrup (2023)
Cotton made in Africa: a case study of sustainable production through responsible consumption
(Policy Brief 6/2023) - Brüntrup, Michael (2023)
Global food security: from the crisis back onto a sustainability path
in: Annual Report 2021-2022 - German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), 29-33 - Brüntrup, Michael (2023)
Welternährung: aus der Krise zurück auf einen Nachhaltigkeitspfad
in: Jahresbericht 2021-2022 - German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), 29-33 - Brüntrup, Michael (2023)
Supply chain finance – a viable option for smallholder farmers?
in: Rural 21 56 (4), 15-17 - Brüntrup, Michael (2023)
Integrating the comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme to fight food insecurity in Africa
published on, 19.10.2022 - Brüntrup / Michael (2022)
Globale Ernährungskrise: eine Düngestrategie muss Teil der Antwort sein
in: Welternährung - Das Fachjournal der Welthungerhilfe (2022/6) - Hornidge, Anna-Katharina / Michael Brüntrup (2022)
Afrikas anschwellende Hungerkrise: Was können G7 und G20 dagegen tun?
in: Welternährung - Das Fachjournal der Welthungerhilfe (10/2022) - Sakketa, Tekalign Gutu / Raoul Herrmann / Chewe Nkonde / Mwelwa Lukonde / Michael Brüntrup (2022)
The effects of a private-sector driven smallholder support programme on productivity, market participation and food and nutrition security: evidence of a Nucleus-Outgrower Scheme from Zambia
(Discussion Paper 19/2022) - Brüntrup / Michael (2022)
Food security in Africa: how can food crises be avoided in the long term?
published on, 17.10.2022 - Bolduc, Nathalie / Fabrizio Bott / Michael Brüntrup / Koen Dekeyser / Ines Dombrowsky / Jean-Carlo Rodríguez de Francisco (2022)
Food Security
in: The European Green Deal and the war in Ukraine. Addressing crises in the short and long term, Brussels: European Think Tank Group, 13-15 - Altenburg, Tilman / Steffen Bauer / Clara Brandi / Michael Brüntrup / Daniele Malerba / Babette Never / Anna Pegels / Andreas Stamm / Jenny To / Ulrich Volz (2022)
Ökologische Strukturpolitik: ein starker Profilbaustein für die deutsche Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
(Discussion Paper 8/2022) - Iacobuţă, Gabriela Ileana / Alexia Faus Onbargi et al. (2022)
The European Green Deal and the war in Ukraine: addressing crises in the short and long term
Brussels: European Think Tanks Group (July 2022) - Akman, Mehmet Sait Akman / Fabrizio Botti / Clara Brandi / Michael Brüntrup / Markus Dietrich / Ilaria Espa / Andreas Freytag / Robert Koopman / Stormy Mildner / Bettina Rudloff (2022)
Sustainable and resilient agricultural value chains: addressing multiple vulnerabilities with a new partnership approach
in: T7 Task Force Sustainable Economic Recovery (March 2022) - Brüntrup, Michael (2021)
Alles eine Frage der Verteilung?
in: Weltnachrichten (4/2021), 9 - Nolte, Kerstin / Michael Brüntrup / Raoul Herrmann (2021)
Big agricultural investors - curse or blessing
in: Diplomatisches Magazin 21 (1), 46-49 - Leininger, Julia / Christoph Strupat / Yonas Adeto / Abebe Shimeles / Wilson Wasike (2021)
The COVID-19 pandemic and structural transformation in Africa: evidence for action
(Discussion Paper 11/2021) - Rauch, Theo / Michael Brüntrup (2021)
Approaches for supporting smallholders in the Global South: contentious issues, experiences, syntheses
(Briefing Paper 1/2021) - Rauch, Theo / Michael Brüntrup (2020)
Ansätze der Kleinbauernförderung im Globalen Süden: Kontroversen, Erfahrungen, Synthesen
(Analysen und Stellungnahmen 17/2020) - Brüntrup, Michael (2020)
Food security in times of crisis: poor developing countries are different
(Briefing Paper 9/2020) - Brüntrup, Michael (2020)
Ernährungssicherung in Krisenzeiten: arme Entwicklungsländer sind anders
(Analysen und Stellungnahmen 6/2020) - Kückelhaus, Adelheid / Michael Brüntrup (2020)
Approaches in smallholder farmer promotion
in: Rural 21, 02.04.2020 (Online) - Houdret, Annabelle / Michael Brüntrup / Waltina Scheumann (2020)
Public-private partnerships in irrigation: how can smallholders benefit?
in: Rural 21 54 (1) - Brüntrup, Michael (2019)
United Nations Conference to Combat Desertification gewinnt an Dynamik
in: Rural 21, 30.09.2019 (Online) - Brüntrup, Michael (2019)
Verteufeln hilft nicht
in: Frankfurter Rundschau 29.04.2019 - Brüntrup, Michael (2019)
Land, poverty, conflicts and urban development – a short journey through two decades of land governance issues
published on Rural 21 18.04.2019 - Brüntrup, Michael (2019)
2nd Global Conference of the Sustainable Food Systems Programme
published on Rural 21 04.03.2019 - Rudloff, Bettina / Michael Brüntrup (2018)
Allen Behauptungen zum Trotz: die gemeinsame Agrarpolitik hat kaum Entwicklungswirkungen
Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP Aktuell 27) - Rudloff, Bettina / Michael Brüntrup (2018)
Fair play: the recent common agricultural policy and its limited effect on development
Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP Comment 21/2018) - Floquet, Anne / Nicaise Sheila Sagbo / Michael Brüntrup (2018)
Impacts du crédit agricole de la Faîtière des Caisses d'Epargne et de Crédit Agricole Mutuel du Bénin (FECECAM-BENIN)
Cotonou: Editions AMP, Cotonou (Bénin) - Brüntrup, Michael / Daniel Tsegai (2018)
Dürreanpassung und Resilienz in Entwicklungsländern
(Analysen und Stellungnahmen 5/2018) - Brüntrup, Michael (2017)
Financing agricultural mechanisation
published on Rural 21 07.03.2017 - Tsegai, Daniel / Michael Brüntrup (2017)
Drought cycle management for building resilience and food security
in: Rural 21 51 (4), 29-31 - Duguma, Mesay K. / Michael Brüntrup / Daniel Tsegai (2017)
Policy options for improving drought resilience and its implication for food security: the cases of Ethiopia and Kenya
(Studies 98) - Brüntrup, Michael / Daniel Tsegai (2017)
Drought adaptation and resilience in developing countries
(Briefing Paper 23/2017) - Holzapfel, Sarah / Michael Brüntrup (2017)
SDG 2 (Zero Hunger) in the context of the German Sustainable Development Strategy: are we leaving the starving behind?
