Banholzer, Lilli
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Prof. Dr. Lilli Banholzer
Transformation of Political (Dis-)order
Associate Fellow
Political Scientist
since 10/2012 | German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) Researcher |
since 8/2014 | University of Mannheim Chair for Political Science IV / Conflict Studies |
08/2008-09/2012 | University of Konstanz Department of Politics and Public Administration, Chair of International Politics Research Assistant Dissertation: "Converting combatants civilians: a multilevel approach to the successful demobilization and reintegration of combatants" |
03/2011-06/2011 05/2009-05/2009 02/2009-04/2009 | Center of Comparative International Studies ETH Zurich Visisting scientist Field research in Bukavu, DR Kongo Interviews with (former) combatants of militant organisations (MaiMai, AFDL, CNDP, PARECO, FDLR) Field research in Northern Uganda Interviews with former child soldiers In cooperation with vivo and the Norwegian Refugee Council |
10/2006-07/2008 | Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen Institute of Political Science Masters degree in "Peace studies and International Political Science" |
06/2004-08/2004 | Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Internship |
09/2003-12/2003 | Electronic Information for Libraries ( Internship |
03/2002 -04/2002 | victims voice (vivo) Co-organiser of workshops: "Traumatic stress in conflict regions" |
Refereed Publications
- Burchi, Francesco / Nicole Rippin / Claudio E. Montenegro (2020)
The measurement of multidimensional poverty across countries: a proposal for selecting dimensions
in: Valentin Beck / Henning Hahn / Robert Lepenies (eds.), Dimensions of poverty measurement, epistemic injustices, activism, Berlin: Springer, Chapter 14 - Banholzer, Lilli / Laura Albarracin / Gerald Schneider (2013)
Ordered rape: a principal agent-analysis of wartime sexual violence in the DR Congo
in: Violence Against Women (forthcoming) - Banholzer, Lilli / Thomas Elbert / Roos Haer / Roland Weierstall (2013)
Becoming cruel: appetitive aggression released by detrimental primary socialisation in former Congolese soldiers
in: International Journal of Behavioral Development (forthcoming) - Banholzer, Lilli / Thomas Elbert / Roos Haer / Roland Weierstall (2013)
Analyzing the microfoundations of human violence in the DRC: intrinsic and extrinsic rewards and the prediction of appetitive aggression
in: Conflict and Health 7 (11) - Hear, Roos / Lilli Banholzer / Verena Ertl (2011)
Creating compliance and cohesion: how rebel organizations manage to survive
in: Small Wars and Insurgencies 22 (3), 415-434 - Schneider, Gerald / Lilli Banholzer / Roos Haer (2010)
Cain`s choice: causes of one-sided violence against civilians
in: Tor Georg Jakobsen (ed.), War: an introduction to theories on collective violence, New York: Nova Publications, 57-82
Non-refereed Publications
- Klingebiel, Stephan (2019)
Ein Plädoyer für Entwicklungszusammenarbeit mit Sub-Sahara Afrika
in: Henning Melber (Hrsg.), Deutschland und Afrika: Anatomie eines komplexen Verhältnisses, Frankfurt a.M.: Brandes & Apsel, 55-62 - Stepping, Katharina M.K. / Lilli Banholzer (2017)
Autocratic angels? Democratic demons? The impact of regime type, state capacity and economic development on reaching environmental targets
(Discussion Paper 26/2017) - Banholzer, Lilli (2014)
When do disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration programmes succeed?
(Discussion Paper 8/2014)
Opinion Pieces
- Banholzer, Lilli / Alexandra Rohde (2008)
Der zivile Friedensdienst: Einstiegsmöglichkeiten für HochschulabsolventInnen
Tübingen: (Tübinger Arbeitspapiere zur Internationalen Politik und Friedensforschung 54)
University of Mannheim
Chair for Political Science IV / Conflict Studies
Phone +49 (0)621 181-2794