Faust, Jörg

Prof. Dr. Jörg Faust

Research programme
Transformation of Political (Dis-)order

Former Head of the department

Political Scientist

Work areas

  • Political Economy of Democratisation and Decentralisation
  • North South Relations & the Political Economy of Aid
  • Political Institutions and Economic Development
  • Comparative Methods & Evaluation

Responsibilities in education and training

  • Coordination of the 44th DIE Training Course
    Governance & Development
    Evaluation Methods

  • Lectures at the University of Mainz and at the University of Duisburg-Essen on International Development Assistance, Political Transformation and the relation between political order and economic development


5/2007- 4/2015German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)
Head of Department "Governance, Statehood, Security"
2003-2007German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)
Senior Researcher
2001-2003University of Mainz
Professor pro Tempore (Political Science)
Dr. phil. (Political Science)
1999-2001University of Mainz
Senior Lecturer (Political Science)
1999University of Mainz
Dr. phil.
Major: Political Science
Minors: Economy, Business Administration
1995-1999University of Mainz
Lecturer (Political Science)
1994Bank for Regional Development Rheinland-Pfalz
1993University of Mannheim
Master in Business Administration

Member of

Scientific advisory board of the Bertelsmann-Transformation Index

Executive Committee of the European Association of Development Research Institutes EADI


2007: Award for the Best Article in the 2006 Volume of the "Politische Vierteljahresschrift", the Flagship Journal of the German Political Science Association (Title: Democracy's Dividend: Political Order and Economic Productivity)

2000: University Prize for Best Dissertation, University of Mainz, Germany (Title: Diversification as a Foreign Policy Strategy: Chile, Mexico and East Asia)

Refereed Publications

Non-refereed Publications

Opinion Pieces





With or Without Force - Public Opinion on European Democracy Promotion

Faust, Jörg / Melody Garcia (2014)
In: Journal of Common Market Studies


Foreign Aid and the Fragile Consensus on State Fragility

Faust, Jörg / Jörn Grävingholt
/ Sebastian Ziaja (2013)
In: Journal of International Relations and Development


Policy Experiments, Democratic Ownership and Development Assistance

Faust, Jörg (2010)
In: Development Policy Review 28 (5), 515-534.

In the media

Das ganze Kabinett muss Außenpolitik machen
20 February 2014

In the media

DIE: "Es gibt keine Inseln der Glückseligkeit mehr"
epo - Entwicklungspolitik online
12 February 2014

In the media

Das Projekt «Volksherrschaft»: Demokratie und Wohlstand
Jörg Faust at Neue Zürcher Zeitung
14 June 2013