(Briefing Paper 13/2017) - Müller, Corinna / Christiane Ströh de Martínez / Michael Brüntrup (2017)
Successful agricultural mechanisation in sub-Saharan Africa and the significance of agricultural financing
(Briefing Paper 11/2017) - Müller, Corinna / Christiane Ströh de Martínez / Michael Brüntrup (2017)
Erfolgreiche landwirtschaftliche Mechanisierung in Subsahara Afrika und die Bedeutung der Agrarfinanzierung
(Analysen und Stellungnahmen 12/2017) - Holzapfel, Sarah / Michael Brüntrup (2017)
SDG 2 (kein Hunger) in der Deutschen Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie: lassen wir die Hungernden zurück?
(Analysen und Stellungnahmen 11/2017) - Scheumann, Waltina / Annabelle Houdret / Michael Brüntrup (2017)
Mehr Bewässerungslandwirtschaft in Subsahara-Afrika: durch öffentlich-private Partnerschaften?
(Analysen und Stellungnahmen 10/2017) - Scheumann, Waltina / Annabelle Houdret / Michael Brüntrup (2017)
Unlocking the irrigation potential in sub-Saharan Africa: are public-private partnerships the way forward?
(Briefing Paper 7/2017) - Brüntrup, Michael (2016)
Revamping the „Rural Worlds“ model
in: Rural 21 50 (2), 16-19 - Hoffmann, Harry / Michael Brüntrup / Klas Sander (2016)
At the wooden cross-road
in: Rural 21 50 (3), 37-39 - Djibo, Ousmane / Michael Brüntrup (2016)
Fostering intra-regional trade in Africa II: what could the role of CAADP be?
in: Rural 21 50 (4), 15-17 - Brüntrup, Michael / Harry Hoffmann / Klas Sander (2016)
Der Holzweg ist der Richtige
in: Weltsichten 12/2016, 30-33 - Brüntrup, Michael (2016)
Erweiterung des OECD-Modells der fünf ländlichen Welten für die sektorübergreifende armutsorientierte Analyse, Kommunikation und Planung
(Analysen und Stellungnahmen 12/2016) - Brüntrup, Michael (2016)
Revamping the OECD’s Five Rural Worlds model for poverty-oriented inter-sectoral analysis, communication and planning
(Briefing Paper 16/2016) - Hoffmann, Harry / Michael Brüntrup / Clara Dewes (2016)
Holzenergie im Subsahara-Afrika: Nachhaltigkeit für eine Schattenwirtschaft
(Analysen und Stellungnahmen 10/2016) - Hoffmann, Harry / Michael Brüntrup / Clara Dewes (2016)
Wood energy in sub-Saharan Africa: how to make a shadow business sustainable
(Briefing Paper 14/2016) - Brüntrup, Michael / Katharina Becker / Martina Gaebler / Raoul Herrmann / Silja Ostermann / Jan Prothmann (2016)
Policies and institutions for assuring pro-poor rural development and food security through bioenergy production: case studies on bush-to-energy and Jatropha in Namibia
(Studies 90) - Brüntrup, Michael (2015)
Welthunger und Welternährung
published on Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte 27.11.2015 - Brüntrup, Michael (2015)
Willkommen in der Welt der Korridore
in: aw-Afrika Wirtschaft 4/2015, 24-26 - Hirschl, Bernd / Kristina Dietz / Thomas Vogelpohl / Elisa Dunkelberg / Maria Backhouse / Raoul Herrmann / Michael Brüntrup (Hrsg.) (2014)
Biokraftstoffe zwischen Sackgasse und Energiewende: sozial-ökologische und transnationale Perspektiven
München: Oekom Verl. - Brandt, Hartmut / Michael Brüntrup (2014)
Erfahrungen und Perspektiven nachhaltiger Intensivierung der Landwirtschaft in subsaharischen Ländern
(Discussion Paper 30/2014) - Brüntrup, Michael / Tony Swetman / Mirja Michalscheck / Felix Asante (2014)
Factors of success and failure of large agro-enterprises (production, processing and marketing): a pilot study; results of case studies in the fruit, maize, and palm oil sectors
published on African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development (AJFAND) 13 (5) - Brüntrup, Michael (2013)
Large scale investments in agricultural land – historical and recent evolutions: who is profiting, who or what is developed?
in: Reiner Braun / Stephan Albrecht / Zoe Heuschkel / Francisco Mari / Julia Pippig (eds.), Future of food: state of the art, challenges and options for action, München: Oekom Verl., 119-160 - Herrmann, Raoul / Michael Brüntrup (2013)
Regionalentwicklung durch die Produktion von Biokraftstoff?
