Partner and Alumni Network

Partner and Alumni Network

The MGG Programme has created a strong partner network and a growing alumni network after ten years of running the programme. The overarching objective of MGG is to contribute to transformative change at the global and domestic level by training, knowledge cooperation and dialogue.

The MGG Programme kicked off its first course of the Global Governance School in 2007. In 2017 the network celebrated its 10 years anniversary. Alumni from fourteen Academy courses and representatives of the partner institutions from the six partner countries (Brasil, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico and South Africa) continuously discuss the future of the network and its impact to global governance.

The network of 320 alumni (End of 2018) is strengthened by meetings conveyed in the partner countries or on the global level, as by participating in the events of the MGG knowledge cooperation or the policy dialogue. The expertise of the alumni therefore contributes directly to implementation of the 2030 Agenda in the respective countries and globally. In 2019, the national MGG network conferences focus on the power of cooperation and contributions to a positive narrative of global governance in times of increasing nationalism and populism. In 2018, the conferences dealt with questions related to digitalisation and sustainable development.

The national MGG Alumni-Conferences focus on the junction of digitalisation and sustainalbe development. In 2016 alumni started to use the framework of the national meetings to discuss the relevant topics of the MGG network to contribute to the 2030 Agenda. In Brazil MGG alumni discussed the focus of the environmental dimensions for sustainable development, as Mexico addressed the dimension of social development.

National Alumni Conferences 2020

MGG Conference
The Power Of Cooperation: Shaping A Positive Narrative Of Global Governance In Indonesia

Jakarta, 4 February 2020

Head of Managing Global Governance

Wulf Reiners
Phone +49 (0)228 94927-276

Project Coordinator MGG Academy

Isabelle Eberz
Telefon +49 (0)228 94927-197

MGG National Alumni Conference Brazil, 6-7 December 2018