Schöfberger, Irene

Dr. Irene Schöfberger
Inter- and Transnational Cooperation
Former Researcher
Human geographer
The information corresponds to the stand of information at the time of departure
1/2018-2/2019 | German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) Researcher, Research Programme "Inter- and transnational cooperation" |
12/2017 | German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) Researcher |
7/2017-12/2017 | International Council for Science (ICSU) Science officer |
10/2016-2/2017 | European Parliament's Committee on Development (DEVE) Schuman fellow |
4/2016-8/2016 | International Centre for Migration Policy Development Junior expert |
1/2012-11/2015 | Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg PhD - Human geography Dissertation: Strategic actions in the translocal space. An analysis of translocal livelihood strategies conducted in four Senegalese villages and in two European towns |
9/2011-11/2011 | NGO Sur Maule, Talca, Chile Research period |
1/2009-3/2011 | Alma Mater Studiorum - Universià di Bologna Master - Cultural anthropology and ethnology |
7/2010-1/2011 | Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile Semester abroad (Overseas) |
9/2005-12/2008 | Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna Bachelor - Politics and international relations |
9/2007-6/2008 | Universidad del País Vasco, Bilbao, Spanien Year abroad (Erasmus) |
Refereed Publications
- Schöfberger, Irene (2019)
The EU’s negotiation of narratives and policies on African migration 1999-2019
in: European Foreign Affairs Review 24 (4), 513–532 - Schöfberger, Irene (2018)
Environmental change and translocal vulnerability in Senegal
Geneva: International Organization for Migration (Migration, Environment and Climate Change: Policy Brief Series 3 (4)) - Schöfberger, Irene (2017)
Migration in times of changing geographies of vulnerability: the reconstruction of Senegalese translocal livelihood strategies during the economic downturn in Italy and Spain
in: Afriche e Orienti 19 (2), 123-139 - Schöfberger, Irene (2017)
How do places of origin influence access to mobility in the global age? An analysis of the influence of vulnerability and structural constraints on Senegalese translocal livelihood strategies
in: Geographica Helvetica 72/2017, 144-155 - Schöfberger, Irene (2014)
Strategies for the future in four rural communities of Senegal: the role of agriculture and migration
in: Tomáš Machalík / Kateřina Mildnerová (eds.), Tradition vs. modernity in contemporary Africa, Pilsen: Czech Association for African Studies, 131-140 - Schöfberger, Irene (2011)
When a machi arrives at the hospital: an experience of integration between indigenous and occidental medicine in Santiago de Chile
published on Antrocom Online Journal of Anthropology 7/2011, Suppl. al 1, 63-67
Non-refereed Publications
- Schöfberger, Irene (2019)
Migration: solid nations and liquid transnationalism? The EU's struggle to find a shared course on African migration 1999-2019
(Discussion Paper 1/2019) - Schöfberger, Irene (2019)
Wie die EU-Migrationspolitik transnationale Entwicklung fördern kann
(Analysen und Stellungnahmen 1/2019) - Schöfberger, Irene (2018)
How addressing divisions on African migration inside the EU can strengthen transnational development
(Briefing Paper 22/2018) - Schöfberger, Irene / Bernardo Venturi (2018)
Eight myths on the migration–development nexus that European and African policymakers need to reconsider
Brussels: European Think Tanks Group (ETTG), June 2018 - Schöfberger, Irene (2018)
Environmental change and translocal vulnerability in Senegal
Geneva: International Organization for Migration (Migration, Environment and Climate Change: Policy Brief Series 3 (4)) - Schöfberger, Irene (2016)
Strategisches Handeln im translokalen Raum: eine Analyse translokaler Livelihood-Strategien in vier ländlichen Gemeinden des Senegal und an zwei europäischen Migrationszielen
Freiburg i. Br.: Albert-Ludwigs-Univ. Freiburg (Freiburger Geographische Hefte 78) - Schöfberger, Irene (2016)
Il biologico che salva l´Africa
in: Terra Nuova 318/2018, 41-43 - Schöfberger, Irene (2012)
Cile: Talca, come rinascerà il mercado central?
published on 6 aprile 2012
Opinion Pieces
- Schöfberger, Irene / Niels Keijzer (2018)
EU migration policy: (how) can the next European Commission do better?
published on December 10, 2018

Environmental change and translocal vulnerability in Senegal
Schöfberger, Irene (2018)
Geneva: International Organization for Migration (Migration, Environment and Climate Change: Policy Brief Series 3 (4))
Migration in times of changing geographies of vulnerability: the reconstruction of Senegalese translocal livelihood strategies during the economic downturn in Italy and Spain
Schöfberger, Irene (2017)
in: Afriche e Orienti 19 (2), 123-139