in: Ökologisches Wirtschaften 4/2013, 25-26 - Brüntrup, Michael (2013)
Book review: "Xinshen Diao / James Thurlow / Samuel Benin / Shenggen Fan (eds.), Strategies and priorities for African agriculture: economywide perspectives from country studies
in: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture 52 (3), 200-204 - Brüntrup, Michael (2012)
Large-scale agro-processors in sub-Saharan Africa: a catalyst for pro-poor growth?
in: Rural 21 4/2012, 24-27 - Brandt, Hartmut / Michael Brüntrup (2012)
Post-colonial agricultural experiences in sub-Saharan Africa
in: Christoph Eder, Diana Kyd-Rebenburg, Jakob Prammer (eds.), Global growing casebook: insights into African agriculture, 12-33 - Brüntrup, Michael / Waltina Scheumann (2012)
Wettbewerb um Agrarland und Wasserressourcen: was können globale Leitlinien ausrichten?
in: Welttrends 85 (7/8), 106-115 - Loewe, Markus / Steffen Bauer / Clara Brandi / Michael Brüntrup / Mark Furness / Alejandro Guarín / Heiner Janus / Stephan Klingebiel / Svea Koch / Timo Mahn / Nicole Rippin / Imme Scholz / Peter Wolff (2012)
Towards a post-2015 development framework: contribution of DIE to the public consultation of the European Commission
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) - Brüntrup, Michael / Dieter Anders / Raoul Herrmann/Jutta Schmitz / Felix Kaup (2011)
Nouvelles pistes pour les biocarburants en Afrique
in: Rural 21 1/2011, 50-51 - Brüntrup, Michael (2011)
Landwirtschaft in Afrika und Möglichkeiten des Engagements deutscher Unternehmen: Perspektiven für deutsche Investoren und Zulieferer
in: Afrika-Wirtschaft 4/2011, 38-43 - Brüntrup, Michael (2011)
Landwirtschaft in Afrika und Möglichkeiten des Engagements deutscher Unternehmen: Perspektiven für die afrikanische Landwirtschaft
in: Afrika-Wirtschaft 3/2011, 44-49 - Brüntrup, Michael / Clara Brandi / Nikolai Fuchs (2011)
Agriculture is special: conclusions drawn from the death throes of the Doha round for a development-friendly agricultural trade policy
(Briefing Paper 14/2011) - Brüntrup, Michael / Clara Brandi / Nikolai Fuchs (2011)
Sonderrolle der Landwirtschaft : Einsichten aus der Agonie der Doha-Runde für eine entwicklungsfreundliche Agrarhandelspolitik
(Analysen und Stellungnahmen 13/2011) - Brüntrup, Michael (2011)
Revitaliser le secteur agricole en Afrique : le Programme détaillé pour le développement de l’agriculture africaine (PDDAA)
in : Rural 21 45 (1), 17-20 - Brüntrup, Michael (2011)
African developments: the comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) is an opportunity for African agriculture
(Briefing Paper 4/2011) - Brüntrup, Michael (2011)
Afrikanische Entwicklungstrends: das Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) ist eine Chance für Afrikas Landwirtschaft
(Analysen und Stellungnahmen 1/2011) - Voionmaa, Petra / Michael Brüntrup (2010)
Deutschland hat das Zeug zum Vorreiter bei Aid for Trade
in: E+Z 51 (11), 426-427 - Voionmaa, Petra / Michael Brüntrup (2010)
Germany is a potential European leader on Aid for Trade
in: D +C 37 (11), 426-427 - Brüntrup, Michael (2010)
A chance to revitalise the agricultural sector in Africa: the comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP)
in: Rural 21 44 (5), 21-24 - Brüntrup, Michael (2010)
Making agriculture attractive
in: Rural 21 44 (3), 11-13 - Brüntrup, Michael / Petra Voionmaa (2010)
Aide au commerce: une opportunité de repenser l'aide pour la croissance économique
in: Eclairage sur les Négociations 9 (2), 7-8 - Brüntrup, Michael / Petra Voionmaa (2010)
Aid for Trade: an opportunity for re-thinking German aid for growth
(Briefing Paper 6/2010) - Brüntrup, Michael / Petra Voionmaa (2010)
Aid for trade: an opportunity for re-thinking aid for economic growth
in: Trade Negotiations Inside 9 (2), 7-8 - Brüntrup, Michael (2010)
Book review: 'Kees Burger / Fred Zal (eds.): Sustainable land management in the tropics: explaining the miracle'
in: Quarterly Journal of Agricultural Economics 49 (1), 83-87 - Wolff, Peter / Michael Brüntrup (2010)
Africa - new economic perspectives beyond aid
in: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) : Annual Report 2009-2010, 28-31 - Wolff, Peter / Michael Brüntrup (2010)
Afrika - neue wirtschaftliche Perspektiven jenseits der Hilfe
in: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) : Jahresbericht 2009-2010, 28-31 - Brüntrup, Michael (2010)
CAADP: revitalising Africa's agricultural sector
in: Rural 21 44 (5), 17-20 - Brüntrup Michael / Raoul Herrmann (2010)
New paths for biofuels in Africa
in: Rural 21 44 (6), 17-20 - Voionmaa, Petra / Michael Brüntrup (2009)
German aid for trade: past experience, lessons learnt, and the way forward
(Studies 52) - Zimmermann, Roukayatou / Michael Brüntrup / Shashidhara Kolavalli / Kathleen Fla (2009)
Agricultural policies in Sub-Saharan Africa: understanding CAADP and APRM policy processes
(Studies 48) - Brüntrup, Michael / Raoul Herrmann (2009)
German Research Institute (DIE) conducted a study on bioenergy in Namibia
in: Biofuel Newsletter 18/2009, GTZ / PROBEC - Kimenju, Simon et al. (2009)
Agricultural policy-making in Sub Saharan Africa: APRM process in Kenya
Kenya: Tegemeo Institute of Agricultural Policy & Development (WPS 36/2008) - Kibaara, Betty (2009)
Agricultural policy-making in Sub Saharan Africa: CAADP progress in Kenya
Kenya: Tegemeo Institute of Agricultural Policy & Development (WPS 35/2008) - Brüntrup, Michael (2009)
Instrumente zur Förderung der ländlichen Entwicklung: bessere Erfolgsaussichten bei der Hunger- und Armutsbekämpfung durch Optimierung spezifischer Themenfelder bei der ländlichen Entwicklung
Schriftliche Einlassung zur öffentlichen Anhörung des Ausschusses für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit: Expertenstatement, Berlin - Brüntrup, Michael / Roukayatou Zimmermann (2009)
Agriculture as the potential engine for African growth and the role of NEPAD
in: CESifo Forum 4/2009, 23-29 - Brüntrup, Michael (2008)
Agriculture and development: the perspective of a Think Tank on the World Development Report 2008 Outline
in: Gudrun Kochendörfer-Lucius / Boris Pleskovic (ed.), Agriculture and development, Washington DC: World Bank, 33–39 - Brüntrup, Michael (2008)
Globale Trends in der Ernährungssicherung
in: Rural 21 (42) 3, 8–11 - Brüntrup, Michael / Eckart Geiger (2008)
Welches Capacity Building benötigen EPAs?
