Loewe, Markus

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Prof Dr Markus Loewe

Transformation of Economic and Social Systems

Project Lead & Senior Researcher


Work areas

  • Social Protection
  • Pro-poor growth / inclusive growth
  • Development Co-operation with the MENA region
  • Governance and Investment Climate
  • Development and promotion of small and medium enterprises
  • Industrial policy
  • Demographic change

Regional expertise

Regional Coordinator Middle East and North Africa (MENA)

  • Near and Middle East, North Africa

Responsibilities in education and training

  • Poverty reduction
  • The post-2015 agenda
  • Pro-poor growth
  • Human development
  • Social protection
  • Labour market policies
  • Development cooperation


since 1/2018German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)
(until 6/2022 German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE))
Researcher, Research Department "Transformation of Economic and Social Systems"
since 2023Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences
Honorary Professor for "Social Protection and Inclusive Growth" in the Department of Social Policy and Social Security
2015Offer of a chair at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg rejected
(W3 Professorship for Economy and Society of the Middle East)
1999-12/2017German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)
Senior Researcher
Team leader of research projects on "Pro-poor growth in India and Brazil" (2007-2009), "Social Impacts of the global financial and economic crisis" (2010-2012) and "Political economy of pro-poor growth" (2013-2014)
Coordinator for DIE's research on countries in the Middle East and North Africa (since 2006)
2002-2004Ruprecht-Karls-University of Heidelberg
Faculty of Economics and Social Science
PhD-student (economics)
Thesis on "Social Protection and the Informal Sector. The case of the Arab world with special reference to the potential of the micro-insurance concept"
(Dr. rer. pol.)
1999International Labour Organization
Sub-Directorate for Arab States
1995-1998Eberhard-Karls-University of Tübingen
Dipl.-Volkswirt (grad. rer. pol.)
Student of economic theory; international economic policy; public finance; political science and Arab language
1996Friedrich Ebert-Foundation
Jerusalem office for the Palestinian territories
1994-1995University of Damascus
Academic year
1991-1994Eberhard-Karls-University of Tübingen
and Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nuernberg
cand. rer. pol.
student of economic theory, political science, modern history and Arab language

Member of

  • Advisory Board of the Poverty, Equity and Growth Network (PEGNET)
  • Advisory Board of the applied research project on the inclusion of persons with disabilities in systems of social protection
  • Working group “Social Protection” of the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes


Research Award by the Josef Popper-Nährpflicht-Foundation, University of Frankfurt, for the Master Thesis on "Social protection schemes in the Palestinian territories" (1998)

Refereed Publications

Non-refereed Publications

Opinion Pieces



E-mail  Markus.Loewe@idos-research.de
Phone +49 (0)228 94927-154
Fax +49 (0)228 94927-130


What role can the international community play in Syria’s new beginning?
Zintl, Tina / Markus Loewe (2024)
Bonn: German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), The Current Column of 13 December 2024


Resume support for the agency for Palestine refugees
Loewe, Markus (2024)
The Current Column of 23 April 2024


Handbook on social protection systems
Schüring, Esther / Markus Loewe (eds.)
Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar



Handbook on social protection systems
Schüring, Esther / Markus Loewe (eds.) (2021)

Multimedia Handbook on Litello