in: Entwicklung und ländlicher Raum 6/2007, 25–27 - Brüntrup, Michael (2008)
Rising food prices - causes, implications, and challenges for development policy
(Briefing Paper 4/2008) - Brüntrup, Michael et al. (2008)
Monitoring economic partnership agreements: inputs to the negotiations and beyond
(Studies 37) - Brüntrup, Michael / Ursula Hönich / Christian Kaps / Thao Nguyen / Leontine von (2008)
Politique commerciale et développement agricole au Sénégal: les enjeux de la politique d'importation pour certains secteurs agricoles face aux accords sur le commerce international
(Studies 36) - Brüntrup, Michael (2008)
Agricultural policy and economic partnership agreements
in: Helmut Asche / Ulf Engels (eds.), Negotiating regions: the EU, Africa and the economic partnership agreements, Leipzig: Universitätsverl., 131-164 - Brüntrup, Michael / Sven Grimm (2007)
EU’s economic partnership agreements (EPAs) with regions of the ACP
in: Stephan Klingebiel (ed.), Africa agenda for 2007: suggestions for the German G8 and EU Council Presidencies, Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) (Discussion Paper 4/2007), 91–98 - Brüntrup, Michael (2007)
EBA and the EU-sugar market: development gift or trojan horse
in: Jan Orbie / Gerrit Faber (Hrsg.), European Union trade politics and development: "everything but arms" unravelled, London: Routledge, 179-202 - Brüntrup, Michael / Roger Peltzer (2007)
Outgrowers – a key to the development of rural areas in Sub-Saharan Africa and to poverty reduction
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) - Brüntrup, Michael (2006)
Rethinking protection for agricultural markets in Subsaharan Africa
(Discussion Paper 16/2006) - Brüntrup, Michael / Sven Grimm (2006)
EU-Wirtschaftspartnerschaftsabkommen (EPAs) mit AKP-Regionen
in: Stephan Klingebiel (Hrsg.), Afrika-Agenda 2007: Ansatzpunkte für den deutschen G8-Vorsitz und die EU-Ratspräsidentschaft, Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) (Discussion Paper 18/2006), 91–98 - Brüntrup, Michael (2006)
The relations between farmers and agroindustry: chances and risks
in: Michael Brüntrup / Roger Peltzer (eds.): Outgrowers: a key to the development of rural areas in Sub-Saharan Africa and to poverty reduction, Report of the DEG / DIE Workshop, 18. August 2006, Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) , 39–46 - Grimm, Sven / Michael Brüntrup (2006)
EU-Wirtschaftspartnerschaftsabkommen (EPAs) mit AKP-Regionen
in: Stephan Klingebiel (Hrsg.), Afrika-Agenda 2007: Ansatzpunkte für den deutschen G8-Vorsitz und die EU-Ratspräsidentschaft, Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) (Discussion Paper 18/2006), 91–97 - Brüntrup, Michael (2006)
Agricultural trade, food security and poverty issues in virtual water trade
in: Diana Hummel / Thomas Kluge / Stefan Liehr / Miriam Hachelaf (eds.), Virtual water trade, Documentation of an International Expert Workshop, Institute for Social-Ecological Research (ISEO) in Frankfurt, 3.-4. Juli 2006, Frankfurt: ISOE, 22–24 - Brüntrup, Michael (2006)
Die WTO-Konferenz in Hongkong und die Landwirtschaft in Entwicklungsländern
in: Entwicklung und ländlicher Raum 1/2006, 30 - Brüntrup, Michael / Dirk Messner (2006)
Globale Trends und die Zukunft ländlicher Räume
in: Entwicklung & ländlicher Raum 40 (3), 4-7 - Brüntrup, Michael / Thao Nguyen / Christian Kaps (2006)
Le marché du riz au Sénégal
in: Agriculture et Développement Rural 13 (1) - Brüntrup, Michael (2006)
Rethinking protection for agricultural markets in Sub-Sahara Africa
in: Henning Melber (ed.), Africa, regional cooperation and the world market, Uppsala: Nordic Institute (Nordiska Afrikainstitutet Discussion Paper 31) - Brüntrup, Michael (2005)
Between protectionism, poverty orientation, and market efficiency: reform of the EU sugar market organization
(Briefing Paper 8/2005) - Brüntrup, Michael (2005)
Zwischen Protektionismus, Armutsorientierung und Markteffizienz: Die Reform der EU-Zuckermarktordnung
(Analysen und Stellungnahmen 8/2005) - Brüntrup, Michael (2005)
Entwicklungsförderung durch Zucker? "Everything but arms"-Inititative, AKP-Zuckerprotokoll und die Reform der EU-Zuckermarktordnung
in: Evangelischen Akademie Loccum (Hrsg.), Zucker - Markt oder Ordnung? Die Reform der EU-Zuckermakrtordnung, Dokumentation einer Tagung vom 04.-06.02.2005, Loccum (Loccumer Protokolle 04/2005) - Brüntrup, Michael / Thao Nguyen / Christian Kaps (2005)
Nahrungsmittel-Importländer im liberalisierten Welthandel: der Reismarkt in Senegal
in: Entwicklung und ländlicher Raum 39 (2), 29-32 - Brüntrup, Michael (2005)
Neuer Elan der kommerziellen Landwirtschaft Afrikas
in: Entwicklungspolitik 23-24/2005 - Brüntrup, Michael (2005)
Zwischen Protektionismus, Armutsorientierung und Markteffizienz: die Reform der EU-Zuckermarktordnung
in: Kerstin Lanje / Dörte Bernhardt / Rosemarie Zenker (Hrsg.), Die Zukunft des Zuckers: Optionen für eine entwicklungspolitisch und ökologisch nachhaltige Zuckerpolitik. Dokumentation der Auftaktveranstaltung des Projektes "Süßer Sprengstoff für die entwicklungspolitische und ökologische Debatte" in Düsseldorf am 21.09.2005, Bonn: Germanwatch, 59-65 - Brüntrup, Michael (1997)
Agricultural price policy and its effect on production, income, employment, and the adoption of innovations: a farming systems based analysis of cotton policy in Northern Benin
Hohenheim, Univ. Diss.; Frankfurt/M.: Europäischer Verl. der Wissenschaften (Development Economics and Policy 9)
Opinion Pieces
- Brüntrup, Michael (2025)
Another setback for multilateral environmental and resource protection
published on, 21.01.2025 - Brüntrup, Michael (2024)
UNCCD COP 16: another setback for multilateral environmental and resource protection
published on, 20.12.2024 - Brüntrup, Michael (2024)
Plea for a stronger role for the UN Convention to Combat Desertification
Bonn: German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), The Current Column of 17 June 2024 - Brüntrup, Michael (2023)
Combating drought requires greater global political impetus
Bonn: German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), The Current Column of 18 December 2023 - Kirioua, Alla Jacques / Michael Brüntrup (2023)
Unintended risks for smallholder in the Global South? Example of the cocoa sector in Côte d’Ivoire
Bonn: German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), The Current Column of 15 August 2023 - Brüntrup, Michael (2022)
From combating desertification to comprehensive soil and drought management
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), The Current Column of 16 May 2022 - Brüntrup, Michael (2022)
Bold steps are needed to tackle the emerging food crisis
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), The Current Column of 25 April 2022 - Brüntrup, Michael (2019)
Why we need to give more attention and money to combating the consequences of drought
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), (The Current Column of 2 December 2019) - Brüntrup, Michael (2019)
Agricultural and food topics merit key role
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), (The Current Column of 6 May 2019) - Brüntrup, Michael / Harry Hoffmann / Klas Sander (2018)
The forest in sub-Saharan Africa needs comprehensive strategies for energy from biomass
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Die aktuelle Kolumne vom 28.03.2018 - Wegner, Daniel / Michael Brüntrup (2017)
A hunger-free world in a war-torn one?
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) (The Current Column of 16 October 2017) - Brüntrup, Michael (2017)
Did I miss something there? World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) (The Current Column of 14 June 2017) - Brüntrup, Michael (2017)
Do smallholders need rights of their own – and if so, which ones?
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) (The Current Column of 12 June 2017) - Scheumann, Waltina / Michael Brüntrup (2017)
Landwirtschaft und Wasser – Schlüssel zur Welternährung
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) (Die aktuelle Kolumne vom 23.01.2017) - Brüntrup, Michael (2016)
From World Hunger Day to World Food Day
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) (The Current Column of 12 October 2016) - Brüntrup, Michael / Thomas Absmayr / Jonas Dylla / Franziska Eckhard / Kerstin Remke / Konrad Sternisko (2016)
Large-scale agricultural investments and rural development in Tanzania: lessons learned, steering requirements and policy responses
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) (Paper prepared for presentation at the “2016 WORLD BANK CONFERENCE ON LAND AND POVERTY” The World Bank - Washington DC, March 14-18, 2016) - Hampel-Milagrosa, Aimée / Michael Brüntrup (2016)
Cherry picking the reasons for hunger?
German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) (The Current Column of 29 March 2016) - Brandt, Hartmut / Michael Brüntrup (2012)
Postkoloniale agrarpolitische Erfahrungen in Subsahara-Afrika
published on Global Growing Casebook - Brüntrup, Michael (2011)
Book review: "Steven Haggblade / Peter B. R. Hazell (eds.), Successes in african agriculture: lessons for the future"
in: Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture 50 (2), 208-211 - Brüntrup, Michael (2011)
Antworten auf den Fragenkatalog des Ausschusses für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten zur öffentlichen Anhörung zum Thema "Welternährung", Berlin, 4. April 2011
Deutscher Bundestag (Ausschussdrucksache 17(10) 451-D) - Brüntrup, Michael / Raoul Herrmann / Martina Gaebler (2010)
Large scale land acquisitions in developing countries: opportunities, threats and institutional challenges for rural development and food security
Paper presented at the International Consortium on Agricultural Biotechnology Research (ICABR) Conference “Bioeconomy Governance: Policy, Environmental and Health Regulation, and Public Investments in Research", Ravello (Italy), 16. bis 18. Juni 2010 - Herrmann, Raoul / Michael Brüntrup (2010)
Bioenergy value chains in Namibia: institutional challenges for rural development and food security
in: Ilka Darnhofer / Michaela Grötzer (eds.), Proceedings to 9th European IFSA Symposium: building sustainable rural futures; the added value of systems approaches in times of change and uncertainty, 4-7 July, Vienna, 1461-1472 - Gitau, Raphael et al. (2009)
Agricultural policy-making in Sub Saharan Africa: Kenya’s past policies
Kenya: Tegemeo Institute of Agricultural Policy & Development (WPS 34/2008) - Brüntrup, Michael / Raoul Herrmann / Martina Gaebler (2009)
Bioenergy in Namibia: opportunities, threats and institutional challenges for rural development and food security
Paper prepared for the ICABR Conference on “The Emerging Bio-Economy”, Ravello, 17-20 June 2009 - Brüntrup, Michael (2009)
Chancen und Grenzen des virtuellen Wasserhandels
Forum: Vortragsreihe des Instituts der deutschen Wirtschaft Köln 24/2009 - Brüntrup, Michael (2008)
Steigende Nahrungsmittelpreise - Ursachen, Folgen und Herausforderungen für die Entwicklungspolitik
(Analysen und Stellungnahmen 4/2008) - Brüntrup, Michael et al. (2007)
Rapport sur le Conrôle d'Avancement du Programme Programme de Conservation ét de Gestion des Ressources Naturelles (ProCGRN)
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) - Brüntrup, Michael (2006)
The Paris Declaration and Its Implications for Rural Development
Vortragsmanuskript für das Africa Forum 2006, Windhoek, 30.10. - 03.11.2006 - Brüntrup, Michael (2006)
Zielgruppennahe bodenrechtliche Maßnahmen: Zusammenfassung der Arbeitsgruppe 3
Vortragsmanuskript für das Seminar der KfW-Entwicklungsbank zum Thema Bodenrecht / Bodenordnung / Landreform - Was können wir dazu beitragen, Frankfurt/Main, 25. - 26.10.2006 - Rippin, Nicole / Michael Brüntrup (2006)
The evolution of national systems of innovation in agriculture and resulting prospects for Sub-Sahara Africa: lessons learned
Paper presented to the innovation Africa Symposium, Kampala, 20-23 November 2006 - Brüntrup, Michael (2006)
Everything But Arms (EBA) and the EU-sugar market reform - development gift or trojan horse?
(Discussion Paper 10/2006) - Brüntrup, Michael / Sophia Baumert (2006)
Neue Perspektiven für die Agrarpolitik in Subsahara-Afrika
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) - Brüntrup, Michael / Petra Kappe (2006)
Es gibt ein Recht auf Nahrung: Entwicklungsexperte über die Ursachen der wiederkehrenden Krisen
in: Westfälische Rundschau 09.02.2006 - Brüntrup, Michael / Kerstin Lanje (2006)
Präferenzerosion in multilateralen Verhandlungen: das Beispiel des Europäischen Zuckersektors
Dokumentation der Diskussionsveranstaltung in Hongkong am 14.12.2005, Bonn: Germanwatch - Brüntrup, Michael (2005)
Everything but arms' and the EU sugar market
paper presented at the symposium "Everything but arms': all about nothing?, 5-6 December 2005, Ghent: Centre for EU Studies - Brüntrup, Michael (2005)
Internationale Trends und ihre Bedeutung für eine "neue" Agrarpolitik in Subsahara-Afrika
Vortragsmanuskript für das Afrika-Fachgespräch des BMZ und des DIE zum Thema "Neue Perspektiven für die Agrarpolitik in Subsahara-Afrika", 29. November 2005, Bonn - Brüntrup, Michael (2005)
Ignoriert Virtueller Wasserhandel andere ökonomische Bestimmungsgründe für Agrarhandel
Vortragsmanuskript zum DIE-Workshop "Virtueller Wasserhandel - ein realistisches Konzept zum Umgang mit Wasserarmut in Entwicklungsländern?", Bonn, November 2005, Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) - Brüntrup, Michael / Roland Gross (2003)
Microfinance Associations - Their Role in Developing the Microfinance Sector
Economic Development and Employment Promotion, Division 41, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), Eschborn - Brüntrup, Michael / Gabriele Broetz (2003)
Evaluation sectorielle des programmes de micro finance en Afrique de l'Ouest
Rapport de synthèse pour Brot für die Welt, Stuttgart - Brüntrup, Michael (2003)
Microfinance Associations - Their Role in Developing the Microfinance Industry
Proceedings of a Workshop in Accra, 6-7 November 2002, Division 41: Economic Development and Employment Promotion, GTZ, Eschborn - Langewald, Jürgen / Michael Brüntrup (2002)
Business plan - Green Muscle (TM) mass production plant for West Africa
study for IITA financed by Lux Development, Cotonou - Brüntrup, Michael / Jürgen Langewald (2002)
Economic and strategic considerations for producing a biopesticide in public private partnership - the case of IITA's Green Muscle against grasshoppers and locusts in West Africa
conference paper, presented at the international workshop ‘Entomopathogenic Fungi - A Valuable Alternative to Fight Against Insect Pests’ at National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, India, 16 - 18 September 2002 - Brüntrup, Michael (2001)
Analyse micro-économique de certaines technologies agronomiques et agro-forestières promues par le Programme de Gestion du Terroir et des Ressources Naturelles (PGTRN)
étude pour la Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), Cotonou, 2001 - Heidhues, Franz / Michael Brüntrup (2001)
Subsistence agriculture in developing countries: background, significance and potentials
conference paper, presented at the IAMO Seminar ‘Subsistence Agriculture in Central and Eastern Europe: How to Break the Vicious Circle?’, Halle/Saale, 6 - 8 May 2001 - Brüntrup, Michael (2001)
The economics of selected resource protection measures from the sub-humid to the arid regions of Benin-West Africa
conference paper, presented at the ‘Deutscher Tropentag 2001’, Bonn, 9 - 11 October 2001 - Schmeling, Wolfgang / Michael Brüntrup (2000)
Evaluation du projet d’appui aux micro-banques rurales MC2 au Cameroun
étude pour Misereor, Aachen - Brüntrup, Michael (2000)
Analyse économique du projet bénino-allemand de « développement forestier et du bois » (ONAB)
étude pour Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), Cotonou - Brüntrup, Michael / Siobhan Gorman (2000)
Credit, poverty alleviation and women’s empowerment, cross-sectional evaluation of credit components of Misereor-sponsored NGOs in Bangladesh
study for Misereor, Aachen - Brüntrup, Michael (2000)
The level of risk aversion among African farmers - results of a gambling approach
conference paper, presented at the ‘Deutscher Tropentag 2000’, Hohenheim, 11 - 12 October 2000 - Brüntrup, Michael (1999)
Cash crops and women: the impact of cotton policy in Northern Benin on the economic position of women
conference paper, presented at the International Conference ‘Women Farmers: Enhancing Rights and Productivity’, Centre for Development Research, University of Bonn, 26 - 27 August 1999 - Brüntrup, Michael (1999)
Etude de nouveaux mécanismes de sécurisation des crédits intrants au Bénin
étude pour la Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), Cotonou - Brüntrup, Michael (1999)
Evaluation of a programme for small & medium scale entrepreneurs promotion & training (SEPTA) in Nigeria
study for Misereor, Aachen - Brüntrup, Michael (1999)
Microfinance under stress - the effect of the 1998 flood in Bangladesh on microfinance institutions
conference paper, presented at the ‘Deutscher Tropentag 1999’, Berlin, 14 - 15 October 1999 - Brüntrup, Michael / Petra Feil (1999)
Wie können komplexe Wirkungen von Entwicklungsprojekten gemessen werden? Beispiel einer Wirkungsanalyse von NRO-Programmen auf die Rolle der Frauen in Bangladesch
Konferenzpapier für den Workshop "Ability to evaluate of the impact of development policies" der Arbeitsgruppe "Evaluation of development olicies" der German Society for Evaluation, Universität Saarbrücken, 22.-23.04.1999 - Brüntrup-Seidemann, Sabine / Michael Brüntrup / Euloge Djibodé (1999)
Le rôle des ONG par rapport aux processus d’adoption-appropriation et de diffusion des innovations agricoles en milieu rural - Lamers, John / Michael Brüntrup / Franz Heidhues / Andreas Buerkert (1998)
Economics of rock-phosphate and other fertilising practices for sustainable, site-specific soil fertility management in Sudano-Sahelian West Africa
study for the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), Stuttgart - Brüntrup, Michael (1998)
La commercialisation de l’aulacode et de sa viande au Bénin
étude pour la Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), Cotonou - Brüntrup, Michael (1997)
Average crop yields under current production technology in the Borgou/North Benin. A review of official production statistics and on-farm data
Special Research Program 308 ’Adapted Farming in West Africa’, Working Paper Series, No. 20, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart - Brüntrup, Michael (1997)
Analysis of the impact of management practices on crop yields in Borgou/North Benin
Special Research Program 308 (’Adapted Farming in West Africa’), Working Paper Series, No. 21, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart - Brüntrup, Michael / Mohammed S. Allaudin / Mizan Rahman / Afroz Huda (1997)
Impact assessment of the Association of Social Advancement (ASA)
study for Misereor, Aachen and ASA: Dhaka - John Lamers / Michael Brüntrup (1997)
Local and improved soil fertility technologies by the use of millet crop residues in the Sahel. Are they economically feasible?
conference paper, presented at the Regional Workshop ‘Soil Fertility Management in West African Land Use Systems’, Niamey, Niger, 4 - 8 March 1997 - Brüntrup, Michael (1997)
The effect of price policy and fertiliser subsidisation on the use of fertiliser and the nutrient balance - the case of cotton in North Benin
conference paper, presented at the Regional Workshop ‘Soil Fertility Management in West African Land Use Systems’, Niamey, Niger, 4 - 8 March 1997 - Brüntrup, Michael / Sabine Brüntrup-Seidemann (1997)
Women's economic activities in the rural areas of Borgou/North Benin: opportunities and selection criteria
Special Research Program 308 ’Adapted Farming in West Africa’ Working Paper Series 17, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart - Brüntrup, Michael (1997)
Yield variability and yield-affecting factors in the Borgou/North Benin: a farming system perspective
Special Research Program 308 ’Adapted Farming in West Africa’ Working Paper Series 19, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart - Brüntrup, Michael (1996)
Conditions for the introduction of animal traction in Sub-Saharan Africa - lessons from North Benin for the introduction of complex innovations
conference paper, presented at the International Symposium ‘Food Security and Innovations: Successes and Lessons Learned’ at the University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, 18 - 22 March 1996 - Brüntrup, Michael (1996)
Evolution and variability of producer prices for food commodities in West-Africa in the 1980s - a case study on rural markets in the province of Borgou/North-Benin
Stuttgart: Univ. Hohenheim, (Special Research Program 308 ’Adapted Farming in West Africa’; Working Paper Series 13) - Karim Guera Moussa / Michael Brüntrup (1996)
Les systèmes de collecte et la formation des prix des produits vivriers - Le cas du département du Borgou, Nord-Bénin
Special Research Program 308 ‘Adapted Farming in West Africa’ Working Paper Series 14, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart - Brüntrup, Michael / Franz Heidhues (1996)
Price stabilisation and agricultural development - a microeconomic approach to the analysis of agricultural price policy for cotton in North Benin
conference paper, presented at the International Symposium ‘Sustainable Farming Systems, Changing Agricultural Opportunities: The Role of Farming Systems Approaches’, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 11 - 16 November 1996 - Brüntrup, Michael (1995)
Für eine Entideologisierung der Subsistenzwirtschaft oder Subsistenz als Second-best-Strategie
Konferenzpapier, Vortrag anlässlich der "Tagung über Subsistenzökonomie" der Evangelischen Akademie Bad Boll, 19.-21.06.1995, Bad Boll - Gouré, Oorou O. / Michael Brüntrup (1995)
La production d'arachide au Nord-Bénin - Une étude de cas dans un village au nord du département Borgou
Special Research Program 308 ’Adapted Farming in West Africa’ Working Paper Series 10, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart - Chabi-Sika, Shabi / Michael Brüntrup (1995)
La production de sorgho au Nord-Bénin - Une étude de cas d'un village du centre du département Borgou
Special Research Program 308 ’Adapted Farming in West Africa’ Working Paper Series 11, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart - Andrea Fadani / Michael Brüntrup (1995)
Nahrungssicherung und landwirtschaftliche Preispolitik in Afrika südlich der Sahara - Studien aus Benin und Kamerun
Vortrag anlässlich des Tropentages der Universität Göttingen, Göttingen, 15.-18.12.1995 - Brüntrup, Michael (1994)
Identifizierung von potentiellen Überschußländern für Nahrungsmittelaufkäufe in Entwicklungsländern, Möglichkeiten und Probleme bei der Durchführung von Dreiecksgeschäften
Arbeitspapier für die GTZ, Stuttgart - Kougba, Oorou B. / Michael Brüntrup (1994)
La production d'igname dans le cadre socio-économique du Nord-Bénin - Une étude de cas dans un village du sud de la province Borgou
Special Research Program 308 ’Adapted Farming in West Africa’, Working Paper Series, No. 8, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart - Brüntrup, Michael (1993)
Cotton production and the environment - some considerations for the Savannah zones of Northern Benin
conference paper, presented at the Seminar ’L’agriculture durable au Benin’, 9 - 10 September 1993, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam
- INTERFACES - Supporting Pathways to Sustainable Land Management in Africa
- Science Futures: Between “intensification” and “conservation” discourses on African rural development
- Research Network “Sustainable Global Supply Chains”
- Roots and Routes: Knowledge and Career Trajectories of Kenyan and Tanzanian Agriculture Graduates
- Alternative Sustainabilities
- Promoting food security in rural Sub-Saharan Africa: The role of private sector investments and results-oriented approaches
- Promoting food security in rural Sub-Saharan Africa: The role of agricultural intensification, social security and results-oriented approaches
- Shaping value chains with a view to development needs
- Socio-economic effects of large-scale biofuel investments in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Biofuel production in Subsaharan Africa
- Sustainability Standards in the Indonesian Palm Oil Sector – Challenges and Benefits for Smallholder
- German Contribution to drought resilience in the Arid and Semi-Arid Regions at the Horn of Africa
- Making agricultural policy in Subsaharan Africa: Understanding and improving CAADP and APRM processes
- "Aid for Trade" - stategies for German development cooperation
- Biofuel production in Namibia: Opportunities, threats and the institutional environment for rural development and food security
- Agriculture-sector aspects of international trade policy, in particular WTO and EPAs
- Agrarhandel und Ernährungssicherung in Wirtschaftspartnerschaftsabkommen (EPAs) der EU mit Subsahara-Afrika
- Verbesserung der Rahmenbedingungen für die Privatsektorentwicklung und Förderung wirtschaftlicher Innovationen in Subsahara-Afrika (SSA)
- Entwurf eines Monitoring-Systems für Economic Partnership Agreements
- Development Cooperation with Sub-Saharan Africa
- Vertragsanbau – ein Schlüssel zur Entwicklung ländlicher Räume in Sub-Sahara Afrika
- Ernährungssicherung in den Verhandlungen zu Wirtschaftspartnerschaftsabkommen (EPAs) von ECOWAS und ESA
- Handelspolitik und Agrarentwicklung in Senegal
- Agrarwirtschaftliche Interessenlage und agrarpolitischer Handlungsbedarf subsaharischer Länder aufgrund der Agrarverhandlungen in der Doha-Runde am Beispiel Tansanias und Senegals
Phone +49 (0)228 94927-164
Fax +49 (0)228 94927-130
Plea for a stronger role for the UN Convention to Combat Desertification
Brüntrup, Michael (2024)
The Current Column of 17 June 2024
Agricultural growth corridors in sub-Saharan Africa – new hope for agricultural transformation and rural development? The case of the Southern agricultural growth corridor of Tanzania
Brüntrup, Michael (2020)
in: Richard Sikor / Eugene R. Terry / Paul L.G. Vlek / Joyce Chitja (eds.), Transforming agriculture in Southern Africa, New York: Routledge, 258-270